4: Who benefits from accessibility?

How does accessibility help the aging workforce?

Older workers are key components of the U.S. workforce

Caption: Older computer users may benefit from a variety of accessibility services.

The global workforce is turning gray! Low birth rates and increasing life spans have created an older America. When the baby boomers (born 1946 -1964) retire (oldest group begins in 2011), there will not be enough younger workers to replace them, and the US could face a labor shortage of almost 36 million workers - 7 times greater than the largest labor shortage ever experienced. By retaining older workers, the shortage can be alleviated.

Many of these valuable older workers will need accommodations. That's where accessible technology can become the great leveler by

  • removing workplace barriers (such as making computer tasks easier for people with painful arthritis by providing alternatives to the standard mouse or using voice-recognition software for hands-free text generation); and
  • making all information and online services easily accessible to people with visual, intellectual, or physical limitations