Certification Exam Pass Rates for Content Pedagogy Test

There are two measures related to certifications exams: the pass rate on the Pedagogy Tests (1A) and the pass rate on Content Pedagogy Test (1B). To learn more about the Pedagogy Test, visit the Pedagogy Test dashboard.

Version 1.7: The information below represents data through the 2023-2024 school years. The data provided on this page are current as of February 14, 2025. The visualizations are generated by the Power BI application and best practices have been made to follow WCAG 2.0 standards. Specific keyboard commands are needed to access and navigate through the data, which are not the standard keyboard commands some screen readers use. You can press Shift + ? to access Power BI keyboard shortcuts.

To learn more about EPPs, visit the Consumer Information page.

About The Data

This dataset includes all individuals who were admitted after December 26, 2016 and have taken an examination (first or second attempt) as required for the field of the certificate under which they are serving their internship, and/or for the certification field for which they are being prepared as specified by the EPP. These candidates have attempted the Content Pedagogy Test(s), passed or failed, that requires an evaluation during the reporting period. See the ASEP manual for more information about the identification, inclusion, and exclusion process.

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