This Week in Performance Reporting
What’s New in Performance Reporting
A–F Accountability
2021 Snapshot Report
The 2021 Snapshot Report is now available on the Snapshot Report search page. This is a Texas Education Agency product that provides an overview of public education in Texas for a particular school year. In addition to state-level information, this website contains a profile about the characteristics of each public school district. Note that Snapshot does not provide campus-level information. For campus-level information, see the Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) or the
Accountability Ratings. See About Snapshot for more information about this product.
We are Hiring!
The Training and Outreach Coordinator ensures stakeholders receive clear and effective communication about the A-F accountability system. This role contributes directly to the work of TEA’s Performance Reporting division, which seeks to ensure continuous improvement in the academic achievement of all Texas public school students. The Coordinator provides guidance, resources, outreach, and training to help ESCs, school administrators, teachers, parents, and the public understand and benefit from the accountability system. We are looking for an educator who is knowledgeable of state and federal assessment and accountability laws and regulations and has outstanding customer service, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Apply here; applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Assessment Scoring and Reporting
2023 TELPAS Administration
An updated Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) data file layout is available on the Technology Resources page of the Texas Assessment website. To account for students who have changed grades during the TELPAS administration, four new fields have been added to the data file layout. There is one Tested Grade field for each domain. As previously indicated, students who do not complete all domains in the same grade will not receive a composite score or a composite rating.
2023 TELPAS Alternate Administration
Early student results from the 2023 TELPAS Alternate administration will be available in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) for district testing coordinators on April 11, 2023. An early data file will be posted to the district coordinator’s secure inbox in the Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) on this same date. Early student results will be available in CRS for other authorized users, including teachers with rosters, on April 14.
TEXAS Through-Year Assessment Pilot Application
As a reminder, the district-level application for the 2023–2024 Texas Through-year Assessment Pilot (TTAP) is open and will close on 11:59 p.m. (CT) Friday, April 28, 2023. All Texas public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools are eligible to participate in TTAP. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) will host a TTAP Informational Webinar
to provide information to interested district personnel. To participate in this webinar on April 11, at 8:00–9:00 a.m. (CT), register using the link provided.
Training Updates
A new training video, How to Enter Student Responses in the Data Entry Interface (DEI), has been posted to the District and Campus Coordinator Resources. An additional training video on generating status reports for scheduled test sessions will be posted in the Coordinator Resources later this week. Refer to the Updates to Coordinator Resources section for the latest updates.
For questions or assistance regarding the information in this communication, contact Texas Testing Support at 833-601-8821,, or via live chat.
Performance Reporting Calendar
Late April: 2023 Pairing Registration Window Opens
May: Preliminary 2023 Accountability Manual Release and Public Comment Period Opens; What If Report (TEAL) Release
Late May: 2023 A–F Estimator (TEAL and Public Web) Release
Late May: CCMR Verifier (2022 Graduates) Corrections Window Opens
July: CCMR Tracker (Part 2) Release (2022-23 grade 9-12 students)
Summer: 2023 A–F Refresh Parent Resources, Explanatory Materials, Videos Released
August 2023: Final 2023 Accountability Manual (All Chapters and Appendices) Released
Late September 2023: Accountability Ratings Published (TEA and
Late September 2023: Accountability Appeals Registration Window Opens
Fall 2023: Results Driven Accountability (RDA) Integration Taskforce Meeting