4: Who benefits from accessibility?
Caption: Accessibility provides countless benefits to the Texas economy, workforce, and community.
Every day, Texans use technology to access information about state government resources. For example, they may participate in online college classes, look for job at workforce centers, or apply for health care for their children. A primary role of technology in today's government is to simplify access and enable timely and effective delivery of government services. The tremendous growth in the use of e-government services and information by Texans indicates that the investment in these services is greatly valued by our state's citizens.
According to the Texas Department of Information Resources, in fiscal year 2008, Texas state agencies and institutions of higher education spent more than $2.4 billion on information technology. These expenditures included the purchase of goods and services, and the total compensation of all staff that perform functions that are primarily technology-related.
Ensuring that the State spends tax dollars wisely on accessible information technology will help create a marketplace for accessible goods and services to meet business needs, deliver social services to all citizens more efficiently, and expand job opportunities for all citizens by eliminating barriers in the workplace.