CPE Approved Providers


Forney, TX 75126
Dallas, TX 75232
Name of Provider Address Phone Number Website Address Contact Person Email Address
1st Accelerated Texas CPE 3571 Far West Blvd #3046
Austin, TX 78731
254-282-5494 https://1st-accelerated-texas-cpe.com/ Tyler Thompson support@1st-accelerated-texas-cpe.com
1st Class Educator, LLC PO Box 765
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
682-305-7788 https://1stclasseducator.com/ Locha Brooks LochaBrooks@1stClassEducator.com
1ST-Gen Scholars 1351 Fall Cover
New Braunfels, TX 78130
832-745-3062 https://1st-genscholars.org/ Dr. Carmen Cruz ccruz@1st-genscholars.org
3rd  Millennium Classrooms 15900 La Cantera Parkway
Ste 20265
San Antonio, TX 78256
210-497-8205 https://web.3rdmil.com/ Katie McCall info@3rdmil.com
240 Tutoring, Inc. 134 Vintage Park Blvd Ste A Box 537
Houston, TX 77070
888-535-2142 http://www.240tutoring.com/ Scott Rozell admin@240tutoring.com
29 Pieces P. O. Box 140962
Dallas, TX  75214
214-770-1219 http://29pieces.org/ Karen Blessen Karen@29pieces.org
806 Technologies, Inc. 5760 Legacy Drive, Ste. B3-176
Plano, TX 75024
832-545-7124 https://806technologies.com/professional-learning/principals-lead/ Laura Gifford laurag@806technologies.com
A Teacher CEU Toolbox 3277 E. Warm Springs Road Suite #400
Las Vegas, Nevada 89120
877-870-7175 https://teacherceutoolbox.com/ Sherri Coultrup ceo@dfciworld.com
A Walk On The Well Side, LLC 1615 W. Abram Street, Suite 106
Arlington, TX 76013
682-238-0485 https://www.awalkonthewellside.com/ Leslie Griffin lgriffin@awalkonthewellside.com
A&M Resources, Inc. 215 N. Arlington Heights Rd. Suite 102
Arlington Heights, IL  60004
224-735-3628 www.abstinenceandmarriage.com Scott Phelps scott@abstinenceandmarriage.com
A+ Educational Success, LLC 1327 E. Washington Ave. Ste. 233
Harlingen, TX  78550
956-230-6751 www.apluseducationalsuccess.com Andrea Cruz drcruz@apluseducationalsuccess.com
AAB STEM Education LLC 2329 Antelope Lane
College Station, TX 77845
214-223-7769 https://aabstem.com/rise Dr. Aamir Fidai AFIDAI@AABSTEM.COM
Aaron Daffern Consulting 1740 Hillside Drive
River Oaks, TX  76114
817-681-8854 http://AaronDaffern.com Aaron Daffern aarondaffern@gmail.com
Abernathy, Roeder, Boyd & Hullett, P.C. 1700 Redbud Blvd.
Ste. 300
McKinney, TX  75069
214-544-4000 www.abernathy-law.com Marianna M. McGowan mmcgowan@abernathy-law.com
Abydos Literacy Learning 12403 Lake Portal Dr.
Houston, TX  77407
281-888-5727 www.abydoslearning.org Terrie Roberts troberts@abydoslearning.org
Academic Independence Coaching 2323 South Voss Road, Ste. 575
Houston, TX 77057
832-779-2220; 713-303-7994 www.academicindependencecoaching.com Lauren Price PD@academicindependence.com
Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) 1401 Lavaca St. #751
Austin, TX 78701
512-488-9897 https://www.altaread.org/ Nichole Cakirca office@altaready.org
Academity 20919 Greenfield Trail
Humble, TX 77346
832-527-4489 https://www.academity.org/ Meredith Austin meredith.austin@academity.org
Academy of World Education 2909 East Arkansas Lane
Suite C, Unit 374
Arlington, TX  76010
682-587-3035 https://www.academyofwe.com/ Kathryn Browne s5357director@academyofwe.com
Acting Up Creative Drama Academy, LLC 7347 Rustling Brook
San Antonio, TX 78249
210-268-8797 www.Actingupcda.com Georgiene Parker Hudnall Gigi@Actingupcda.com
Acting with Mrs. Davis 820 Cloverwood Drive
Crowley, TX 76036
817-681-9264 www.actingwithmrsdavis.com ShaVonne Banks-Davis info@actingwithmrsdavis.com
Adam Whitaker, Elevate Achievement Educational Services PO Box 464
Arlington, TX 76004
469-531-5300 http://www.mrelevateachievement.com Adam Whitaker elevate achievement@gmail.com
Adena Young Psychology, INC PO Box 2142
El Cerrito, CA 94530
510-629-4129 https://adenayoung.com/math-workshops/ Adena Young info@adenayoung.com
Advancement Courses, A Wiley Brand 427 South 4th Street
Ste. 300
Louisville, KY  40202
502-589-9878 http://www.advancementcourses.com/ Dr. Sherry Shipley sshipley@wiley.edu
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) 11910 Greenville Ave.
Suite 300
Dallas, TX  75243
972-591-2525 www.avid.org Barbara Copeland bcopeland@avid.org
AEP Connections, LLC PO Box 287
Roscoe, IL 61073
833-237-2668 https://aepconnections.com/ Pilar Peigh info@aepconnections.com
Aggieland Educator Network   512-468-4933 https://www.aggienetwork.com/educators/ Dr. Betsy O. Carpenter betsy.carpenter@gmail.com
Aha Education, LLC 123 Ridgewood Dr.
Huffman, TX 77336
210-850-7230 https://www.myahamoments.org/ Mary Ruggles Mary@iconicdrone.net
Alamo Area Master Naturalist PO Box 160543
San Antonio, TX  77280
210-724-2829 http://txmn.org/alamo/ Claire Vollmar vollmars@satx.rr.com
Alamo Public Telecommunications Council dba KLRN 501 Broadway
San Antonio, TX  78215
210-208-8409 http://www.klrn.org/home/ Maricella Borroel mborroel@klrn.org
Alamo Regional Academy of Science and Engineering (ARASE) 102 Windsor Drive
San Antonio, TX  78228
210-487-9510 http://www.arase.org/ John Perez johneperez@att.net
Alicia Tucker Special Education Advocate LLC 17350 State Hwy 249, Suite 220
Houston, TX 77064
713-725-5982 https://aliciatuckeradvocate.com// Alicia Tucker aliciatuckeradvocate@gmail.com
Alief American Federation of Teachers and School Employees 12769 Beechnut #A600
Houston, TX  77072
281-589-6644 http://alief.tx.aft.org/ Mary Matthews aliefaftse@aliefaftse.org
All Ears! Listening and Language Center  4881 W Panther Creek Dr.
The Woodlands, TX 77381
936-251-3021 https://allearscenter.org Laura Beattie laura.beattie@allearscenter.org
ALL In Learning 1204 Bent Oaks Court, Suite 100
Denton, TX  76210
877-637-5353 http://www.allinlearning.com/ Darrell Ward, PhD darrell@allinlearning.com
Alley Theatre  615 Texas Ave.
Houston, TX  77002
713-315-5424 https://www.alleytheatre.org/education/ Cathy Bencivenga cathyb@alleytheatre.org
Alliance/AFT Education Center, Inc. 334 Center St.
Dallas, TX  75208
214-942-4663 http://allianceaft.tx.aft.org/ Frank Bravo frank@alliance-aft.org
Alliance For Children 908 Southland Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76104
817-989-9075 http://allianceaforchildren.org/ Katia Gonzalez kgonzalez@allianceforchilden.org
Allison Giselle Gifts 4606 Whickham Dr.
Fulshear, TX 77441
281-706-7228 https://allisongiselle.com/ Vanessa Williams allisongiselletx@gmail.com
Alternative Dispute Resolution Academy 8000 Towers Crescent Drive, Ste 1350
Vienna, VA 22180
703-584-5504 https://www.adraceu.com/teacherseducation/ Dr. Sara Hoefler, Ed.D shoefler@adraceu.com
American Academy of Continuing Education and Mentorship (ACEM) 10022 Tripp Drive
Houston, TX 77089
281-616-1681 https://acem.co/ Farid Premani hello@acem.co
American Airlines CR Smith Museum 4601 Texas Highway 360
Fort Worth, TX 76155
281-616-1681 https://crsmithmuseum.org/ Leslie Gardner leslie.gardner@aa.com
American Asociation of Adjunct Education PO Box 964
Navasota, TX  77868
281-798-0947 http://adjuncteducation.weebly.com/ Brenda Meloncon, Ph.D adjuncteducation@gmail.com
American Association of Chemistry Teachers 1155 16th Street
Washington, DC  20036
202-872-4600  https://teachchemistry.org/ Adam Boyd A_Boyd@acs.org
American Association of School Librarians 50 E. Huron Street
Chicago, IL  60611
312-280-4385 http://www.ala.org/aasl/learning Allison Cline acline@ala.org
American Association of Teachers of German 112 Haddentowne Court #104
Cherry Hill, NJ  08034
856-795-5553 www.aatg.org Keith Cothrun info@aatg.org; john@aatg.org
American Ceramic Supply Co. 2442 Ludell St
Fort Worth, TX 76105
817-535-2651 x103 https://www.americanceramics.com/html/classes.cfm Connie Speer sales@AmericanCeramics.com
American Council of Trustees and Alummni 1730 N 1st, NW Suite 600
Wahington, DC 20036
202-684-8450 https://www.goacta.org Zachary D. Rogers zrogers@goacta.org
American Eurhythmics Society 130 Aspen Drive
Boalsburg, PA  16827
830-660-6350 www.americaneurhythmics.org Steven Robbins texaseurhythmics@outlook.com
American Heart Association 7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
512-338-2440 https://www2.heart.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=khc_resources_professional_development Brenda Vreeke Brenda.Vreeke@heart.org
American Institutes for Research (AIR) 4700 Mueller Blvd
Austin, TX  78723
512-391-6545 https://www.air.org/    
American Meteorological Society 45 Beacon St.
Boston, MA  02108
202-737-1043 https://www.ametsoc.org/index.cfm/ams/ Wendy Abshire wabshire@ametsoc.org
American Montessori Society 211 E 43rd St., 7th Fl #262
New York, NY  10017
212-358-1250 https://amshq.org/Educators Bay Warren pd@amshq.org
American Orff-Schulwerk Association 147 Bell Street, Suite 300
Chagrin Falls, OH  44022
419-356-6649 www.aosa.org Brian Burnett brian@aosa.org
American Radio Relay League (ARRL Inc.) 225 Main Street
Newington, CT  06033
860 594-0200 http://www.arrl.org/home Debra Johnson djohnson@arrl.org
American Reading Company 201 S. Gulph Rd.
King of Prusia, PA  19406
610-992-4150 www.americanreading.com/teks Shayna Wolfson Shayna.Wolfson@americanreading.com
American School Counselor Association 1101 King St., Suite 310
Alexandria, VA  22314
703-997-7572 https://www.schoolcounselor.org/school-counselors-members/professional-development  Jennifer Walsh jwalsh@schoolcounselor.org 
Amigos Library Services 14400 Midway Road
Dallas, TX  75244
800-843-8482 http://amigos.org/continuing_education Arta Kabashi kabashi@amigos.org
Amon Carter Museum 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-989-5031 http://www.cartermuseum.org/ Megan Krznarich teaching@cartermuseum.org
Andrea Pickens & Associates, LLC 5570 FM 423 Ste 250 #4063
Frisco, TX 75036
470-723-6171 https://apickensconsulting.com/ Andrea Pickens info@apickensconsulting.com
Andrews Institute of Mathematics & Science Education TCU Box 297920
Fort Worth, TX  76129
817-257-6115 www.andrewsinstitute.tcu.edu Molly Weinburgh m.weinburgh@tcu.edu
Antonio Sacre P.O. Box 3444
Hollywood, CA 90078
213-249-3253 https://www.antoniosacre.com/live-streams Rachael Meyers assistant@antoniosacre.com
Any Baby Can of San Antonio, Inc. 217 Howard
San Antonio, TX 78212
210-227-0170 https://www.anybabycansa.org/ Jana Grohman jgrohman@abcsa.org
AP Solutions, Inc. 1241 Mountain Laurel Lane
De Soto, TX  75115
214-674-9149   Patricia Russell-Harrison patricia_russell@sbcglobal.net
APPI America (The Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute) P.O. Box 123945
Fort Worth, TX 76116
858-449-8438 https://appiamerica.com/product/matwork-certification-series-levels-1-2-3/#pilates-for-rehabilitation-matwork-level-1 Kirsten Roberts Kirsten.Robert@ssappihealthgroup.com
Apple - Cielo Vista Mall 8401 Gateway Blvd.
El Paso, TX  79925
915-774-8023 www.apple.com/today John Wooten j_wooten@apple.com
Appelbaum Training Institute 104 Industrial BLVD, Suite A
Sugar Land, TX  77478
800-232-4453 www.atiseminars.org Marty Appelbaum info@atiseminars.org
Ardyn Hope Inc. 17290 Preston Rd., Suite 300-H
Dallas, TX 75252
972-590-0224 https://ardynhope.org/ Myah Turner mturner@turnertherapyservices.com
Argument-Driven Inquiry 317 Grace Lane
Austin, TX 78746
512-777-4099 https://www.argumentdriveninquiry.com/ Reid Deger reid@argumentdriveninquiry.com
Armand Bayou Nature Center P.O. Box 58828
Houston, TX  77258
281-474-2551 www.abnc.org Heather Millar heather@abnc.org
Art Center Waco 701 S 9th St.
Waco, TX 76706
254-752-4371 https://www.artcenterwaco.org/ Sharon Bernard sharon@artcenterwaco.org
Art of ISS 9722 Charter Ridge Dr
Houston, TX 77070
832-773-8510 https://theartofiss.com/ Carl Soderberg carl@theartofiss.com
Arts Alive! Inc. 4001 North Shepherd Drive
Houston, TX  77018
713-699-9933 https://artsaliveinc.com/ Tina Sabuco wendy@artsaliveinc.com
Arts Connect Houston 5280 Caroline Street Suite 100
Houston, TX 77004
713-581-6131 https://www.artsconnecthouston.org/capacitybuilding Eepi Chaad eepi@artsconnecthouston.org
Asatti Coaching and Consulting LLC PO Box 968
Mansfield, TX  76063
682-283-3440 www.asatticoaching.com Cathryn McHenry asattillc@gmail.com
Ascension Dance PO Box 1692
Cypress, TX 77410
833-747-3871 https://www.ascensiondance.com/ Debbie Nordstrom debbie@ascensiondance.com
Ashbrook Center 401 College
Ashland, OH  44805
419-289-5411 www.Teachingamericanhistory.org Jeremy Gypton jgypton@tah.org
Ashley Ellison, LCSW 1509 Preston Ave.
Austin, TX  78703
512-413-1679   Ashley Ellison ahellison@yahoo.com
Associated Chemistry Teachers of Texas, ACT2 20414 Coleridge Ln
Richmond, TX  77407
713-412-5793 https://sites.google.com/site/act2tx/ Jamie Flint act2.tx@gmail.com
Associated Nurses Group 3232 McKinney Ave #500
Dallas, TX 75204
469-744-6246 https://angcares.com/ Felicia Edoghotu angcares@yahoo.com
Association for Compensatory Educators of Texas  Box 8248
Round Rock, TX  78683
832-644-5020 http://www.acetx.org/ Shirley Coleman shirleycoleman@acetx.org
Association for Computer Educators in Texas (ACET) 331 Serene Creek Pl
Spring, TX  77382
305-587-7968 https://acet.ecs.baylor.edu Art Hanna president@computereducatorsoftexas.org
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) 1703 North Beauregard St.
Alexandria, VA  22311
703-575-5463 www.ascd.org Sylva Kezar skezar@ascd.org
Association for the People and the Community P.O. Box 280251
Houston, TX  77228
832-623-6254 www.apchouston.org Joshua T. Scott info@apchouston.org
Association Montessori International/USA 206 N. Washington St.
Ste 330
Alexandria, VA  22314
703-746-9919 www.amiusa.org Sarah Kizicki montessori@amiusa.org
Association of American Educators 259059 Pala Place, Suite 330
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
800-704-7799 https://www.aaeteachers.org/ Melissa Pratt melissa@aaeteachers.org
Association of Christian Schools International 2001 West Plano Pkwy
Suite 3600
Plano, TX  75075
972-941-4409 https://www.acsi.org/professionaldevelopment Peter J. Blackburn Peter_blackburn@acsi.org
Association of Educational Therapists 7044 S. 13th St.
Oak Creek, WI  53154
414-908-4949 http://www.aetonline.org/ Susan Grama sgrama@socal.rr.com
Association of Texas Photography Instructors PO Box 157
Cedar Park, TX  78630
817-229-2237 http://www.atpi.org Mark Murray info@atpi.org
Association of Texas Professional Educators 305 E. Huntland Drive
Ste. 300
Austin, TX  78752
512-467-0071 www.atpe.org Kate Johanns prof_dev@atpe.org
Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX  78744
512-389-8769 www.fishwildlife.org Marc LeFebre mlefebre@fishwildlief.org
Athlos Products and Services, LLC 918 W. Idaho
Boise, ID 83702
208-519-4100 athlos.org/professional-development/ Abby Fereday info@athlos.org
Attention Deficit Disorders Assoc. - Southern Region (ADDA-SR) 9597 Jones Rd. #334
Houston, TX  77065
281-894-4932 http://www.adda-sr.org/ Pam Esser addaoffice@pdq.net 
Austin Area Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (AABIDA) PO Box 92604
Austin, TX  78709
512-452-7658 https://aus.dyslexiaida.org/ Dr. Mary Bach aabida.mb@gmail.com
Austin Book Arts Center 2832 E Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd. #114
Austin, TX  78702
512-417-5845 http://atxbookarts.org/ Mary C. Baughman info@atxbookarts.org   
Austin Child Guidance Center 810 W. 45th Street
Austin, TX  78751
512-451-2242 http://www.traumatexas.com/ Sara Walter swalters@austinchildguidance.org
Austin PBS 6101 Highland Campus Dr. Bldg 3000
Austin, TX  78752
737-707-3370 https://austinpbs.org/ Benjamin Kramer, Ph.D. bkramer@klru.org
Austin Public Library Friends Foundation P.O. Box 13201
Austin, TX  78711
512-542-0076 www.austinlibrary.org Cecily Sailer csailer@austinlibrary.org
Austin Texas Mediators LLC dba Mediators of Texas (“MOT”) 4500 Williams Dr.
Suite 212-111
Georgetown, TX  78633
410-972-1384 https://mediatorsoftexas.com/ Dr. Char Wittenberg char.wittenberg@gmail.com
Autism Community Network 535 Bandera Rd
San Antonio, TX  78228
210-435-1000 http://www.acn-sa.org/ Kathryn Benson katie@acn-sa.org
Avigail Vicente, DBA VIC Languages 3883 Turtle Creek Blvd. #1615
Dallas, TX  75219
817-513-0757 https://viclanguages.com/ Avigail Vicente avigailvicente@sbcglobal.net
BakerRipley Fab Lab Houston P.O. Box 231808
Houston, TX 77223
346-570-4446 www.fablabhouston.org Kelly Hurn khurn@bakerripley.org
Balfour Publishing 2211 Norfolk Street, Ste. 603
Houston, TX  77098
713-782-0700 www.balfour.com Lisa Schwartz lisa.schwartz@balfour-rep.com
Ballet Austin 501 West 3rd St.
Austin, TX  78701
512-487-9151 www.balletaustin.org Pei-San Brown pei-san.brown@balletaustin.org
Band Director's Survival Guide 6001 W. Parmer Ln Ste 370 #570
Austin, TX 78660
650-823-8979 https://www.banddirectorssurvivalguide.com/for-teacher-workshops/ Matthew Richards matt@banddirectorssurvivalguide.com
Bass Performance Hall - Children’s Education Program 330 E. 4th Street, Suite 300
Fort Worth, TX  76102
817-212-4302 www.basshall.com Sue Buratto sburatto@basshall.com
Baylor Scott and White Health 3800 Gaylord Parkway, Suite 830
Frisco, TX 75034
469-800-5720 https://www.bswhealth.com/star/Pages/sports-concussion-program.aspx Erin Reynolds, PsyD Erin.Reynolds@BSWHealth.org
Baylor Scott and White Health-Southwest Sports Medicine and Orthopaedics 140 Hillcrest Medical Blvd.
Waco, TX 76712
254-202-7078 www.swsportsmedicine.com Jacob Puente Albert.Puente@BSWHealth.org
Bayou Land Conservancy  10330 Lake Road Bldg. J
Houston, TX  77070
281-576-1634 www.bayouland.org Jennifer Lorenz  jlorenz@bayouland.org 
Bayou Preservation Association P.O. Box 131563
Houston, TX  77219
713-529-6443 http://www.bayoupreservation.org/ Amanda Brown abrown@bayoupreservation.org
Be A Change, LLC 25811 Coronado Ridge
San Antonio, TX 78260
210-380-8375 https://www.ba-change.com/ Dr. Daryl Michel daryl.michel5@gmail.com
Be Well, Lead Well LLC 9526 Sapphire Hill Lane
Katy, TX 77494
512-332-1731 https://www.bewellleadwell.org/ Natalie Ficak bewellleadwell@gmail.com
Behavior Plus Inc. 902 S. Friendswood Drive
Friendswood, TX  77546
281-684-7015 http://www.behaviorplus.com/ Nancy W Kling nancy@behaviorplus.com
Bell County Museum PO Box 1381
Belton, TX 76513
254-933-5243 https://www.bellcountymuseum.org/ Kayte Ricketts Kayte.Ricketts@bellcounty.texas.gov
Bent Anchor Ranch 1626 CR 3201
Jacksonville, TX  75766
903-520-5060 www.bentanchorranch.com Glenna D. Wilson bentanchorranch@yahoo.com
Bethany Walker PLLC PO Box 6425
Longview, TX 75608
430-215-4515 https://www.bethanydwalker.com/workshops/traumaawareteacher/ Bethany Walker contactbwalker@gmail.com
Bexar County 101 W. Nueva St. Suite 903
San Antonio, TX 78205
210-335-1526 https://www.bexar.org/3809/STEP-UP-Texas Holly Pompa holly.pompa@bexar.org
Beyond Academics Educational Consulting 1117 Tetbury Lane
Austin, TX 78748
361-343-0671 https://www.beyondacademicstx.com/ Julie Lankford Julie@BeyondAcademicsTX.com
Beyond Consequences Institute 1630A 30th Street, Ste 488
Boulder, CO  80301
303-993-8379 http://www.beyondconsequences.com/ Heather T. Forbes info@beyondconsequences.com
Beyond Differences PO Box 9070
San Rafael, CA 94912
510-309-5800 https://www.beyonddifferences.org/professional-development/ Nina Haggerty ninah@beyonddifferences.org
Big Iron Guardian School Safety Training 115 Westchester Way
Hewitt, TX 76643
254-709-6228 https://www.bigironchl.com/ Johnny Price  johnnyp@bigironchl.com
Big Sky Pediatric Therapy 9433 Bee Caves Rd. B-3
Austin, TX  78733
512-306-8007 http://www.bigskyfriends.com/ Caren Arnold  caren.arnold@bigskyfriends.com 
Big Thought 1409 Botham Jean #1015
Dallas, TX 75215
469-916-9815 https://www.bigthought.org/ LeAnn Binford leann.binford@bigthought.org
Bilingual/ESL Education Association of the Metroplex PO Box 150507
Fort Worth, TX 76108
214-814-2325 https://www.beamdfw.org/ Jael Chac support@beamdfw.org
Bill of Rights Institute 200 N. Glebe Road, Ste. 200
Arlington, VA  22203
703-894-1776 www.billofrightsinstitute.org Rachel Davison Humphries lvlk@billofrightsinstitute.org
BK Interventions, L.L.C. 2208 Jensor Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76112
682-587-9082 https://www.bkinterventions.com/ TaKiyah Lewis tlewis@bkinterventions.com
Blackwood Educational Land Institute P.O. Box 271347
Houston, TX  77277
832-471-7211 http://www.blackwoodland.org/ Cath Conlon cath@blackwoodland.org
Blanton Museum of Art 200 E. Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.
Austin, TX 78712
512-471-5512 https://blantonmuseum.org/overview/pk-12/ Cath Conlon carlen.floyd@blantonmuseum.org
Blazerworks 5550 Peachtree Corners NW
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
770-225-3012 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2023-evolving-special-education-conference-tickets-601764021387 Jaime Sowers jaime.sowers@blazerworks.com
BlocksCAD Inc. 25 Adams Street
Burlington, MA 01803
617-863-7223 https://www.blockscad3d.com/training-resources Solomon Menashi info@blockscad3d.com
Bloom with Hope LLC 6325 N Haywood Dr
Houston, TX  77080
718-360-6188 https://bloomwithhope.net/ Hope Wills hopewills71@gmail.com
Blue Ladder Financial Planning, LLC 10129 Locksley Dr.
Benbrook, TX 76126
682-552-2669 https://www.blueladderfp.com/ Omar Aguilar oaguilar@blueladderfp.com
Bmyvillage LLC 6107 Via La Cantera #439
San Antonio, TX 78256
210-896-6311 https://www.bmyvillage.com/ Belinda Medellin belinda@bmyvillage.com
BODI-WORK Unlimited LLC/NFP 15838 Aldridge Creek Ct.
15838 Aldridge Creek Ct.
832-504-2557 https://www.bodiworkunlllc.com/developmentcourses Tommia L Hartsfield info@bodiworkunlllc.com
Bon Crowder 2870 Gessner Road #C4
Houston, TX  77080
713-557-8048 http://mathfour.com/ Bon Crowder bon@mathfour.com
Bookelicious, LLC 555 Bryant St. #353
Palo Alto, CA 94301
https://www.bookelicious.com/ Mary Beth Coleman marybethc@bookelicious.com
Bootstrap 601 Holland Lane #501
Alexandria, VA  22314
  www.bootstrapworld.org Emmanuel Schanzer schanzer@bootstrapworld.org
Border Regional Library Association P.O. Box 5342
El Paso, TX 79003
915-241-7034 www.brla.info Angelica Garcia angel40_2001@yahoo.com
Borderland Rainbow Center, Education Training Program Diversity and Resiliency Institute of El Paso 2714 Wyoming
El Paso, TX 79903
915-263-4623 https://www.driep.org/ Diana Martinez driep.edmanager@borderlandrainbow.org
Bosque Museum P.O. Box 345
Clifton, TX  76634
254-675-3820 www.bosquemuseum.org Barbara Aars director@bosquemuseum.org
Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) 1700 University Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-332-4441 x242 www.brit.org Tracy Friday tfriday@brit.org
Brain Balance of Frisco 11445 Dallas Parkway
Ste 290
Frisco, TX  75033
469-605-2472 www.brainbalancefrisco.com Babar Chaudhry bchaudhry@brainbalancecenters.com
Brain Power Today 4800 Anthony Lane
Pasadena, TX  77505
281-468-6038; 713-740-0490   http://brainpowertoday.com/ Gail Ward Gw1958@att.net
Brain Tracks 460 Hillside Ave.
Needham, MA 02494
773-632-6131 https://www.braintracks.com/ Susan Lohman slohman@braintracks.com
BrainAbouts 2000 Bering Drive Suite 455
Houston, TX 77057
346-500-5142 https://brainaboutsshop.com/en-US/home Dr. Teandra Gordon drgordon@brainabouts.org
Branch Alliance for Educator Diversity 7500 Rialto Blvd. Bldg. 1, Suite 250
Austin, TX 78735
800-519-0249 x130 https://www.educatordiversity.org/ Dr. Kate Zimmer
Ernesto Munoz, M.Ed
Brazos Valley Groundwater Conservation District 112 W. 3rd. St.
Hearne, TX  77859
979-279-9350 www.brazosvalleygcd.org Megan Haas mhaas@brazosvalleygcd.org
Brenda K. Scheuermann, Ph.D. P.O. Box 1391
Wimberley, TX  78676
512-461-1298 www.theteachingzone.com Brenda K. Scheuermann Brenda@theteachingzone.com
Brian Cain Peak Performance 1403 Chelsea Cir
Southlake, TX  76092
507-400-2246 https://briancain.com/ Brian Cain erin@briancain.com
Bridgehaven Children's Advocacy Center 2601 N. Winfree
Dayton, TX 77535
936-258-0400 https://bridgehavencac.org/ Paula Torres ptorres@bridgehavencac.org
Bridges Academy Austin 2900 N. Quinlan Park Rd., Ste. 250
Austin, TX 78732
512-506-1980 https://sites.google.com/view/bridgesacademyaustin/home// Alexandra Elliot, Ph.D. Director@BridgesAcadmyAustin.com
Bridges Project LLC 507 W Craig Pl.
San Antonio, TX  78212
210-570-5766 https://bridgesatx.com/#about Cade Bradshaw cade@bridgesatx.com
Bright Arising 3700 Kingwood Drive
Kingwood, TX 77936
832-870-8676 https://www.brightarising.com/ Ieshia Demas ieshia.demas@mybrightarising.com
Brighton Center 14207 Higgins Road
San Antonio, TX 78217
210-826-4492 https://www.brightonsa.org/ Michelle Rivera mrivera@brightonsa.org
Briscoe Western Art Museum 210 W. Market
San Antonio, TX 78205
210-507-4860 https://www.thedoseum.org/museo-institute Melanie Schwebke mschwebke@briscoemuseum.org
Britannica Digital Learning 331 N. LaSalle
Chicago, IL  60051
800-621-3900 http://info.eb.com Darcy Carlson dcarlson@eb.com
Buck Institute for Education, dba PBL Works 3 Hamilton Landing, Suite 220
Novato, CA 94949
415.475.6711 https://www.pblworks.org/ Kendall Tripathi-Clark kendall@pblworks.org
Building Blox 414 Tophill Rd.
San Antonio, TX  78209
210-846-1431 http://www.buildingblox.net/ Tisha Gonzalez buildingblox123@aol.com
bulb, Inc. 400 E Simpson St. Suite 230
Lafayette, CO 80026
214-529-7229 https://www.bulbapp.com/h/bulb-professional-development// Corey Gray corey@bulbapp.com
Bullock Texas State History Museum 1800 N. Congress Ave
Austin, TX  78701
512-936-4604 www.TheStoryofTexas.com Kaitlin Lloyd education@thestoryoftexas.com
Bureau of Education and Research P.O. Box 96068
Bellevue, WA  98009
425-453-2121 www.ber.org Anna Griebel agriebel@ber.org
Bureau of Educational Services and Technology (BEST) 9500 Tomahawk Trail
Fort Worth, TX  76244
682-249-6714 https://www.heylibrarylady.com/ Tricia Kuon triciaannettedavis@gmail.com
BVD Educational Services and Training 5501 Jacksboro Hwy # 202
Fort Worth, TX  76114
817-832-5673 http://www.thebestce.com/ Paul DeLand pdeland@gmail.com
C.H. Collins School/Behavioral Health & Family Services 896 N. Mill St. #204
Lewisville, TX  75057
866-943-7779 http://behaviorfamily.com Karolyn Gray dallen@behaviorfamily.com
CADY 2555 Westside Parkway Suite 500
Alpharetta, GA 30004
325-574-4881 https://home.cady.com/cady-in-the-classroom/ Samantha Berry samantha.berry@cady.com
Cain School Consulting P. O. Box 451141
Houston, TX  77245
832-207-5216 http://cainschoolconsulting.com/ Andrea M. Atkinson, M.Ed  cainschoolconsulting@gmail.com
Cambridge University Press 1 Liberty Plaza
New York, NY 10006
800-580-3711 www.cambridge.org Robin Graybill rgraybill@cambridge.org
Camp Fire First Texas 2700 Meacham Boulevard
Fort Worth, TX  76137
817-831-2111 https://www.campfirefw.org/training/ Debra Hanus debra@campfirefw.org
Capital Area Tennis Association (CATA) 5511 Parkcrest Dr., Suite 104
Austin, TX 78731
512-431-8172 https://www.austintennis.org/ Fernando Velasco director@austintennis.org
Career and Technical Association of Texas 1108 Lavaca, Suite 110-486
Austin, TX  78701
512-288-8666 www.ctat.org Robin Painovich robin@ctat.org
Career in Teaching, A - Alternative Certification Program 4639 Corona Dr. Ste.83
Corpus Christi, TX  78411
361-452-2482 www.ACareerinTeaching.org Adrian Fernandez; Jo Anna Fernandez; Jaime Lopez; Stella Stevens adrian@acareerinteaching.org
CareerSafe Online 1005 University Drive East
College Station, TX  77840
979-260-0030 www.careersafeonline.com Justin Williamson justin.williamson@careersafeonline.com
Carla Jackson Leadership Consulting, LLC PO Box 57
League City, TX  77573
281-330-6104 http://www.carlajmotivates.com/ Carla Jackson carlajmotivates@gmail.com
Carlos E. Hernandez  P. O. Box 27160
El Paso, TX  79926
915 599-1468   Carlos E. Hernandez  cherna2397@hotmail.com 
Carolyn Armbruster - Artful Thinking DFW 12138 Landlock Dr.
Dallas, TX  75218
214-552-5870 https://www.artfulthinkingdfw.com/ Carolyn Armbruster artfulthinking.dfw@gmail.com
CASA for Kids of South Central Texas 1500 S. Day Street
Brenham, TX  77833
979-277-0088 http://wespeak4kids.org/ Tracy Sebesta info@wespeak4kids.org
CASA of the South Plains #24 Briercroft Office Park
Lubbock, TX  79412
806-763-2272 www.casaofthesouthplains.org Mary Jane Ritchey maryr@lubbockcasa.org
Casey Watts, Coaching & Consulting, LLC 295 CR 2092
Nacogdoches, TX 75965
936-433-2522 https://www.catchingupwithcasey.com/ Casey Watts catchingupwithcasey@gmail.com
Catapult Learning, LLC 150 Rouse Blvd, Suite 210
Philadelphia, PA 19112
602-617-7765 https://catapultlearning.com/programs/professional-development/ Stephanie Albracht stephanie.albracht@fullbloom.org
Catch Up and Read (CAR) 6600 LBJ Freeway
Suite 190
Dallas, TX 75240
469-206-7244 https://www.catchupandread.org/ Terry Averyt terry@catchupandread.org
Catholic Charities Fort Worth Refugee School Impact 249 Thornhill Dr.
Fort Worth, TX 76115
817-875-6052 https://catholiccharitiesfortworth.org/ Miranda New refugeeschoolimpact@ccdofw.org
Catholic Schools Office / Diocese of Dallas 3725 Blackburn St.
P.O. Box 190507
Dallas, TX  75219
214-379-2830 http://www.csodallas.org/ Dr. Ann E. Poore apoore@cathdal.org
CE Credits Online 23224 NE 156th PL
Woodinville, WA  98077
425-788-7275 http://www.cecreditsonline.org/ Amber Morrow amber@cecreditsonline.org   
Centennial Museum 500 W. University Ave.
El Paso, TX  79902
915-747-8994 http://admin.utep.edu/Default.aspx?tabid=59900 Kaye Mullins kmullins@utep.edu
Celebrate Dyslexia 319 Santo Domingo;
Helotes, TX 78023
210-701-6049 https://celebratedyslexia.org Jasmin Dean jasmindean@celebratedyslexia.org
Center for Applied Science and Technology Network 200 E Basse Rd. #201
San Antonio, TX 78209
  https://castschools.com/ Anastasia Perez anastasia@catschools.com
Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities at UH-CL 2700 Bay Area Bld., MC 245
Houston, TX  77058
281-283-3437 www.uhcl.edu Dr. Dorothea Lerman lerman@uhcl.edu
Center for Child Protection 8509 FM 969, Bldg 2
Austin, TX 78724
512-472-1164 https://centerforchildprotection.org/ Annette Arroyo aarroyo@centerforchildprotection.org
Center for Educational ReVision 400 South Zang Boulevard
Suite 1414
Dallas, TX  75208
214-946-3385 www.educationalrevision.org Deborah E. Louis, Ph.D. deborah@educationalrevision.org
Center for Educator Development in Fine Arts 9233 Partridge Circle
Austin, TX  78758
512-491-8087 https://10times.com/company/center-for-educator-development-in-fine-arts-cedfa Kris Andrews  krisgandrews@yahoo.com
Center for Equity and Adequacy in Public School Finance 400 W. 15th Street, Ste. 300
Austin, TX  78701
512-478-7313 www.equitycenter.org Josh Sanderson josh@equitycenter.org
Center for European Studies 158 W. 21st St. A1800
Austin, TX  78712
512-232-3470 https://www.utexas.edu/cola/centers/european_studies/ Sally K. Dickson Addressces@austin.utexas.edu
Center for Presidential History PO Box 750512
Dallas, TX  75275
214-768-3210 http://www.smu.edu/cph Ronna Spitz rspitz@smu.edu
Center for Quality Leadership Inc./ Don W. Hooper  18 Commanders Cove
Missouri City, TX  77459
713-870-8777 www.CQL.net  Don W. Hooper  don@CQL.net 
Center on Brain Injury Research and Training 1244 Walnut Street, Suite 220
Eugene, OR 97403
541-513-1169 https://tbisos.org/  Melaney Grenz grenzm@cbirt.org
Central Texas Opportunities, Inc. dba Cornerstone Community Action Agency 114 Needham Street
Coleman, TX 76834
325-625-4167 https://www.cornerstonecaa.org/  Sierra Keeney sierra@ctoinc.org 
Certify Teacher 19740 Candlecreek Dr.
Spring, TX 77388
866-209-9986 https://www.certifyteacher.com/  Esdras Cantao sales@certifyteacher.com 
CEUonestop.com 1418 N. Rhodes St. #126
Arlington, VA  22209
202-465-5774 www.CEUonestop.com Dr. Janet E. Wall careerfacilitator@janetwall.net
CHADD, Inc. 4221 Forbes Blvd., Suite 270
Lanham, MD 20706
240-487-2314 https://events.bizzabo.com/381128 Amirah Dorsey amirah_dorsey@chadd.org
Challenge 2000 12691 FM 359 Rd
Ste E 101
Hempstead, TX  77445
281 202-9427 https://www.challengeetc.com/ Brenda Nicholas  Challengeetc@yahoo.com 
Changing Expectations Corp P. O. Box 1965
Round Rock, TX  78680
512-496-6824 http://changeexpectations.org/ Phillip G. Eaglin, PhD phillip.eaglin@changeexpectations.org
Charles Butt Foundation

1005 Congress Ave, Ste.100
Austin, TX  78701

512-617-2124 https://charlesbuttfdn.org/ Dr. Tim Miller tmiller@charlesbuttfdn.org
Cheryl N. Chance (Chance Tutoring and Exam Prep) B Cypress Creek Pkwy.
P.O. Box 288
Houston, TX 77069-4410
832-797-8883 Cheryl N. Chance cheryl.chance@comcast.net
Child Advocates of Fort Bend 5403 Avenue N
Rosenberg, TX  77471
281-344-5100 X5106 https://www.cafb.org/ Dana Mersiovsky dmersiovsky@cafb.org
ChildBuilders 11152 Westheimer Rd. #794
Houston, TX  77042
713-481-6555 www.childbuilders.org Amanda Siroosian asiroosian@childbuilders.org
Childhood Domestic Violence Association 261 Madison Ave, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10016
212-330-8016 https://cdv.org/tools-and-resources/resiliency-focused-mentoring/ Cindy Bekesi cindy@cdv.org
ChildCare Education Institute 3509 Peachtree Industrial Blvd.
Duluth, GA  30097
800-499-9907 https://www.cceionline.edu/ Kimberle Collins kcollins@cceionline.edu
Childproof America 34 Heron's Flight PL
Spring, TX 77389
715-559-3213 https://www.childproofamerica.org/2022-summit-info Victoria Bryant VBRYANTLLC@gmail.com
Children 4 Tomorrow 2600 South Loop West #170
Houston, TX  77054
713-660-0760 http://www.children4tomorrow.org/ Dwilene Lindsey dwilenelindsey@children4tomorrow.org
Children of the Woodlands 2200 Lake Woodlands Dr.
The Woodlands, TX  77380
281-297-5959   Deb Minter dminter@twumc.org
Children's advocacy center of Central Texas 402 N. Main St.
Belton, TX 76513
254-207-0363 https://www.cacct.com/ Katie Sharp katie@cacct.com
Children's Advocacy Center of Smith County 2210 Frankston Hwy
Tyler, TX 75701
903-533-1888 x17 https://www.cacsmithcounty.org/education/trauma-informed-schools/ Darlene Marshall dmarshall@cacsmithcounty.org
Children's Center for Self Esteem / The A.R.K. Group, The 20515 S.H. 249, CB 127
Houston, TX  77070
713-471-8922 www.thearkgroup.org Michelle Joiner michellejoiner@thearkgroup.org
Children's Connections, Inc. 2514 82nd Street, Suite G
Lubbock, TX  79423
806-745-7995 http://childrensconnections.org/ Debora Phillips debora@childrensconnections.org
Children's Health 1935 Medical District Dr.
Dallas, TX  75235
214-456-7000 https://www.childrens.com/ Kelly Ihejiawu Kelly.ihejiawu@childrens.com
Children's Museum Houston 1500 Binz
Houston, TX 77004
713-535-7257 https://www.cmhouston.org/ D'Andrea Edwards dedwards@cmhouston.org
Choristers Guild 12404 Park Central Drive
Suite 100
Dallas, TX  75251
469-398-3606 www.choristersguild.org Dawn D. Jantsch djantsch@choristersguild.org
Chris Jermayne Consulting, LLC. 13405 Ring Drive
Manor, TX 78563
936-701-6112 www.drcjharvey.com/cpe Chris Harvey drchristopherjharvey@gmail.com
CIEE TEFL 600 Southborough Drive Suite 104
South Portland, ME 04106
207-553-5229 https://www.ciee.org/go-abroad/for-educators Luke Beland lbeland@ciee.org
City of Grand Prairie P.O.Box 534045
Grand Prairie, TX  75050
972-237-4566 https://www.gptx.org/city-government/city-departments/recycling/composting-gardening Dr, Patricia Redfearn bmaskey@gptx.org
Claims Administrative Services, Inc. PO Box 7500
Tyler, TX  75711
800-765-2412 www.cas-services.com Casey Cook casey.cook@cas-services.com
Class Intimacy Acts, LLC. DBA Class Intimacy Arts 1020 Brand Ln. #1312
Stafford, TX 77477
225-715-0277 https://www.classintimacyacts.com/artsedu Nancy Lynch Director@classintimacyacts.com
Clerisypd 471 North Broadway Suite 277
Jericho, NY 11753
845-702-2133 https://clerisypd.com/ Gina Spagnoli gina@itutor.com
Cleveland Amory Black Beauty Ranch  12526 County Road 3806
Murchison, TX  75778
903 469-3811 www.blackbeautyranch.org  Holly Stamps  hstamps@fundforanimals.org 
Coalition of Reading and English Supervisors of Texas (CREST) 2425 East Main Street
League City, TX 77573
281-284-0093 www.cresteducators.com William Eastman weastman@ccisd.net
Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program 3410 Highway 77
Odem, TX  78380
361-673-6830 www.nuecesdeltapreserve.org  Kimberly Ogden kogden@cbbep.org
COERLL-Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning--UT Austin University Station, B3500
Austin, TX  78712
512-232-2312 http://www.coerll.utexas.edu/coerll/ Carl Blyth cblyth@mail.utexas.edu
Cognia Inc 9115 Westside Parkway
Alpharetta, GA 30009
888-413-3669 https://www.cognia.org Barbara-Jane Paris barbara-jane.paris@cognia.org
COGx 10804 Mazwood Pl
Rockville, MD 20852
301-769-6867 https://cogx.info/ Javier Arguello javier@cogx.info
CogXP 290 S. Preston Rd., Ste.140
Prosper, TX 75078
469-423-1073 http:///cogxp.com// Julie Chambers Julie.chambers@cogxp.com
Collaborative School Leadership Institute 263 Capitol Drive, Unit D
Sugar Grove, IL 60554
312-719-0842 https://cslinstitute.org/ Glenn Krause info@cslinstitute.org
Collegiate Edu-Nation PO Box 194
Roscoe, TX 79545
325-274-8880 https://edu-nation.org/ Dr. Rachael McClain rmcclain@edu-nation.org
Collins Education Associates 320 Main St.
P.O. Box 957
West Newbury, MA  01985
800-932-4477 www.collinsed.com John Collins johncollins@collinsed.com
Color Connection 7417 Little Rock Lane
Fort Worth, TX  76120
214-906-2106 http://color-connections.com/ Pamela Kaatz kaatz@airmail.net
Color Me Empowered 2101 West Clarendon
Dallas, TX 75208
214-434-1092 https://cmedfw.org/for-educators Kristen Rice kristen@colormeempowered.org
Commemorative Airforce 5661 Mariner Drive
Dallas, TX 75237
214-330-1700 https://commemorativeairforce.org/ Jennifer Stimpson btownsend@cafhq
Common Sense Communications 501 Camp Creek Road
Rockwall, TX 75087
214-505-7143 http://fotps.org Jane Braddock jstimpson@fotps.org
Communities Foundation of Texas / Educate Texas 5500 Caruth Haven Ln
Dallas, TX  75225
214-750-4122 https://www.edtx.org/ Susan Henderson edtxcpe@cftexas.org
Communities in Schools of Greater Tarrant County 5601 Bridge Street
Suite 501
Fort Worth, TX  76112
817-446 5454 x234 https://www.cistarrant.org/ Kaitlin Tollison, LCSW-S kaitlin.tollison@cistarrant.org
Communities In Schools of San Antonio 1616 E Commerce Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
210-520-8440 x252 https://www.cissa.org/school-box-training-services/ Aspen Meineke ameineke@cissa.org
Community Arts LLC 11402 Joy Street
Austin, TX  78748
512-481-3653 https://www.communityarttherapy.com/ Wanda Montemayor wanda@comarts.us
Compass Learning, Inc. 322 Pheasant Ridge
Austin, TX  78701
512-481-3653 www.compasslearning.com Krystal Bellamy kbellamy@compasslearning.com
Comprehensive Training Center (CTC) 1710 N. Ed Carey Dr.
Harlingen, TX 78550
956-365-4100 https://www.comprehensivetrainingcenter.net/ Linda Alaniz linda@ctcmgt.com
Comrades Consulting 13223 Dover Bluff Dr.
Rosharon, TX 77583
832-723-5427 https://comradesconsulting.com/ Fred Bryant comradesconsulting@gmail.com
Comuniquemos, Incorporated 8325 Broadway Street, Suite 202-218
Pearland, TX 77581
832-594-9439 https://www.shanwag.com/ Shanedria Wagner shanwag@shanwag.com
Concordia Language Villages (summer employees only) 901 South Eighth Street
Moorhead, MN 56562
800-222-4750 www.concordialanguagevillages.org/work-at-the-villages Mark Chen mchen@cord.edu
Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching CAMT P.O. Box 200669
Austin, TX  78720
903-266-9399 http://camtonline.org/ Paula Moeller camt@camtonline.org
Confidence at any Size, LLC 539 W. Commerce St.
Dallas, TX 75208
469-458-0337 https://www.confidenceatanysize.com/workshops Nikki Jordan info@confidenceatanysize.com
Connected Classroom Courses 6742 Kenwood Avenue
Kansas City, MO 64131
816-225-9338 https://www.connectedclassroomcourses.com/ Jennifer Hair connectedclassroomcourses@gmail.com
Connection Based Education 24634 Folkstone Circ
Katy, TX 77494
713-265-7705 https://connectionbasededucation.com/ Jessica Meng JessicaMeng@connectionbasededucation.com
Conscious Education Consulting, LLC. 22720 Morton Ranch Rd.
Suite 160
Katy, TX  77449
832-356-9650 www.consciousednow.com Salandra Grice conscioused18@gmail.com
Conscious Educators for Equity 22720 Morton Ranch Rd.
Suite 160
Katy, TX  77449
832-356-9650 https://consciouseducatorsforequity.org/ Salandra Grice educators4equity2023@gmail.com
Consult Dr. Michelle, LLC 4617 Montrose Blvd.
Suite C213
Houston, TX  77006
713-807-0330; 586-201-6639 www.weavehouston.org Tracy Kaestner kylacrawford88@comcast.net
Contemporary Art For San Antonio Inc. 116 Blue Star
San Antonio, TX 78204
210-227-6960 https://contemporarysa.org/ Juan Zavala Castro Juan@contemporarysa.org
Contemporary Handweavers of Houston 7314 Big Valley Dr.
Houston, TX  77905
832-721-9590 https://consultdrmichelle.com/ Dr. Michelle Fennick consultdrmichelle@gmail.com
Cook Children's Medical Center 801 7th Avenue
Fort Worth, TX  76104
682-885-7961 http://www.cookchildrens.org/Pages/Default.aspx Jennifer Cabrera Jennifer.Cabrera@cookchildrens.org
Corpus Christi American Federation of Teachers  4455 S.P.I.D., Suite 48
Corpus Christi, TX  78411
361-855-0482 http://ccaft.tx.aft.org/ Dr. Nancy Vera nvera43@aol.com
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History 1900 N Chaparral
Corpus Christi, TX  78401
361-826-4661 www.ccmuseum.com Sarah Coles sarahc@cctexas.com
Counseling by Penny Haight  4545 Bellaire S. Suite 6
Houston, TX  76109
817 657-1115 www.counselingbypenny.com  Penny Haight  penny.haight@yahoo.com 
Counseling Network Group Professionals, LLC P. O. Box 84292
Pearland, TX  77584
346-370-2984   Dr. Marilyn Parker CNGProfessionalsLLC@gmail.com
Covenant Christian Academy 901 Cheek Sparger Rd.
Colleyville, TX  76034
817-281-4333 www.covenantchristian.net Julie Bullington julie.bullington@covenantchristian.net
Courtney Schonefeld
Texas Teacher Today
2143 Silent Fox
San Antonio, TX 78260
361-846-0741 https://www.lotespanish.us/ Courtney Schonefeld info@texasteachertoday.com
Covenant Communications PO Box 40224
Houston, TX 77240
281-807-3500 https://www.covenantcommunications.com/ Katie Cross katie@covcom.com
CPD Classes 200 Hawkins Ave #116
Ronkonkoma, NY  11779
631-576-6820 www.cpdclasses.com Mike DeMario register@cpdclasses.com
CPS Energy 145 Navarro
P.O. Box 1771
San Antonio, TX  78296
210-353-2386 www.cpsenergy.com Sakura Amend sakura.amend@finnpartners.com
CR Educational Services 207 Hogue Lane
Wylie, TX  75098
409-781-0424 https://www.texes068.com/ Dr. Sandy Cortez-Rucker sandy@texes068.com
Creative Action 1023 Springdale Road, Bldg. 3
Austin, TX 78721
512-442-8773 x122 https://creativeaction.org// Lynne Hoare lynn@creativeaction.org
Creative Kids 504 San Francisco Street
El Paso, TX  70001
915-533-9575 http://creativekidsart.org/ Andrea Gates-Ingle andrea@creativekidsart.org
Creative Mathematics 4001 West End Rd
Arcata, CA  95521
800-841-5193 http://creativemathematics.com/ Desiree Pierson des@creativemathematics.com
CREO Consultants 958 Hill Country Rd.
Edinburg, TX  78539
956-318-1818 http://thewaytocollege.com Sofia Montero sophiam46@gmail.com
Crescerence, Inc. 4480-H South Cobb Drive
Smynra, GA  30080
404-913-2737 http://mad-learn.com Alefiya Bhatia alefiyabhatia@crescerance.com
Crime Stoppers of Houston (also provides Superintendent required training for Identifying and Reporting Potential Victims of Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children for certificate renewal) 3001 Main Street
Houston, TX 77002
713-521-4600 www.crimestoppers.org Jenna Fondren jfondren@crime-stoppers.org 
Criselda Alvarado Dr., Education and Evaluation Consultants  4802 Apple Springs Dr.
Pearland, TX  77584
832-724-4296 http://www.educationeval.com/ Criselda Alvarado  cris.alvarado@educationaleval.com 
Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc. 10850 West Park Place
Suite 600
Milwaukee, WI  53224
800-558-8876 www.crisisprevention.com Roshawn Key rkey@crisisprevention.com
Crockett-Palestine Resource Centers for Independent Living 1020 Loop 304 East
Crockett, TX 75835
903-729-7505 www.palestineresourcecenter.org Susan Dorsey sdorsey@cprcil.org
Cross Fit, Inc. 3218 Lakeside Village Dr.
Prescott, AZ  86301
970-209-4068 www.training.crossfit.com Kelly Brown kelly.brown@crossfittraining.com
Crowd Pleasers Dance, Inc. PO Box 920619
Houston, TX  77292
http://crowdpleasersdance.com/ Megan Negben megannebgen@crowdpleasersdance.com  
Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE) 617 Northridge St.
Denton, TX 76201
940-390-6194 https://www.csotte.com/ Tim Sutton info@csotte.com
Curiosity Conversations by Diplomat Books 316 E 55th Street
New York, NY 10022
917-312-2440 https://curiosityconversations.co/ Robin Barone robin@diplomatbooks.com
Currey Ingram Academy and The Vanderbilt Kennedy Center 6544 Murray Lane
Brentwood, TN  37027
615-777-4816 http://curreyingram.org/page/neuroscience--education-symposium/neuroscience-and-education-the-connection-2019 Karen Buckner karen.buckner@curreyingram.org
Dallas Afterschool 3900 Willow St. #110
Dallas, TX 75226
214-306-8400 https://dallasafterschool.org/ Olga Gonzalez ogonzalez@dallasafterschool.com
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden 8525 Garland Road
Dallas, TX  75128
214-515-6540 http://www.dallasarboretum.org/ Dustin Miller dmiller@dallasarboretum.org
Dallas Association of School Librarians 1909 Old Orchard Dr.
Dallas, TX  75208
214-497-3806 https://dallasassociationofschoollibrarians.wordpress.com/ Michelle Touchet michellemtouchet@gmail.com
Dallas Branch of the International Dyslexia Association 14079 Proton Road
Dallas, TX 75244
972-233-9107 x222 https://dal.dyslexiaida.org/dallas-dyslexia-information-group-ddig Sally Bishop admin.dal@dyslexiaida.org
Dallas Chapter of Choristers Guild 12404 Park Central Drive
Suite 100
Dallas, TX  75251
469-398-3606 http://dallaschaptercg.org Darla Meek darlameek@sbcglobal
Dallas Historical Society PO Box 150038
Dallas, TX 75228
214-421-4500 X104 https://www.dallashistory.org/education/for-teachers/ David Lee david@dallashistory.org
Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum 300 North Houston
Dallas, TX  75202
  www.dallasholocaustmuseum.org Dr. Sara Abosch-Jacobson sabosch@dallasholocaustmuseum.org
Dallas Museum of Art 1717 N. Harwood
Dallas, TX  75201
214-922-1842 https://dma.org/ Emily Hogrefe-Ribeiro TeacherPrograms@dma.org
Dallas Zoo Management, Inc. 650 South R.L. Thornton Freeway
Dallas, TX  75203
469-554-7300 www.DallasZoo.com Marti Copeland marti.copeland@dallaszoo.com
Dance Council, Inc. DBA: Dance Council of North Texas 3630 Harry Hines Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75219
214-219-2290 www.thedancecouncil.org Pam Deslorieux director@thedancecouncil.org
Danielle Oakley 817-233-5897 https://sites.google.com/view/oakleyeducationalservices/home Danielle Oakley Oakley.TExES.Tutor@gmail.com
Darkness to Light  3022 S Morgans Point Road
Mt. Pleasant, SC  29466
843-965-5444 www.d2l.org Sarah Eadon Stewards@D2L.org
Darwin Global, LLC 25 9 ½  Mile Road
Pensacola, FL  52534
580-248-0321 http://www.dialogex.org/ Dr. Robert Miller dr.rob.miller@darwin-global.com
Davinci Maker Labs 220 E Hwy 6
Alvin, Tx 77551
832-547-2522 http://davincimakerlabs.com Christopher L. Harris programs@davincimakerlabs.com
Deaf Action Center 3115 Crestview Drive
Dallas, TX  75235
214-521-0407 www.dactexas.org Heather Hughes heather.hughes@dactexas.org
Deanna Fahey 7618 Scenic Brook Dr.
Austin, TX 78736
512-569-1702 https://www.wildwiseeducation.com/ Deanna Fahey wildwiseeducation@gmailcom
Decker & Associates, Inc. 10655 Memorial Dr
Houston, TX  77024
713-927-9300 www.deckerusa.com Kenneth Decker ken@deckerusa.com
Defined Learning, LLC 900 Skokie Blvd. Ste.100
Northbrook, IL 60062
888-759-5020 https://www.definedlearning.com/ Patrick Irvine Patrick_irvine@definedlearning.com
Delia Magdaleno (International Travel Education) 7040 N. 5th Street
McAllen, TX 78504
956-369-4711 www.internationaltraveleducation.com Delia Magdaleno deliamagdaleno@ymail.com
Denton County AgriLife - Denton County Master Gardener Association 401 W. Hickory, Ste. 112
Denton, TX 76201
940-349-2883 https://denton.agrilife.org/ Nikki Johnson nikki.johnson@dentoncounty.gov
DePelchin Children's Center 4950 Memorial Drive
Houston, TX  77007
713-802-2335 https://www.depelchin.org/ Wanda Woody-Roberts wroberts@depelchin.org
Design2Train P.O. Box 714
Comfort, TX 78013
830-333-0175 www.design2train.com Valerie K Miller miller@design2train.com
DeWayne Street Midway Diversity Solutions 820 Niobrara River Drive
Pflugerville, TX  78660
512-748-1357 https://www.midwaydiversitysolutions.com DeWayne Street midwaydiversitysolutions@gmail.com
Dez Three Sixty, LLC 10223 Broadway Stret STE P605
Pearland, TX 77584
310-770-1394 https://dezthreesixty.com/ Diseree Clay dez@dezthreesixty.com
Diana Synatzske P.O. Box 1663
Stephenville, TX  76401
254-485-4365 www.dianasynatzske.com Diana Synatzske pdsynatzske@gmmail.com
Differentiated Discipline 120 Frog Pond LN.
Dripping Springs, TX 78620
844-832-2477 https://ddiscipline.com/ Kevin Curtis kcurtis@nedrp.com
Digital Learning Tree 129 Breezewalk Dr.
Vallejo, CA  94591
707-334-1955 www.digitallearningtree2.com Jim Knight Jim@digitallearningtree.com
Digital Promise and BloomBoard, Inc. 227 Forest Ave.
Palo Alto, CA  94301
 650-567-5656 https://bloomboard.com/microcredential/provider/ac2f23c8-274d-449d-ac3f-6ad29e399737  Rosemary Kendrick  Rosemary@bloomboard.com
Dinah-Might Adventures LP PO Box 690328
San Antonio, TX  78269
830-995-3800 http://www.dinah.com/ Rhonda Meyer Vivian, Ph.D. rhonda@dinah.com
Dionna Latimer-Hearn Educational Consulting 2360 Comanche Trail
Grand Prairie, TX  75052
682-777-2749 https:www.dlhearn.net/professional-development Dr. Dionna Latimer-Hearn dionnalatimer@yahoo.com
Director’s Choice  10701 Upland Avenue
Lubbock, TX  79424
877-328-2583 www.Choicemusicevents.org Carolyn Botkin cbotkin@choicemusicevents.org
Discover Writing Company PO Box 264
Shoreham, VT  05770
802-345-9193 www.discoverwriting.com Carol-lee Lane barry.writenow@gmail.com
Distributive Education Clubs of America, Texas Association (Texas DECA) 6642 N Riverside Drive, Suite 610
Fort Worth, TX 76137
817-900-8037 https://www.texasdeca.org/continuing-professional-education-opportunities John Shankle shankle@texasdeca.org
Diversity Depot:  Dynamic Tools for Diverse Educators 3300 Carlton Street
Suite #112
Fort Worth, TX  76133
202-288-5562   Fredreic Gooding, Jr. f.gooding@tcu.edu
Dixon & Associates Consulting Services, LLC 2401 Channing Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX  75052
214-675-7255 http://drmarvatdixon.com/about_us_1.html Dr. Marva T. Dixon marva.dixon@att.net
Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center at Cedar Hill 1206 W. FM 1382
Cedar Hill, TX  75104
469-526-1989 http://dogwoodcanyon.audubon.org/ Melissa Paschke mpaschke@audubon.org
Donna L. Black Consulting 12397 Bethel Dr.
Frisco, TX 75033
832-969-7787 https://donnalblack.com/ Donna L. Black donna_black@att.net
Don't Click Consulting 25426 Triangle Loop
San Antonio, TX 78015
210-303-5728 https://www.dontclickconsulting.com/ Lynette Brehm lynette@dontclickconsulting.com
Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas 3710 Cedar Street, Box 3
Austin, TX  78705
512-323-0808 http://www.dsact.org/ Jami Dean jami.dean@dsact.org
Downs Educational Training & Consulting, LLC P. O. Box 381462
Duncanville, TX  75138
972-280-7751 http://www.downseducation.com/ Briggette Downs briggetted@sbcglobal.net
Dr. Alice Coe, Coe Training and Consulting 3205 Pinehurst
Denton, TX 76210
940-368-7014 https://www.coetrainingandconsulting.com/ Dr. Alice Coe CoeTrainingandConsulting@gmail.com
Dr. Evan Ratner 4 Lost Timbers
San Antonio, TX  78248
210-493-4959 www.impacturgentcare.com Evan Ratner, MD DrRatner@ImpactUrgentCare.com
Dr. Gaye Lang Workplace Restorative Practices Inc. 9102 Buchanan Bend CT
Cypress, TX 77433
512-809-4737 https://www.workplacerestorativepracticesinc.com/ Dr. Gaye Lang lang@workplacerestorativepractices.com
Dr Pepper Museum and Free Enterprise Institute 300 South 5th Street
Waco, TX  76701
254-757-1024 https://drpeppermuseum.com/fei/educators/ Joy Summar-Smith joy@drpeppermuseum.com
Dr. Shaunise Alford 3637 Broadway Blvd.
Garland, TX 75043
214-500-4408 https://poisedforsuccess.net/educator-training/ Dr. Shaunise Alford drshaunisealford@gmail.com
Drama Teacher Academy (owned by Theatrefolk Ltd.) 228 Park Ave S #32457
New York, NY  10003
866-245-9138 www.theatrefolk.com/drama_teacher_academy Craig Mason craig@theatrefolk.com
DrumFIT USA Corporation 10601 FM2222, Ste. R171
Austin, TX  78730
512-965-1277 www.drum.fit Danielle Sherbo danielle@drum.fit
Duren & Associates, Inc. - An Educational Consulting Agency 512 N Hampton Road
DeSoto, TX 75115
469-853-7567 https://www.my3designredesign.org/ Shanta Duren durenassociates@gmail.com
Dyslexia Center of Austin 7401 W. Slaugher Lane #5061
Austin, TX  78739
512-522-7408   http://dyslexiacenterofaustin.org/ Kelly O'Mullan Kelly@dyslexiacenterofaustin.org
Dyslexic Advantage 6701 139th PI SW
Edmonds, WA 98026
  http://bit.ly/dyslexia-for-teachers Fernette Eide MD drseide@dyslexicadvangate.org
E3 Alliance 5930 Middle Fiskville Rd.
Austin, TX 78752
512-223-7241 https://e3alliance.org/ Lori Davis Ldavis@e3alliance.org
E4educators P.O.Box 672823
Houston, TX  77267
832-574-7573 www.e4educators.com Eldridge Lee eldridge.lee@e4educators.com
EA Young Academy 8521 Davis Blvd.
North Richland Hills, TX  76180
817-223-8755 http://www.eayoungacademy.com/ Carol Raymond craymond@eayoungacademy.com
Early Childhood Christian Network P O Box 6042
McKinney, TX  75071
512-585-2072 https://earlychildhoodchristiannetwork.com/ Monica Healer monica@earlychildhoodchristiannetwork.com
Early Childhood Writing Consultants LLC 4117 Nopal
McAllen, TX 78504
956-342-0896 https://www.earlychildhoodwriting.com/ Maria J. Tamez mariajtamez@gmail.com
Earth Day Texas, Inc. 4311 Oak Lawn Avenue #325
Dallas, TX  75219
214-310-1200 www.earthx.org Julie Seymour julie.seymour@earthX.org
Eddins Counseling Group, PLLC 5225 Katy Fwy, Suite 103
Houston, TX 77007
832-559-2622 https://eddinscounseling.com Marcus Flores hello@eddinscounseling.com
ECS Learning Systems Asteria Learning, Inc. 116 Kestrel Drive
Spring Branch, TX 78070
800-688-3224 https://ecslearn.com/ Will Fox Wfox@ecslearn.com
ED311 7604 Rockpoint Circle
Austin, TX  78731
512-200-0940 www.legaldigestevents.com Jennifer Childress jennifer@ed311.com
Earth Native Wildeness 137 Woodview Ln
Bastrop, TX 78602
512-299-8870 https://www.earthnativeschool.com/natural-mentors-retreat Julia Cosgrove juliac@earthnativeschool.com
ECPBL - Early Childhood PBL 5432 SW 20th St
Des Moines, IA 50315
512-971-0697 https://www.earlychildhoodpbl.com Erin Starkey erin@ecpbl.com
Ed4Career P.O.Box 30893
Savannah, GA  31410
727-824-7800 www.ed4career.com Erin Fouse efouse@ed4career.com
Edmentum 2425 N. Central Expy Ste. 1000
Richardons, TX 75080
https://www.edmentum.com/ Kelli Norwood kelli.norwood@edmentum.com
EdtechBadges P.O. Box 6644
Round Rock, TX  78683
210-542-5711  http://www.edtechbadges.com/cpe-course/ Jessica Worley   Jessica@edtechbadges.com 
EdTRAINER (Rachel Riles) 3210 Rustling Moss Dr
Houston, TX  77068
713-364-8440 www.curriculumandmore.com Rachel Riles rachel@edtrainer.net
Lake Dallas, TX 78065
832-704-1586 https://www.eduspecialist.org/ Julia Chapa Leeper julia@eduspecialist.org
Educating Diverse Learners PO Box 312554
New Braunfels, TX  78130
210-473-2338 www.teachingdiverselearners.com Minda Lopez minda.lopez@gmail.com
Educating While Black LLC 102 Oxford Dr
Pearland, TX 77584
832-656-0487 www.thisisdeidra.com/connected-community Deidra Lawson thisisdeidra@2222gmail.com
Education Assessment and Training, Inc. 3743 Hollow Creek Rd
Arlington, TX  76001
817-752-5588 http://eatinc.org/ Karen Jo Matsler educationassessment@me.com
Education in Action 10200 Alta Vista Rd
PO Box 2285
Keller, TX  76244
817-562-4957 http://www.educationinaction.org/ Jennifer Pasteur rrichardson@educationinaction.org 
Education Sustains Communities, LLC PO Box 750053
Houston, TX 77275
832-735-7220 http://www.navesc.com/ Cinnamin Rivers cinnamin.rivers@gmail.com
Education Week 6935 Arlington Road, Ste. 100
Bethesda, MD  20814
301-280-3191 http://www.edweek.org/ew/events/big-ideas-summit-2019.html Matthew Cibellis mcibellis@epe.org
Educational Concepts,  LLC 12320 Cypress Barker Road
Suite 600-111
Cypress, TX  77249
888-630-6650 http://www.educationalconcepts4you.com/ Dr. Tyrone Tanner info@educationalconcepts4you.com
Educational Leadership Consultants 18002 Heaton Dr
Houston, TX  77084
832-940-9660 http://www.eduleadconsultants.net/ Mary Smith msmith@eduleadconsultants.net
Educational Rights Information and Consulting Ctr 5906 Wrest Point Court
Spring, TX  77388
956-655-9528   Mary M Durheim ericc504@yahoo.com
Educational Training and Consulting Inc. 979 Reseda Dr.
Houston, TX  77062
877-409-2929 www.etcmontessori.com Erika L. Ohlhaver information@etcmontessori.com
Educators of Excellence, LLC 3901 Shoal Creek Blv.
Austin, TX  78756
512-633-4186 www.educatorsofexcellence.com Lynn Kirby jhayes6228@austin.rr.com
Educurious Partners 3919 Latona Ave NE C-1
Seattle, WA 98105
206-402-4489 https://educurious.org/ Jane Chadsey Jchadsey@ educurious.org
(Diverse, Operating, Training, Systems)
P.O. Box 231
Wylie, TX 75098
972-898-9544 https://edu-dots.com/ Dr. Lakeiah Cheatham edu.dotsk12@gmail.com
Eduphoria, Inc. 6800 Weiskopf Ave. Ste 150
McKinney, TX 75070
855-997-0411 www.eduphoria.net Rhyanne Guerrero training@eduphoria.net
Edvance Research, Inc. 9901 IH-10 West
Suite 1000
San Antonio, TX  75230
210-558-4130 www.edvanceresearch.com Kristin Nafziger knafziger@edvanceresearch.com
EduSmart 5815 W William Cannon Dr, Suite 105
Austin, TX 78749
800- 318-9172 https://edusmart.com/webinars Lisa Deslaurier lisa@edusmart.com
Edwards Aquifer Authority 900 E. Quincy
San Antonio, TX  78215
210-222-2204 www.edwardsaquifer.org Sarah Valdez svaldez@edwardsaquifer.org
edWeb.net P.O. Box1387
Princeton, NJ  08542
800-575-6015 www.edweb.net Lisa Schmucki lisa@edweb.net
Eichelbaum Wardell Hansen Powell & Mehl, P.C. 4201 West Parmer Lane
Suite A-100
Austin, TX  78727
800-488-9045 http://www.edlaw.com/ Julie H. Eichelbaum information@edlaw.com
ELB Education 415 Boulder Court Suite 500
Pleasanton, CA  94566
469-570-2105 www.elbeducation.com/professional-development Lisa Timmerman l.timmerman@elbglobal.com
El Paso Child Guidance Center 2701 East Yandell
El Paso, TX 79003
915-562-1999 www.epcgc.org Kathy Revtyak krevtyak@epcgc.org
El Paso AFT 4024 Trowbridge
El Paso, TX  79930
915-562-3738 x102 http://epftsp.tx.aft.org/professional-development Kara Cervantes karacervantes@epaft.org
El Paso Museum of Art 1 Arts Festival Plaza
El Paso, TX  79901
915 212-3061 http://www.elpasoartmuseum.org/ Kate Loague LoagueKM@elpasotexas.gov
Eleanor Kolitz Hebrew Language Academy 12500 NW Military Hwy
Suite 150
San Antonio, TX  78231
210-302-6900 http://www.ekhla.org/ Gail Markson marksong@ekhla.org
Elequa, Inc. 110 Yellowstone
San Antonio, TX 78210
210-201-2971 www.makewater.org Ryan Beltran info@makewater.org
Elevate Your Classroom Educational Conference 9547 Hampton Reserve
Brentwood, TN 37027
615-499-3868 https://www.elevateyourclassroom.com/ Jason Warren jason@elevateyourclassroom.com
ElevatED Solutions 2102 Roosevelt Dr. Suite E
Dalworthington Gardens, TX 76103
972-666-4600 x100 https://www.getelevat-ed.com/courses/ Valencia Ashley vashley@getelevat-ed.com
Elevation Station P.O. Box 22 Ln.
Wharton, TX  77488
832-827-4358 https://www.arieljtaylor.com Ariel J. Taylor arieljtaylor@gmail.com
Ellis County Children's Advocacy 425 E. Ross Street
Waxahachie, TX 75165
972-937-1870 https://www.elliscountycac.org/ Leslie Deen ldeen@elliscountycac.org
EMC Education Group, LLC 2802 Timmons #22134
Houston, TX  77227
888-339-1289 www.emcedgroup.com Shundra Cannon emcedgroup@gmail.com
Emergence Health Network 201 E. Main
El Paso, TX 79901
915-887-3410 https://emergencehealthnetwork.org/mental-health/#1487954394831-5bc9520b-3482 Luis Chavarria lchavarria@ehnelpaso.org
Emergent Tree Education, Inc. 8913 Spring Lake Dr.
Austin, TX  78750
512-565-3385 http://www.emergenttree.com/ Mae Coffman Mae@emergenttree.com
Empowered Training Centre, LLC (MyCourseRoom.com) P.O. Box 116632
Carrollton, TX  75011
972-241-8282 www.mycourseroom.com Mubina Gillani support@mycourseroom.com
Empower52 16949 N Eldridge Pkwy #770
Tomball, TX 77377
346-573-5752 https://empower52.com/ Jason Littlefield derrickcalvert@empower52.com
EmpowerED Pathways 7201 Sir Gawain Dr
Austin, TX 78745
512-999-6328 www.empowerEDpathways.org/sel-training Jason Littlefield contact@empowerEDpathways.org
Enabling Learning LLC P.O. Box 76
Lavon, TX 75166
972-914-8569 https://www.enablinglearning.com/online-courses/ Luis Hernandez luis@enablinglearning.com
Encore Creative Productions P.O Box 3481
Kilgore, TX  75663
972-757-8505 www.encorecp.com Lisa Fortenberry lisa@encorecp.com
Endowed Ascension LLC 1009 E INTERSTATE 30
NUM 1129
Rockwall, TX 75087
972- 836- 8091 https://www.endowedascension.com/ Aleah Rasshan aleah@endowedascension.com
Energy Training Resources LLC 9900 Westpark Dr.
Suite 348
Houston, TX  77063
713-780-2131 www.energytrainingresources.com Paul A. Parsons paul@energy-train.com
Engage Learning, Inc. 307 Inverness Pt.
Portland, TX  78374
361-704-9654 https://engage2learn.org/ Chris Everett chris@engage2learn.org
Engage Their Minds LLC 16202 Mission Ridge
San Antonio, TX 78232
210-602-5587 https://engagetheirminds.com/professional-development-sessions/ Terri Eichholz engagetheirminds@gmail.com
Enigma Training and Counsulting, LLC 2424 Eagle Mountain
Little Elm, TX  75068
469-226-3901   Nathan Riddle Nathanriddle12@gmail.com
Engineered for Action Educational Services 9111 Lakes at 610 Dr.
Houston, TX 77054
 310-948-8238 www.engineeredforaction.com Michelle R. Smith PhD msmith@engineeredforaction.com
Entrusted Educational Leaders, LLC 20234 Goss Hollow Ln
Katy, TX 77449
832-323-3711 https://entrusted-leaders.com/services Dr. Kabrina Johnson entrustedleaders@gmail.com
Envolve PeopleCare 12515 Research Blvd Bldg 8
Austin, TX  78759
214-287 - 3961 http://envolvepeoplecare.com/ Mary Armstrong Mary.Armstrong@EnvolveHealth.com
Equanimity PDO 1213 Ramona St
Angleton, TX 77515
979-388-0148 http://dianne979.wixsite.com/equanimitypdo Darla Michaelidis equanimityPDO@gmail.com
Equity and Community LLC dba Change Impact PO Box 294
East Rockaway, NY 11518
516-400-6150 https://changeuplearning.com/courses/ Jen Siaca Curry jen@changeimpact.net
eScholar, LLC 222 Bloomingdale Road
Suite 107
White Plains, NY  10605
914-989-2977 http://www.escholar.com/ Janet Dougherty jdougherty@escholar.com
ESTEAM Foundation DBA VentureLab PO Box 50374
Austin, TX  78763
919-324-3640 www.venturelab.org Scott Mann scott@venturelab.org
Ethics in Faith 308 Wista Vista Drive
Richardson, TX 75081
817-797-4789 https://www.ethicsinfaith.org/ Dr. Abul Rashid Admin@ethicsinfaith.org
Ethos Education Group PO Box 7 8700 Stonebrook Pkwy
Frisco, TX  75034
469-576-5470 http://www.ethoseducationgroup.com/ Michael Davis mdavis@ethoseducationgroup.com
ETS ProEthica 660 Rosedale Road Austin, TX 78703 469-576-5470 http://www.ets.org/proethica/ Jessica Sterns jxstern@ets.org
ETX Innovation Center 109 S. Washington
Beckville, TX 75631
817-382-8475 https://www.etxinnovation.com/educators Dr. Anthony Edwards etxinnovation@gmail.com
Eunice R. Benckenstein Library & Archive (Stark Foundation) 712 Green Avenue
Orange, TX  77630
409-886-2787 http://starkculturalvenues.org/starkmuseum/education/teacher-workshops Drew Whatley dwhatley@starkfoundation.org
Everyday Hero CPR 112 Hawthorne Dr.
Murphy, TX 75094
469-298-9593 http://everydayherocpr.com Francisco Carrero Francisco@EveryDayHeroCPR.com
Excelerate Physical Therapy, LLC 16107 Kensington Drive Suite 123
Sugar Land, TX 77479
713-324-7021 https://www.excelmobilept.org/get-started Katherine Millis km@excelmobilept.com
Exceptional Educational Services LLC 6925 Oakland Mills Rd. Ste. 207
Columbia, MD 21045
240-644-3540 https://www.members.specializedmath.com/cpe-courses/ Paris Crocker pgcrocker@exceptionaledservices.com
Exemplars, Inc. 271 Poker Hill Road
Underhill, VT  05489
800-450-4050 www.exemplars.com Cat Morgan info@exemplars.com
ExplorTech 503 E. Park
Weatherford, TX  76086
817-629-5085 www.explortech.org Dr. Gary E. Sullivan gsullivan@explortech.org
F.A.C.T Education Inc. 1405 Meadowbrook Ln
Nevada, TX 75173
469-833-7104 www.facted.org Renda Songer renda.songer@facted.org
Facing History & Ourselves P.O. Box 40568
Memphis, TN 38174
901-318-3340 https://www.facinghistory.org/guide-continuing-education-credit-professional-learning Alexa Proffitt alexa_proffitt@facinghistory.org
Families for Effective Autism Treatment - North Texas P. O. Box 92123
Southlake, TX  76092
682-626-5000 http://www.featnt.org/ Laurie Snyder laurie@featnt.org
Families in Nature 4610 Shoalwood Avenue
Austin, TX 78756
512-552-9682 https://familiesinnature.org/guide-development-program/online-guide-development-program Jordan Joly Jordan@FamiliesinNature.org
Family & Consumer Sciences Teachers Association of Texas 5524 Bee Caves Road
Suite H-1
Austin, TX  78746
512-794-8370 www.fcstat.org Terry Green fcstat@fcstat.org
Family Life and Community Resource Center (FLCRC) 2204 Thompson Road
Suite 100
Richmond, TX  77469
832-993-1155 http://familylifecrc.org/ Ilene Harper Iharper.flcrc@gmail.com
Family to Family Network 16225 Park Ten Place #500
Houston, TX  77084
712-466-6304   Mary Jane Williams familytofamily@sbcglobal.net
Fashion My Future Foundation of Houston, Inc. 7615 Pagewood lane
Houston, TX  77063
713-252-8939 www.fashionmyfuture.com Gloria Pearson fashionmyfuturenow@gmail.com
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas 2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX  75201
214-922-6826 http://dallasfed.org Morgan Ackley morgan.ackley@dal.frb.org
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 4442
St. Louis, MO 63166
314-444-8421 https://www.stlouisfed.org/education/teacher-professional-development Mike Kaiman mike.kaiman@stls.frb.org
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis P.O. Box 4442
St. Louis, MO 63166
314-444-8421 https://www.econlowdown.org/ Mike Kaiman mike.kaiman@stls.frb.org
Feel-Good Teaching PO Box 7492
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
626-353-8513 https://www.feelgoodteaching.com Kerry Tracy christine@yahouston.org
Financial Mentors of America, Inc. 10655 Memorial
Houston, TX  77024
713-256-8643 http://www.gameofreallife.org/ Lorraine Decker Lorraine@Financialmentors.org
First Time Moms/Coding with a Twist 3920 Cypress Creek Parkway, Suite #120
Houston, TX 77068
903-312-1173 https://www.firsttimemoms.org/ Sha'Rell Webb sharellqwebb@gmail.com
First3Years 15851 Dallas Parkway #106
Addison, TX 75001
469-318-3730 First3yearstx.org Jyrah Knight jknight@first3yearstx.org
First Command Educational Foundation 1 FirstComm Plaza
Fort Worth, TX  76109
817-569-2940 www.fcef.com Vickie Coleman edufoundation@fcef.com
First Defense Solutions, LLC 5700 Granite Pkwy, Ste 200
Plano, TX 75025
972-696-9864 http://www.firstdefensesolutions.us/ Heidi Wysocki heidiwysocki@firstdefensesolutions.us
Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary 4700 Avenue U, Building 216
Galveston, TX  77551
409-356-0388 http://flowergarden.noaa.gov Kelly Drinnen flowergarden@noaa.gov
For the Culture, Literacy Development 10522 Winding Green Drive
Humble, TX 77338
832-620-3966 http://www.forthecultureliteracy.com Tamika Bartley fortheculture.kitdev@gmail.com
For the Sake of One 422 Hickory Street
Texarkana, AR 71854
903-329-0566 https://www.forthesakeofone.com/events/tbri-training Angela Coston angela@forthesakeofone.com
Forever Hope Counseling & Educational Services, LLC  21714 Hardy Oake
Suite 104
San Antonio, TX  78258
210-490-9062 http://www.foreverhopecounseling.com/ Sandra Salazar  sandra@foreverhopecounseling.com 
Fort Worth Botanic Garden 3220 Botanic Garden Blvd
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-233-441 x237 www.fwbg.org Sheryl Schickedanz sschickedanz@fortworthtexas.gov
Fort Worth Museum of Science and History 1600 Gendy Street
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-255-9416 http://www.fortworthmuseum.org/ Cathy Barthelemy cbarthelemy@fwmsh.org
Fort Worth Sister Cities International P.O. Box 17879
Fort Worth, TX 76102
817-632-7100 https://www.fwsistercities.org/ Paige Collins paige@fwsistercities.org
Forward Ed, LLC 970 Jennifer St
Alvin, TX 77511
409-599-1907 https://www.getforwarded.com/ Dr. Kerisha Tillmon ForwardEdTx@gmail.com
FotoFest International-Literacy Through Photography  Program 2000 Edwards St. Bldg. C
Houston, TX  77007
713-223-5522 www.fotofest.org; www.literacythroughphotography.org Chelsea Shannon ltp2@fotofest.org
Freestyle Languages 7310 Menchaca Rd #150429
Austin, TX 78715
512-387-5839 https://freestylelanguages.com/flc-edu/ Elizabeth Mack elizabeth@freestylelanguages.com
Freestyle Therapy LLC 2626 Rosewood Dr.
Mesquite, TX 75150
214-718-4338 https://freestyletherapy.teachable.com Cassandra Holt freestyletherapyinfo.com
Foundations In Teaching 911 E 2nd Street
Mission, TX 78572
956-960-1976 https://www.foundationsinteaching.com/ Roger Gomez admin@foundationsinteaching.com
Foundations, Inc. 701 East Gate Drive
Suite 300
Mt. Laurel, NJ  08054
856-533-1600 www.beyondschoolhours.org Anthony Cost tcost@foundationsinc.org
French Language Department, French Consulate in Houston 777 Post Oak Blvd. Ste. 600
Houston, TX  77056
346-272-5361 http://frenchlanguagek12.org/ Marion Autones marion.autones@diplomatie.gouv.fr
friEdTechnology 311 Tanglewood Drive
Conroe, TX  77301
936-228-1983 http://www.friedtechnology.com/ Amy Mayer amy@friedtechnology.com
Frisco Public Library 6101 Frisco Square Blvd
Frisco, TX  75034
972-292-5669 http://www.friscolibrary.com/ Jennifer Cummings jcummings@friscotexas.gov
Frog Street Press, Inc. 800 Industrial Blvd. #100
Grapevine, TX  76051
817-251-3543 http://www.frogstreet.com/ Dr. Rena Hall rhall@frogstreet.com
Frontiers of Flight Museum 6911 Lemmon Ave
Dallas, TX  75209
214-699-4619 https://www.flightmuseum.com/ Rosalie Wade wade@flightmuseum.com
Frontline Education 1400 Atwater Drive
Malvern, PA  19355
610-727-0322 www.frontlinetechnologies.com Conrad Kraybill ckraybill@frontlineed.com
FuelEd Schools Inc. 3000 Richmond Ave Ste 340
Houston, TX  77098
346-204-5451 https://www.fueledschools.org/ Jasmine Barnes officemanagement@fueledschools.org
Fusion Education Group 72 Monroe Center NW, Suite B
Grand Rapids, CA 49503
616-301-1221 https://www.fusionacademy.com Anthony Riccardo ariccardo@fusionacademy.com
Galveston Bay Foundation 1725 Highway 146
Kemah, TX  77565
281-332-3381 x219 www.galvbay.org/education Cindy Wilems cwilems@galvbay.org
Garth House, Mickey Mehaffy Children's Advocacy Program, Inc. (also provides Superintendent required training for Identifying and Reporting Potential Victims of Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children for certificate renewal) 1895 McFaddin Avenue
Beaumont, TX 77701
409-838-9084 https://www.garthhouse.org/ Janet Morris jmorris@garthhouse.org
Gay Lee Schumann, M.ED. Owner of Grapevine Consulting PO Box 6236
Paris, TX 75461
817-296-4998 https://www.grapevineconsulting.solutions/ Gay Lee Schumann technologyblessed@gmail.com
Gemini Ink 1111 Navarro Street
San Antonio, TX  78205
210-734-9673 www.geminiink.org Lisa Cortez Walden uww.geminiink@gmail.com
Gentle Minds Tutoring Education Service PO Box 511
Missouri City, TX  77459
832-736-8533 www.gentlemindstutoring.com Tiffany Williams gentlemindstutoring@gmail.com
George H.W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum 1000 George Bush Drive West
College Station, TX  77845
979-691-4013 https://www.bush41.org/ Dr. Shirley Hammond shirley.hammond@nara.gov
George W. Bush Presidential Library 2943 SMU Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75205
214-346-1693 http://www.georgewbushlibrary.smu.edu/ Sharon E. Brannon sharon.brannon@nara.gov
George W. Bush Presidential Museum 2943 SMU Blvd.
Dallas, TX  75205
214-200-4386 https://www.bushcenter.org/ Teresa Lenling tlenling@bushcenter.org
Get Into Neurodiversity Melbourne, Australia
Victoria 3114
0061-432142278 http://www.getintoneurodiversity.com/ Jillian Zocher jillian@getintoneurodiversity.com
Gilbert M. Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education  601 University Drive
San Marcos, TX  78666
512-245-1823 http://www.geoteach.org/ Joann Zadrozny  J_z37@txstate.edu
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History 49 West 45th Street
6th Floor
New York, NY  10036
646-366-9666 http://gilderlehrman.org/programs-exhibitions/gilder-lehrman-self-paced-courses Josh Landon landon@gilderlehrman.org
Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas 6001 Summerside Drive
Dallas, TX  75252
682-251-0101 http://www.gsnetx.org/ Micaela Lowery mlowery@gsnetx.org
Girls Empowerment Network P.O. Box 3122
Austin, TX 78764
512-808-4044 https://www.girlsempowermentnetwork.org/ Chloe LaPorte chloe@girlsempowermentnetwork.org
Girls on the Run of the DFW Metroplex 6001 Summerside Drive
Dallas, TX 75248
214-484-3082 http://www.gotrdfw.org/ Lanell Rachid lanell@gotrdfw.org
Girls on the Run Greater Houston 14359 Kellywood Lane
Houston, TX  77079
608-290-6178 https://gotrlearn.csod.com/client/gotrlearn/default.aspx Jaime Karns JAMIE@gotrgreaterhouston.org
Girls on the Run Rio Grande Valley P.O Box
Brownsville, TX  78523
956-346-4622 www.girlsontherunrgv.org Thabiso Batsell thabiso.batsell@girlsontherun.org
Global Vida PO Box 600053
Dallas, TX 75360
214-794-0790 www.globalvida.net Viviana Hall Viviana.Hall@Globalvida.net
Glean Education LLC 175 Lucas Park Drive
San Rafael, CA  94903
312-833-0073 www.gleaneducation.com Jessica Hamman jessica@gleaneducation.com
GMCoE 1202 W. Camp Wisdom Rd.
Duncanville, TX  75116
817-806-8184 https://www.facebook.com/gapmenders Vatina Herring gmcoe@gapmenders.org
Grant Halliburton Foundation 6390 LBJ Freeway, Suite 100
Dallas, TX 75240
971-744-9790 https://www.granthalliburton.org/adultprograms Cami Fields cami@granghalliburton.org
Gomez and Gomez Dual Language Consultants 1474 W. Price Road Suite 435
Brownsville, TX 78520
956-358-3722 http://www.gomezandgomez.com/ Richard Gomez Richard@gomezandgomez.com
Gran Via Educational Consulting, LLC. 197 Yale Avenue
Red Oak, TX 75154
469-732-4961 https://www.granviapro.com/ Catalina Medrano granviapro@gmail.com
Greater Houston Puppetry Guild 6214 Becker Line Dr.
Spring, TX  77379
281-655-5347 houstonpuppetry.weebly.com Jean R. Kuecher jkpuppet@aol.com
Green Stripe Consulting LLC 110 Monroe St Unit 102
Rockville, MD 20850
301-247-7556 https://greenstripeconsulting.com/for-educators/ Cristin Cash admin@greenstripeconsulting.com
Group Dynamix 1100 Venture Court Suite 120
Carrollton, TX 75006
972-416-9646 https://groupdynamix.com/ Robert Warner robert.warner@groupdynamix.com
Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority 933 E. Court St.
Seguin, TX  78155
830-379-5822 www.gbra.org/education Cinde Thomas-Jimenez cthomas-jimenez@gbra.org
Gulf Bend Center (Gulf Bend MHMR Center) 6502 Nursery Dr. Ste. 100
Victoria, TX 77904
361-575-0611 https://www.gulfbend.org/poc/view_doc.php?type=doc&id=57797 Jessica Anderson Jessica5410@gulfbend.org
Gulf Coast Administrators of Special Education (GCASE) 6500 Long Drive
Houston, TX  77087
281-799-2434 www.gcasehouston.com Retta Jones info@gcasehouston.com
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 1400 La Concha Lane
Houston, TX  77054
713-791-7790 http://www.giveblood.org/education/workshop-for-health-science-teachers/ Misty VanDusen MVanDusen@giveblood.org
H. E. Butt Foundation Outdoor School 719 Earl Garrett Street
719 Earl Garrett Street Kerrville, TX 78028
830-315-9286 https://foundationoutdoorschool.org/ Christopher Richardson cirichardson@hebfdn.org
H.U.G.S. for Autism, Inc.  9898 Almeda Genoa Road
Houston, TX  77275
281-668-8910 www.hugsforautism.org Jermaine Leahman hugsforautisminc@gmail.com
Hal Bowman. Inc. 851 Azalea St.
Houston, TX  77018
713-264-8227 www.HalBowman.com  Georgia Lister Georgia@halbowman.com
Happy Teacher Professional Development PO Box 213 Broomfield CO 80038 303-579-9286 https://www.happyteacherpd.com/ Jennifer Cooper happyteacherpd.com
Harold D. Ramm, Ed.D. 626 Benchmark Trail
Belton, TX  76513
254-541-2990   Harold D. Ramm h.ramm@groesbeckisd.net
Harrington Library Consortium 413 WE 4th Ave
Amarillo, TX  79101
806-378-6037 http://www.harringtonlc.org/ Troyce Wilson troyce@hlc-lib.org
Harris County Department of Education 6300 Irvington Blvd.
Houston, TX  77022
713-696-0790 http://www.hcde-texas.org/ Dr. CJ Rodgers crodgers@hcde-texas.org
Health Occupations Students of America, Texas Association 5415 Springfield Suite 5A
Laredo, TX  78041
956-728-0150 www.texashosa.org Janet Villarreal texashosa@stx.rr.com
Healthy Futures of Texas 2300 W. Commerce St. Suite 212
San Antonio, TX 78207
210-223-4589 https://www.healthyfutures-tx.org/ Melanie Chasteen mchasteen@healthyfutures-tx.org
Healthy Habitats 907 Canyon Edge
Canyon Lake, TX  78133
830-3878935 www.healthyhabitats.org  Jana Harter  jana@healthyHabitats.org 
Hear MY Voice - Language Through AAC 5501 Sierra Ridge Drive
Fort Worth, TX  76123
817-301-2682 www.languagethroughaac.org Deann O'Lenick languagethroughaac@gmail.com
Heinemann Professional Development 361 Hanover Street
Portsmouth, NH  03801
800-541-2086 http://www.heinemann.com/ Maureen Foster maureen.foster@heinemann.com
Heritage Festivals of San Antonio PO Box 791606
San Antonio, TX  78279
210-995-2854 https://hfsa.us/ Liz Newton info@hfsa.us
Heritage Village Museum P.O. Box 888
Woodville, TX  75979
409-283-2272 http://www.heritage-village.org Carol Shields whitmeyerlibrary@gmail.com
Highland Lakes Equality Center Inc. 1206 Hackberry Drive
Marble Falls, TX  78654
623-910-1616 www.hlequalitycenter.org Stephania Kanitsch info@hlequalitycenter.org
HighScope Educational Research Foundation 600 N. River St.
Ypsilanti, MI 46198
800-407-7377 https://highscope.org/our-practice/professional-learning/ Mary Lou Greene bids@highscope.org
Hill Country CASA P.O. Box 290965
Kerrville, TX 78029
830-896-2272 http://www.heritage-village.org Stephanie Cash stephanie@hccasa.org
Hollinger Education Consultants 3001 Heron Avenue
Mc Allen, TX  78504
956-225-6381 http://www.hollingereducation.com/ Dr. Scott Hollinger scott@hollingereducation.com
Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio 12500 NW Military Hwy.
Suite 200
San Antonio, TX  78231
210-302-6807 http://hmmsa.org/ Julie Tzucker education@hmmsa.org
Holocaust Museum Houston 5401 Caroline Street
Houston, TX  77004
713-942-8000   http://www.hmh.org/ Wendy Warren wwarren@hmh.org
Honey Hill Retreat Center & Bowman Sewing Lab 114 N. Ellison Dr. Suite 126
San Antonio, TX  78251
210-682-0501  www.bowmansewinglab.com Kim Cotcher & Esther Puente honeyhillretreat@gmail.com
Honorable Character 700 Lake Country Dr. Suite 112-C
Fort Worth, TX  76179
817-581-5131 www.honorablecharacter.com  Vicki Vaughn info@honorablecharacter.com
Honored2Teach LLC 805 Royal Burgess Dr.
Round Rock, TX  78664
832-671-1957  http://www.honored2teach.com/ Nicole Burton Nicoleburton@honored2teach.com
Hope Cottage 609 Texas Street
Dallas, TX 75204
214-526-8721 https://www.hopecottage.org/ Christina Easton ceaston@hopecottage.org
Hope of South Texas P.O.Box 3651
Victoria, TX 77903
361-573-4673 https://hopecenterstx.org/ Ellen Vallejo, LPC ellen@hopecenterstx.org
HoppArt 223 Encino Dr.
Floresville, TX 78114
830-222-6002 https://www.hopparttx.com/all classes Rebecca J. Hopp hoppartstudio@gmail.com
Hospitality Educators Association of Texas (HEAT) 374 Marlborough St.
Boston, MA 02113
617-536-0590 https://sites.google.com/texaspineapple.org/texaspineapple/home/ Christina Pappas cpappas@openthedoor.biz
HotChalk, Inc. 1999 South Bascom Avenue
Campbell, CA  95020
408-761-0275 https://sharetolearn.com Dr. Mary Jane Pearson maryjane.pearson@hotchalk.com
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 125 High Street
Boston, MA 02110
800584-2444 https://www.hmhco.com/classroom-solutions/professional-services Shawn Weirather hmh.bids@hmhco.com
House of Shine 334 S. Barton St.
Grapevine, TX 76051
817-601-8850 https://www.houseofshine.com/ Amy Spurlock amy@houseofshine.org
Houston A+ Challenge 2700 Southwest Freeway
Suite B
Houston, TX  77098
713-658-1881 www.houstonaplus.org Donna O'Neil DONeil@houstonaplus.org
Housman Institute, LLC 831 Beacon St. Suite 407
Newton, MA 02459
857-772-6603 https://www.housmaninstitute.com/ Mark Hastings mhastings@housmaninstitute.org
Houston A+ Challenge PO Box 56003
Houston, TX  77265
713-869-7740 www.childrenatrisk.org Donna O'Neil doneil@childrenatrisk.org
Houston Arboretum and Nature Center 4501 Woodway Drive
Houston, TX  77024
713-681-8433 www.houstonarboretum.org Pat Marks pmarks@houstonarboretum.org
Houston Audubon 440 Wilchester Blvd.
Houston, TX 77079
713-932-1639 x103 https://houstonaudubon.org/ Amber Leung aleung@houstonaudubon.org
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft 4848 Main Street
Houston, TX  77002
713-529-4848 www.crafthouston.org Miriam Mendoza mmendoza@crafthouston.org
Houston Counseling Association P.O. Box 22069
Houston, TX  77227
713-478-7478 http://www.houstoncounselor.org/ Danette Maldonado Dmaldon305@aol.com
Houston Federation of Teachers 2704 Sutherland Street
Houston, TX  77023
713-623-2711 http://hft2415.org/ Claudia J. Nolasco-Morales cmorales@hft2415.org
Houston Food Bank 535 Portwall St.
Houston, TX 77029
713-223-3700 https://www.houstonfoodbank.org/ Jasmynn Lahner healthpro@houstonfoodbank.org
Houston Grand Opera 510 Preston
Houston, TX  77004
713-980-8673 https://www.houstongrandopera.org/ Kiana Day Williams kwilliams@houstongrandopera.org
Houston Maritime Museum 2311 Canal Street, Ste.100
Houston, TX 77003
713-225-1688 https://www.houstonmaritime.org/ Ji Eun You Jyou@HoustonMaritime.org
Houston Methodist Hospital Concussion Center 6560 Fannin St., Suite 1840
Houston, TX  77030
713-441-8211 www.houstonmethodist.org/concussion Deidre Duke dlduke@houstonmethodist.org
Houston Museum District Association 1401 Richmond Ave.
Suite 290
Houston, TX  77006
713-715-1939 www.houstonmuseumdistrict.org Laurette Canizares laurette@houstonmuseumdistrict.org
Houston Museum of Natural Science 5555 Hermann Park Drive
Houston, TX  77030
713-639-4759 http://www.hmns.org/ Kathleen Havens Khavens@hmns.org
Houston Psychological Association 10401 Westoffice Drive
Houston, TX  77042
713-487-9310 https://psychologyhouston.org Dr. Holly Carlson-Zhao hcarlson@cfobh.com
Houston Zoo, inc. 1513 Cambridge St.
Houston, TX  77030
713-533-6500 www.houstonzoo.org Anita B. Frey education@houstonzoo.org
Hub Theatre Group-Chanda Creative Theatricals 8302 Raleigh Ave, Suite B
Lubbock, TX 79424
806-577-2978 http://www.hubtheatregroup.org/professional-development.html Paula Chanda info@hubtheatre.org
Humanities Texas 1410 Rio Grande
Austin, TX  78701
512-440-1991 http://www.humanitiestexas.org Eric Lupfer elupfer@humanitiestexas.org
Humble Teacher, Co. 5706 Mockingbird Lane
Dallas, TX 75206
972-338-5448 https://humbleteacher.com/all-courses/ Andrea Malone andrea@humbleteacher.com
Idioma Education and Consulting, LLC PO Box 1436
Andover, MA 01810
978-494-6430 https://www.idiomaconsulting.com/ Mellissia Walles mwalles@idiomaconsulting.com
IEEE Houston Section P.O. Box 460443
Houston, TX  77056
713-772-8243 http://sites.ieee.org/houston/ Freddie Wong fp.wong@sbcglobal.net
iGlobal Educational Services 13785 Highway 183
Suite 125
Austin, TX  78750
512-761-5898 http://www.iglobaleducation.com/ Dr. Alicia Holland drhollandj@iglobaleducation.com
IgnitED 3040 FM 1960 E
Suite 110 PMB91
Houston, TX  77073
281-846-5387 http://fuelgreatminds.com/ Michelle Williams mwilliams@fuelgreatminds.com
ILA - International Literacy Association 800 Barksdale Road
Newark, DE 19711
302-731-3788 www.literacyworldwide.org/ Peggy DiMaio pdimaio@reading.org
Imagine International Academy of North Texas 2860 Virginia Parkway
McKinney, TX  75071
214-491-1500 www.imaginenorthtexas.org Julia Brady julia.brady@imagineschools.com
Imagine Learning, Inc. 382 Park Circle #100
Provo, UT  84604
312-513-7663 www.imaginelearning.com Sara Wat kins sara.watkins@imaginelearning.com
Impact Teaching Training & Leadership Development 2801 Brazos Blvd.
Euless, TX 76039
817-825-7317 https://impactttl.com/ Dr. Deidrea S. Stevens Deidrea.Stevens@impactttl.com
Impacting Paradigms 517 Arrowhead Drive
Richardson, TX  75080
682-302-2659 www.ImpactingParadigms.com Annie Dutton info@ImpactingParadigms.com
ImproveClass LLC 3415 S. Appaloosa Dr.
Jackson, WY  83001
307-690-3398 http://improveclass.com/ Bradley Krugh bradley@improveclass.com
Including Kids, Inc. 18401 Timber Forest Dr.
Humble, TX  77346
281-852-0501 http://includingkids.org/ Nichole O’Donnell outreach@includingkids.org
Indigenous Cultures Institute 4501 Felicity Lane
Austin, TX 78725
512-214-0225 https://indigenouscultures.org/xinachtli/ Diana Guizado diana@indigenouscultures.org
Infobase Learning Cloud 132 West 31st Street, 16th Floor
New York, NY  10001
800-322-8755 https://www.infobase.com Chris Plapp learningcloud@infobase.com
Informal Science Education Association of Texas PO Box 49999
Austin, TX  78765
361-815-6220 https://texasinformalscience.org/ Lucinda N Sohn texasinformalscience@gmail.com
InfoSource, Inc. (SimpleK12) 1300 City View Center
Oviedo, FL  32765
407-796-5200 www.simplek12.com Mala Chakravorty mchakra@simplek12.com

Inner City All-Stars/Calvin Sexton  4041 W. Wheatland Rd.
Suite 156-143
Dallas, TX  75237
972-360-8225 www.innercityallstars.com  Calvin Sexton  calvin@innercityallstars.com 
Innovative Teachers of Texas 2318 Center St., Suite 106
Deer Park, TX 77536
512-360-8489 https://www.ittexas.org/  Christopher Rhoades  christopher.rhoades@ittexas.org 
Innovation Voyage LLC 13231 Barnesworth Dr
Houston, TX 77049
832-597-2567 https://innovation-voyage.com/professional-development/ Aidee Batarse service@innovation-voyage.com 
Innovations with Solutions Consulting Services, LLC 5780 Duff Street
Beaumont, TX  77706
409-283-1819 www.innovationswithsolutions.com Carol W Morgan, Ph.D. innovationswithsolutions@gmail.com
Innovative Solutions for Better Education 9150 FM 317
Athens, TX  75052
972-262-0243   Larry Dozier larrynjc@outlook.com
Inprint 1520 West Main St.
Houston, TX 77006
713-521-2026 https://inprinthouston.org/ Amanda Ortiz amanda@inprinthouston.org
Inspiration Ranch 33029 Wright Rd
Magnolia, TX 77355
281-719-9322 https://www.inspirationranch.org/ MG Tindall mg@inspirationranch.org
Inspyre education 4448 Corner Brook Lane
Fort Worth, TX 76123
817-823-7950 https://drtimhill.com/ Sharita Hill info@insyreeducation.com
Institute for Career Advising and Development 302 Visions Parkway
Adel, IA 50003
515-993-3005 https://www.icadlearn.com/ Kim Oppelt oppeltk@icadlearn.com
Institute for Educational Development (IED) PO Box 718
Medina, WA  98039
800-260-8180 www.iedseminars.org Anna Griebel agriebel@ber.org
Institute for Healthcare Improvement 53 State Street, 19th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
617-309-4800 www.ihi.org/ Afiesha McMahon amcmahon@ihi.org
Institute for Learning Perspectives 13492 Research Blvd., Ste. 120-507
Austin, TX 78750
512-379-5220 https://www.perspectivesxr.org/ Stephen Cure Steve@PerspectivesXR.org
Institute for Learning, Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh 3420 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
412-624-6944 https://ifl.pitt.edu/ Lindsay Clare Matsumura, Ph.D. lclare@pitt.edu
Instituto de Educacion Infantil, Inc (INEDUIN) PO Box 7891
Gaithersburg, MD 20898
301-982-1596 https://www.ineduin.org/ Gloria Salazar accounting@ineduin.org
Intercultural Development Research Association 5815 Callaghan Rd #101
San Antonio, TX 78232
210-444-1710 https://www.alamostemecosystem.org/conference/ Jeff Wheatcraft Jeff Wheatcraft@idra.org
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) 621 SW Morrison St
Portland, OR  97205
732-535-2306 http://www.iste.org/ Sara Murray smurray@iste.org
International Weightlifting Association 31723 Leeward Court
Avon Lake, OH  44012
440-933-3890 www.iwacourses.com Mandy Watkins mandy@iwacourses.com
Interpersonal Communication Coaching 325 Virginia
Waxahachie, TX  75165
972-921-1183 https://interpersonalcommunicationcoaches.weebly.com Margaret Felty margaretfelty@sbcglobal.net
IRIS Center Peabody College, Box 275,
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN 37203
800-831-6134 https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/pd-hours/earn-pd-hours/ IRIS PD Helpdesk IRISpdhours@vanderbilt.edu
Islamic Center of Irving 2555 Esters Road
Irving, TX  75062
972-812-2230 www.irvingmasjid.org Nancy Hussein outreach@irvingmasjid.org
Island Resilience Center 3610 Bernardo de Galvez
Galveston, TX 77550
801-645-9513 https://www.islandresiliencecenter.com/ Rey Medellin islandresiliencecenter@gmail.com
iteachTEXAS PO Box 1626
Denton, TX  76202
940-383-8100 iteach.net Diann Huber, Ed.D.. diann.huber@iteach.net
It's Time Texas 13492 Research Blvd.
Suite 120 - #278
Austin, TX 78750
512-533-9555 https://itstimetexas.org/ Andrea Rosario andrea.rosario@itstimetexas.org
JAL Consulting-Joseph Lopez 5315 Winridge
San Antonio, TX 78228
210-415-9814 https://sites.google.com/view/jal-technical-theatre-consult/home Joseph Lopez jatheatre@gmail.com
Jane Justin School at the Child Study Center 1300 W. Lancaster Avenue
Fort Worth, TX  76110
817-390-2831 www.cscfw.org Dr. Tracie Mann tmann@cscfw.org
Jane Schaffer Writing Program® 400 South Zang Boulevard
Suite 1414
Dallas, TX  75208
214-946-3385 www.JaneSchaffer.com Deborah E. Louis, Ph.D. deborah@louisconcepts.com
Japan-America Society of Houston, Inc. 4543 Post Oak Place, Suite 220
Houston, TX 77027
281-705-6188 https://www.jas-hou.org/events/2020/11/7/online-educator-workshop Patsy Brown pybrown@jas-hous.org
Japanese Teachers Association of Texas One Bear Place #97391
Waco, TX  76798
254-710-4283 http://www.jtat.org/ Yuko Prefume Yuko_Prefume@Baylor.edu
Jeff Graham 1001 E. Allums St.
Kountze, TX  77625
409-209-6005   Jeff Graham Jag911@hotmail.com
Jennifer Warren 2507 Shady Falls Ln
Pearland, TX  77584
979-479-1984 http://www.beforethelaunch.com/ Jennifer Warren jennifer@beforethelaunch.com
Jeremy Foster 15522 Rio Plaza Dr.
Houston, TX  77083
832-406-6733   Jeremy Foster foster.fitness1@gmail.com
Jewish Federation of Greater Houston 5603 S. Braeswood
Houston, TX 77096
713-729-7000 x 330 https://www.houstonjewish.org/ Lisa Klein LKlein@houstonjewish.org
Joaquin in2 inclusion 1104 Hermitage Drive
Austin, TX 78753
361-562-0690 https://www.ji2.org/ Joaquin Rangel joaquin@j2.org
Joe Baca 2762 Smithfield Dr.
Orlando, FL 32837
505-235-9203 https://www.youtube.com/@JoeBaca85/ Joe Baca joebaca85@gmail.com
John Bunker Sands Wetland Center 655 Martin Lane
Seagoville, TX  75159
972-474-9100 http://www.wetlandcenter.com/ Linda Dunn ldunn@wetlandcenter.com
John P. McGovern Museum of Health and Medical Science
(dba The Health Museum)
1515 Hermann Dr
Houston, TX  77004
713-337-8449 http://www.thehealthmuseum.org/ La Tanya Miles lmiles@thehealthmuseum.org
Johnny and Carolyn Brown Institute for Learning, LLC 3950 Royal Meadows Street
Port Arthur, TX  77642
409-332-8405 www.jcbil.com; http://www.desire-to-aspire.com/ Dr. Johnny Edward Brown johnnedwardbrown@aol.com
Johnston Music Publishing LLC 1601 Hurley Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
817-895-2731 https://www.johnstonmusicpublishing.com/ Elliott Johnston publisher@johnstonmusicpublishing.com
Jolyn Brand, Brand College Consulting 1206 Blueberry Ln
Friendswood, TX  77546
832-569-2467 http://brandcollegeconsulting.com Jolyn Brand jolyn@brandcollegeconsulting.com
Jostens Texas Local and National Workshops P.O.Box 2853
Houston, TX 77252
832-603-1681 https://www.jostens.com/yearbooks/advisers-and-staff/events-workshops/ Ryan Almon ryan.almon@jostens.com
Jourdan-Bachman Pioneer Farms 10632 Pioneer Farms Dr.
Austin, TX 78754
512-837-1215 https://www.pioneerfarms.org// Chris Twing chris.twing@pioneerfarms.org
JRC & Associates, Literacy Education Consultants 6042 Warm Spring Rd.
Houston, TX  77035
832-265-1074   Jacquelyn Cooper edwards_ms@sbcglobal.net
Juan Marcos Coronado P.O. Box 159
Lyford, TX 78569
956-343-8709 https://massageetcllc.com/oola/ Juan M Coronado 4310lat@gmail.com
Julie Erickson 1301 Summer Ln
McKinney, TX 75071
405-508-0753 https://massageetcllc.com/oola/ Julie Erickson julie@massageetcllc.com
Junior Achievement of Southeast Texas - Capstone Programs 3710 Dacoma St
Houston, TX  77092
713-680-4745 www.jahouston.org DeJeania Jones djones@jahouston.org
Junior League of Longview PO Box 866
Longview, TX  75606
903-757-5740 http://www.jllongview.org/ Heidi Young info@jllongview.org
Junior League of the Woodlands 8686 Nefw Trails Drive #118
The Woodlands, TX 77381
832-376-5754 https://thewoodlands.jl.org/ Heather Bostick impact@jltw.org
Just Right Reader 5473 Blair Rd., Suite 100, PMB 90000
Dallas, TX 75231
1-977-415-READ https://justrightreader.com/ Markesha Wattree markesha.wattree@justrightreader.com
Justin Baeder DBA The Principal Center 110 W. Spring St.
Heber Springs, AR  72543
800-861-5172 http://www.principalcenter.com Justin Baeder justin@principalcenter.com
K4 Enterprises, Inc. 1611 FM 318 E
Yoakum, TX 77995
713-492-7221 https://k4enterprises.org/ Randy Kaiser k4enterprisesinc@gmail.com
KAB Educational Consulting, LLC 1447 Clear Valley Drive
Houston, TX 77014
281-682-6645 www.kabeducationalconsulting.com Raychelle Baines kabeduconsulting@gmail.com
Kagan Professional Development 981 Calle Amanecer
San Clemente, CA  92673
949-545-6388 www.kaganonline.com Lori Allnutt lori@kaganonline.com
KAMICO Instructional Media, Inc. P. O. Box 1143
Salado, TX  76571
254-947-7283 www.kamico.com Kathy Michael kmichael@kamico.com
Kara Rickman: Create Your Balance with Literacy 446 E Hwy 46 East
Boerne, TX 78006
512-217-9195 https://createyourbalancewithliteracy.com/ Kara Rickman kara.rickman@boerneisd.net
Karen L. Petty 3114 Dinah Lane
Tyler, TX 75701
940-453-2639 or 940-999-3667 https://www.drkarenpetty.com/  Karen Petty drkpetty@gmail.com
Kathryn Monroe - Inspiring Instruction 17928 Harbor Lane
Flin, TX  75762
903-628-4255 http://inspiringinstruction.teachable.com Kathryn Monroe kcmonroe07@aol.com
Kathy Morris igivuwings 102 Pinecone Lane
Sour Lake, TX  77659
409-338-5040 www.igivuwings.com Kathy Morris kkmorris@aol.com
Katrina Ayres 123 NW 12th Ave. #831
Portland, OR  97209
503-206-5553 www.PositiveTeachingStrategies.com Katrina Ayres PositiveTeachingStrategies@gmail.com
KD Conservatory College of Film and Dramatic Arts 2600 Stemmons Fwy. #117
Dallas, TX  75207
214-638-0484 kdstudio.com Gary Tyner Jr. tynerjr1@yahoo.com
Keep Texas Beautiful, Inc. 8850 Business Park Dr.
Suite 200
Austin, TX  78759
512-961-5262 http://ktb.org Sara Walters swalters@ktb.org
Kelson Institute 8501 N. MacArthur Blvd. #631522
Irving, TX 75063
972-953-8947 https://www.kelsoninstitute.com Kelley Haynes-Mendez kelsoninstitute@outlook.com
Keller Counselors Association 1664 Keller Parkway #100
Keller, TX  76248
682-593-1572 http://www.kellercounselors.com/ Lisa Elieson lisa@elieson.com
Kesler Science, LLC 118 Vintage Park Blvd. Suite #112
Houston, TX 77070
207-254-9051 https://www.keslerscience.com/starsscienceconference/ Ali Stone ali@keslerscience.com
Kids Included Together 2820 Roosevelt R. #202
San Diego, TX  92106
858-225-5680 http://www.KITonline.org C.J. Lucke cj@KITonline.org
KIDSU US INC. (DBA Fueling Brains) 825 Town and Country Lane/12th Floor/Unit 175
Houston, TX 77024
832-876-2552 https://www.fuelingbrains.com/ Dr. Anil Karim anil@fuelingbrains.com
Kimbell Art Museum 3333 Camp Bowie Blvd.
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-332-8451 www.kimbellart.org Connie  Barganier connieh@kimbellmuseum.org
Kim Nugent Enterprises LLC 4219 Robertson Street
Houston, TX  77009
832-236-6546 www.drnugentspeaks.com Kim Nugent, Ed.D. nugent1234@gmail.com
Kindergarten Teachers of Texas (KToT) PO Box 341
Shepperd, TX  77371
281-455-9683 http://www.ktot.org/ Lesley Bacak lesleybacak@gmail.com
Kampus Insights Inc 979 Croton Rd
Melbourne, FL 32935
302-265-4842 https://kampusinsights.com/ Olivia Odileke olivia@kampusinsights.com
Kappa Delta Pi 3707 Woodview Trace
Indianapolis, IN  46268
800-284-3167 http://eln.kdp.org Michelle Melanie michelle@kdp.org
KLT Consulting 6331 Hwy. 6N, Ste165 #277
Houston, TX 77084
  https://klteducates.com/ Katina L. Thomas, EdD KLTEducates@gmail.com
Knowbility, Inc. 1033 La Posada Drive, Ste 307
Austin, TX 78752
  https://knowbility.org/programs/atstar/ Sharron Rush Sharron@knowbility.org
Kodály Educators of Texas 5961 West Parker Road
Plano, TX  75093
214-284-7056 https://kodalytexas.com/ Kristin Moore kristin174@gmail.com
Kognito Solutions, LLC 135 West 26th Street
12th Floor
New York, NY  10001
212-675-9234 https://www.kognito.com/about/ Jennifer Spiegler / Josh Harrison jennifer@kognito.com
Kolak Group Inc. 17527 Ginger Fields
Tomball, TX  77377
281-251-6045 www.kolakgroup.com Cynthia Cardenas-Kolak, Ed.D Kolakgroup@Kolakgroup.com
La Joya Federation of Teachers Local #4632 1100 E. Expwy 83
La Joya, TX  78560
956-802-9439 http://www.texasaft.org/ Juan Luna Jr ljft@ljft.org
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Avenue
Austin, TX  78739
512-232-0249 http://www.wildflower.org/ Julie Graham jgraham@wildflower.org
Lamar State College Port Arthur Department of Workforce & Continuing Education  PO Box 310
Port Arthur, TX  77641
409 984-6354 http://www.lamarpa.edu/Workforce-Continuing-Ed Dr. Ben Stafford staffordbk@lamarpa.edu
Latin Music Studies with John Lopez 402 W. Holland
San Marcos, TX 78666
512-644-6715 https://www.latinmusicstudies.com/mariachi-director-course John A. Lopez johnlopez88@yahoo.com
Latinos for Education P.O. Box 27
Belmont, MA 02478
210-771-1665 https://www.latinosforeducation.org Rick Rodriguez, Ed.D rick@latinosforeducation.org
Latinos in Heritage Conservation PO Box 1071
Bastrop, TX 78602
737-270-9601 https://www.latinoheritage.us/educationresources/upcomingworkshops Asami Robledo Yamamoto asami@latinoheritage.us
Lauren Robins - Body Sense 110 Pinion Trail
Wimberley, TX  78676
512-847-9665 www.laurenrobins.com Lauren Robins lrobins2000@yahoo.com
Laurence F Johnson, PhD. 1778 Sunflower Bluff
New Braunfels, TX 78130
512-740-6205 https://www.thenewbraunfelsartleague.com/photography.html Laurence Johnson drljohnson@gmail.com
Lauren-Sophia © Consulting, LLC 1100 Church Street #1324
Elgin, SC 29047
803-381-0768 https://lauren-sophia-consulting.mykajabi.com/differentiated-instruction-offer-page Lauren Jackson Lauren@Laurensophiaconsulting.com
Layman's Terms 10440 Valley Forge Dr.
Unit 176
Houston, TX  77042
832-498-3032  https://www.laymanstermsnonprofit.org Shalondra Frazier snfdeckard@gmail.com
lead4ward, llc 3400 Coit Rd. #261007
Plano, TX  75026
512-201-2999 http://lead4ward.com/ Ervin Knezek, Ed. D. info@lead4ward.com
Leadership Prep School 8500 Teel Parkway
Frisco, TX  75034
972-294-6921 www.lpsfrisco.com Michelle Holland mholland@lpsfrisco.com
Leadership Speaks 800 Britton Place
Rockwall, TX 75032
903-466-9676 www.leadspeak.org Cynthia Bayuk-Bishop cynthia@leadspeak.org
Leading with Literacy Educational Consulting 2134 Hawthorne Brook Ln.
Fresno, TX  77545
346-308-1067 http://www.leadingwithliteracy.com/ Christina Goss leadingwithliteracy@gmail.com
League of Women Voters-Kerrville Area  2013 Lime Creek Rd.
Kerrville, TX  78028
830-895-7460 https://lwvedu.expertlearning.net/ Maggie Marsh-Nation Maggie@alphaelearning.com
Learn by Doing, Inc. 301 West Grand Ave. #440
Chicago, IL 60654
312-40-2290 https://www.albert.io/solutions-teachers Kyle Ward schools@albert.io  
LearnGeogebra.com 15 Woodside Road
Billerica, MA 01862
617-230-7850 https://learngeogebra.com/ Matthew Krebs mattkrebsemail@gmail.com
Learners Edge 10523 165th Street West
Lakeville, MN  55044
952-679-6892 http://www.learnersedgeinc.com/ Julie Yaeger Julie.yaeger@learnersedgeinc.com
Learning Ally 20 Roszel Rd.
Princeton, NJ  08540
325-260-3911 https://www.learningally.org/educators/resources/professional-development/ Terrie Noland tnoland@learningally.org
Learning At The Primary Pond, Inc. PO Box 411
Thompsons Station, TN 37179
615-933-7153 https://www.learningattheprimarypondresources.com/implementing-the-science-of-reading Briana Cornett briana@learningattheprimarypond.com
Learning Bridges 743 West Nolan Way
Chandler, AZ  85248
480-883-0704 www.learningbridges.com Sandra K. Darling, PhD sdarling@learningbridges.com
Learning Forward 17330 Preston Road
Suite 106-D
Dallas, TX  75252
972-421-0900 www.learningforward.org Thomas Manning tom.manning@learningforward.org
Learning.com 1620 SW Taylor St. Ste 100
Portland, OR  97205
800-580-4640 http://www.learning.com/ Naomi Veak training@learning.com
Learning Innovation Catalyst (LINC) 5803 NW 151st Street #201
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
646-291-9010 https://linclearning.com/ Jason Green jasongreen@linclearning.com
LearningRx 2720 Virginia Pkwy.
McKinney, TX  75071
972-704-1293 http://www.learningrx.com/ Julie Chambers Julie.Chambers@dfwlrx.com
Learning Sciences International, LLC ("LSI") 175 Cornell Road, Suite 18
Blairsville, PA 15717
724-262-6855 https://www.learningsciences.com/ Brandi Campisano rfp@learningsciences.com
Learning Without Tears 8001 MacArthur Blvd.
Cabin John, MD  20818
402-492-2766 http://www.hwtears.com/hwt Lori Breckenridge lori.breckenridge@hwtears.com
Learn It Systems, LLC 6225 Smith Ave. Suite 100/1A
Baltimore, MD 21209
973-634-7506 https://www.learnitacademic.com/ Nicole Magliaro nicole.magliaro@learnitsystems.com
Learn Thru Movement, Inc. P.O. Box 4017
Ithaca, NY  14850
607-233-4209 www.mathandmovement.com Suzy Koontz info@mathandmovement.com
Leasor Crass, P.C. 302 W. Broad Street
Mansfield, TX  76063
682-422-0009 http://leasorcrass.com/ Kim Mullins kim@leasorcrass.com
LeButt Publishing, LLC - Christian  LeButt  PO Box 1268
Highland, MI  48382
248-756-1613 www.LebutPublishing Christrian LeButt  cris@empoweringyourstudents.com 
Legacy 68:5 | Houston's First Baptist Church 7401 Katy Fwy
Houston, TX 77024
713-335-6453 https://houstonsfirst.org/the-loop/ministries/adoption-foster-orphan-care/equip Jenny Sheets jenny.sheets@houstonsfirst.org
Lemoney Learning PO Box 79464
Houston, TX 77024
678-230-4713 https://lemoneylearning.com/ Mike Galanis Mike@LemoneyLearning.com
Lena Pope Home, Inc. 3200 Sanguinet
Fort Worth, TX  76107
817-255-2504 www.lenapope.org Victoria Sendejo vsendejo@lenapope.org
Leon | Alcala, PLLC 2901 Via Fortuna, Bldg.6, Suite 475
Austin, TX 78746
512-637-4244 https://www.leonalcala.com/training/ Sara H. Leon mgarza@leonalcala.com
Let's Dialogue LLC 2606 Skyview Cove Ct.
Houston, TX 77047
832-529-8861 https://www.letsdialogue.org/ Myeshia C. Babers letsdialoguellc@gmail.com
Lexia Learning 300 Baker Ave Suite 320
Concord, MA  01742
205-440-9203 www.lexialearning.com/TX-CPE Amanda Hodnett ahodnett@lexialearning.com
Life: Powered 901 S Congress
Austin, TX 78701
512-472-2700 https://lifepowered.org/ Courtnie Bagley cbagley@texaspolicy.com
Lighthouse Educator Development 2507 Whispering Springs Dr
Spring, TX  77373
281-415-0239 http://theledproject.com/ Kyle Krueger kyle@theledproject.com
Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes 416 Higuera Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
805-541-3836 x5717 https://lindamoodbell.com/ Tom Mendoza support.forschools@lindamoodbell.com
LinguaHQ 2621 Sir Wade
Leewisville, TX 75056
717-546-4820 https://linktr.ee/linguahq Ashli Sambaluk LinguaHQ@gmail.com
LinkED - The Learning Center of North Texas 101 Summit
Ste. 612
Fort Worth, TX  76110
817-336-0808 http://www.link-ed.org/ Lloyd Day lday@link-ed.org
Linda Henderson, Ed.D. 7615 Pouter Dr.
Houston, TX  77083
832-687-2447 https://www.linkedin.com/in/lfhenderson Linda Henderson, Ed.D. Lhen1213@aol.com
Lisa Van Gemert 1106 Ascott Ct.
Arlington, TX  76012
682-472-6127 www.giftedguru.com Lisa Van Gemert lisa@lisavangemert.com
Literacy Coalition of the Permian Basin 3500 N. A St. Suite 2700
Midland, TX 79705
432-685-0428 https://literacypb.org/ John Trischitti III jtrischitti@literacypb.org
Literacy San Antonio, Inc. (also provides Superintendent required training for Identifying and Reporting Potential Victims of Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, and Other Maltreatment of Children for certificate renewal) P.O. Box 460176
San Antonio, TX 78246
210-463-9767 https://literacysanantonio.com/ Chelsea Pitcher chelsea@literacysanantonio.com
Literary Fusions 130 Lost Creek
China Spring, TX  76633
254-723-0200 http://www.literaryfusions.com Jessica Rogers jessica@rogerseducationconsulting.com
LitLife, Inc. P.O. Box 25945
Brooklyn, NY  11202
914-266-0305 http://litlifepd.com/ Jim Allyn Jim.Allyn@LitLifePD.com
Little Light Pediatric Therapy 110 East Tyler Street
Longview, TX 75601
903-600-6797 https://littlelighttherapy.wixsite.com/continuingeducation Jennifer Williams contact@littlelighttherapy.com
Live Free Yoga LLC 844 Snapdragon Lane
Plano, TX  75075
214-679-3452 www.livefreeyoga.com Tida Chambers tida@livefreeyoga.com
LivingOrder San Antonio 1140 S Laredo St., Ste.830852
San Antonio, TX 78283
210-892-4990 http://www.LessStressForTeachers.com/ Helene Segura office@helenesegura.com
Lizzy Perez, LLC 10202 Grenadier Way
San Antonio, TX 78217
210-617-6050 https://lizzy-perez.com/ Lizzy Perez lizzyperezllc@gmail.com
Lone Star D&M TX and Associates, LLC  6724 South Fork Drive
North Richland Hills, TX  76182
214-886-6194 http://www.21stcenturyconference.com/ Daniel Rincon daniel.rincon@dmtxandassociatesllc.com
Lone Star Learning 4412 74th St. Suite F-100
Lubbock, TX  79424
806-281-1424 www.lonestarlearning.com Carole Harbison carole@lonestarlearning.com
Lone Star Flight Museum 11550 Aerospace Ave
Houston, TX 77034
346-708-2517 https://lonestarflight.org/ James Talmage james.talmage@lonestartflight.org
Lone Star State School Counselor Association PO Box 485
Needville, TX  77461
979-793-7334 http://www.lonestarstateschoolcounselor.org/ Pat Freberg communications@lonestarstateschoolcounselor.org
Long Acres Ranch P.O. Box300
Richmond, TX 77406
281-239-7998 https://longacresranch.org October Smith osmith@longacresranch.org
Lora the Study Coach 25415 Campbellton Rd
San Antonio, TX  78264
956-501-7724   Lora Incardona LoraTheStudyCoach@gmail.com
Lorman Education Services 2510 Alpine Rd
Eau Claire, WI  54703
715-833-3940 www.lorman.com/ Michelle L. Shepherd mshepherd@lorman.com
Lost Pines Chapter Texas Master Naturalist 220 Jennifer Lane
Bastrop, TX  78602
214-215-4218 http://txmn.org/lostpines/ Kathryn Hedges kathryn_hedges@hotmail.com
Love146 P.O. Box 920861
Houston, TX  77292
346-305-1124 https://love146.org/ Aria Jefferson aria@love146.org   
Love and Logic Institute, Inc 2207 Jackson St
Golden, CO  80401
800-338-4065 https://www.loveandlogic.com/ Kelly Borden kellyb@loveandlogic.com
Lowman Education LLC P.O. Box 736883
Dallas, TX 75373
972-935-3369 https://lowmaneducation.com/ Alan Lowman Alan@LowmanEducation.com
LRE Learning Solutions, LLC P.O. Box 22069
Round Rock, TX  78664
512-529-0723 https://www.facebook.com/lrelearningsolutions/ Leslie Polvado lpolvado@lrelearningsolutions.com
Lucy Bartholomee, Ph.D. 7717 Buccaneer Circle
Arlington, TX  76016
817-889-3429 https://www.lucybartholomee.com/teacher-in-service Dr. Lucy Barholomee LucyBartholomee@outlook.com
Lumos Learning PO Box 1575
Piscataway, NJ 08855
732-595-8667 https://www.lumoslearning.com/llwp/staar-teacher-professional-development.html Mukunda Krishnaswamy mukunda.krishnaswamy@gmail.com
Lunar and Planetary Institute 3600 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, TX  77058
281-486-2135 http://www.lpi.usra.edu/education/ Christine Shupla shupla@lpi.usra.edu
Lutcher Theater, Inc. P. O. Box 2310
Orange, TX  77631
409-886-5535 www.lutcher.org Lynae Sanford lynae@lutcher.org
Luv On the Move 15992 Eldorado Pkwy
Frisco, TX 75035
469-369-0389 https://luvonthemove.com/professional-development Britney Simpson contact@luvonthemove.com
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum 2313 Red River St.
Austin, TX  78705
512-721-0172 www.lbjlibrary.org Sheila Mehta sheila.mehta@nara.gov
Lyndsay L. Rogers (Ms. Rogers’ Neighborhood) 6510 Rustling Timbers
Spring, TX  77379
281-620-6499 www.inmsrogersneighborhood.com/ Lyndsay Rogers lyndsayrogers@gmail.com
Mack Performing Arts Collective, Inc. P.O. Box 88049
Houston, TX  77288
713-661-6225 https://mpac-arts.org/ Jalene M. Mack, Esq. jalene@mpac-arts.org
Mad Science of Dallas & Fort Worth 2309 Springlake Rd.
Suite 620
Farmers Branch, TX  76234
972-241-0475 https://dfw.madscience.org Deepa Pulianda deepa.pulianda@msgdallas.com
Makana Soul Counseling, PLLC 16459 Blanco Key
San Antonio, TX 78247
361-238-0478 https://www.makanasoulcounseling.com/ Michelle Vignon michelle.vignon@makanasoulcounseling.com
MakeCrate, INC. 3267 Bee Cave Rd
Suite 107-298
Austin, TX  78746
612-923-7616 www.makecrate.club Katie Stephens katie@makecrate.club
MakeMusic Inc. through its “MakeMusic University” 7007 Winchester Cir
Suite 140
Boulder, CO  80301
952-237-3995 www.makemusic.com/ Giovanna Cruz gcruz@makemusic.com
Making Awesome Things Happen 501(c)3 PO Box 331685
Houston, TX  77233
254-733-9660 www.makingawesomethingshappen.org Dr. Tarcia Hubert mathcamp@makingawesomethingshappen.org
Mango Languages 30455 Northwestern Hwy
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
248-254-7450 https://training.mangolanguages.com/pages/home-page Sara Safara sara.safara@mangolanguages.com
MarcoPolo Learning 115 Broadway
New York, NY 10006
  https://www.marcopololearning.com/ Ashley Smith-Santos ashleysmith@marcopololearning.com
Mariachi Education Press LLC 1601 Hurley Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76104
817-805-2731 https://mariachieducationpress.com/ Elliott Johnston publisher@mariachieducationpress.com
Martha Morales Consulting P.O. Box 1230
Zapata, TX 78076
956-337-1247 https://marthamoralesconsulting.com/ Martha Morales marthamoralesconsulting@yahoo.com
Martin County Convent Foundation, Inc. (1884 Plaza) PO Box 1435
Stanton, TX 79782
817-805-2731 https://mariachieducationpress.com/ Regenia Hunt martincountyconvent@gmail.com
Marvelously Made 13837 Old Bandera Road
Helotes, TX 78023
210-213-0348 https://www.savechildhood.org/ Jennifer McCarvilee jennifer@marvelouslymade.com
Mary "Gretchen" McCord d/b/a Digital Information Law P.O. Box 128
Rockdale, TX  76567
254-218-4238 www.digitalinfolaw.com Gretchne McCord gretchen@digitalinfolaw.com
Math Beyond Solutions, LLC 71 Mallard Ct.
Gunter, TX 75058
214-632-2129 https://www.mathbeyondsolutions.com/ Julie Merrill juliemerrill@mathbeyondsolutions.com
MathHappens Foundation 1602 Pearl Street
Austin, TX 76567
512-663-1680 https://www.mathhappens.org/programs/professional-development-and-workshops/ Lauren Siegel lsiegel@mathhappens.org
Maximizing Life LLC 1549 Diamond Back Lane
Haslet, TX 76052
817-690-2418 http://www.getdiscresults.com/ James Womack info@maximizinglife.org
McAllen Federation of Teachers 1500 Dove Ave.
McAllen, TX  78504
956-682-1143 http://mcallen.tx.aft.org Ruth Skow Mcallenaft2@yahoo.com
McGraw-Hill School Education, LLC 8787 Orion Place
Columbus, OH  43240
281-389-0818 www.mheducation.com Steve Tutunick steven.tutunick@mheducation.com
McKissic Educational Consulting PO Box 450921
Houston, TX  77245
713-267-5029 https://mckissicconsulting.weebly.com Treva McKissic, M.Ed. mckissicconsulting@gmail.com
Melissa Edwards/MAB Technical Theatre 216 Copper Lane
Jarrell, TX 76537
956-844-9494 https://sites.google.com/view/mab-technical-theatre/pd-workshops?authuser=01mfSRq60QnDp7Hwf41OR3jSWqA9lPYVze/edit Melissa Edwards mightymel@me.com
Mental Health America of Greater Dallas 624 N Good Latimer Expy, STE 200
Dallas, TX 75089
214-871-2420 x109 https://mhadallas.org/who-program/ Bonnie Cook bcook@mhadallas.org
Mental Health America of Greater Houston 2211 Norfolk, Suite 810
Houston, TX  77098
713-523-8963 http://www.mhahouston.org/ Janet Pozmantier jpozmantier@mhahouston.org
Mental Health First Aid-CAC Smith County 2210 Frankston Hwy
Tyler, TX 75701
903-533-1880 x17 https://cacsmithcounty.org Darlene Marshall dmarshall@cacsmithcounty.org
Mental Health First Aide Training - Camino Real Community Services 19965 FM 3175 N
Lytle, TX  778052
210-357-0341 caminorealcs.org Skyler Williams skylerw@caminorealcs.org
Mental Health First Aide Training - Jeanne Nicole Johnson 2612 Furrs Stret #231
Arlington, TX  76006
609-332-5909 www.jnicolejohnson.com Jeanne Nicole Johnson johnson.jnicole@gmail.com
Mental Health First Aide Training - Local Mental Health Authorities 4900 Lamar
Austin, TX  78751
512-487-3417   Sonja Gaines sonja.gaines@hhsc.state.tx.us
Mentoring Minds 4862 Hightech Drive
Tyler, TX  75703
800-585-5258 https://www.mentoringminds.com/ Kim Brody kimb@mentoringminds.com
Meridian World School, LLC 2555 North Interstate 35
Round Rock, TX  78681
512-660-5230 https://www.mwschool.org Paige Bender pbender@mwschool.org
MetaMetrics 800 Taylor Street, Suite 102
Durham, NC 27001
919-547-3400 https://lexilequantileacademy.catalog.instructure.com Emily Weller support@lexile.com
Mexican American School Boards Assocation (MASBA) PO Box 474
Austin, TX 78767
512-940-4320 https://masbatx.org Vincent Tovar membership@masbatx.org
Mexic-Arte Museum 419 Congress
Austin, TX 78640
512-480-9373 http://www.mexic-artemuseum.org/mexicarte/ Nicolette Diaz nicoletted@mexic-artemuseum.org
Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living 1705 Guadalupe St.
Suite 200
Austin, TX  78702
512-391-2506 sph.uth.edu/research/centers/dell/ Julie Latcham Julia.Latcham@uth.tmc.edu
Michelle Atanu, OTR_AVILO Pediatric Therapy 10335 Belvamera Road
Richmond, TX  77407
281-310-1163 www.avilopeds.com Michelle Atanu info@avilopeds.com
Middle School Rocks, LLC 24500 Wildwood Park Rd. 8310
Richmond, TX 77469
615-364-8801 https://msrconsultant.com/ Dr. Tenganyike Cook, Ed.D. msr@msrconsultant.com
Middle Trinity Groundwater Conservation District 930 Wolfe Nursery Rd.
Stephenville, TX  76041
254-965-6705 www.middletrinitygcd.org Stephanie Keith mtgcd4@centurylink.net
Midland Community Theatre 2000 W Wadley Ave
Midland, TX 79705
432-682-2544 x 106 https://mctmidland.org/ Crystal Wilkerson costume@mctmidland.org
Mike Veny PO Box 2318
Monroe, NY 10949
516-476-3778 https://learn.mikeveny.com/ Mike Veny team@mikeveny.com
Military Child Education Coalition 909 Mountain Lion Circle
Harker Heights, TX  76548
254-953-1923 http://www.militarychild.org/ Amanda Hulsey Amanda.hulsey@militarychild.org
MindMint Learning 110- E. Washington St. S-176
Tampa, FL 33602
407-616-7040 https://mindmintlearning.com/ Natea Wallace care@mindmintlearning.com
MINDPOP 7112 Burnet Road. Bldg. B
Austin, TX 78757
512-751-1944 https://www.mindpop.org/ Brent Hasty Ph.D. brent.hasty@mindpop.org
MJ Stewart Education 222 Ramsay St. Apt.110
San Marcos, TX 78666
361-816-2490 https://mj-stewart-education.com/ Melissa Stewart mjstewarted@gmail.com
MK Results, LLC 415 E FM 2014 Suite 2026
Harker Heights, TX 76548
254-226-6991 https://theroadtoequity.com/ Kayren Gray kayren@theroadtoequity.com
Moak Casey, LLC 901 S. Mopac Bldg III Ste 310
Austin, TX 78746
512-485-7878 https://www.moakcasey.com/continuing-professional-education/ Susan Moak smoak@moakcasey.com
Mockingbird Education 7000 Parkwood Blvd.
Suite C400
Frisco, TX  75034
469-261-3557 www.mockingbirdeducation.net Tamara Thompson Tamara@mockingbirdeducation.com
Model Teaching 16107 Kensington Dr. #175
Sugarland, TX  77479
888-828-7950  https://www.modelteaching.com/ Shayna Pond spond@modelteaching.com
Modern Teacher, LLC 4600 S. Ulster St.
Suite 1050
Denver, CO  80237
720-600-0203 https://www.modernteacher.com/ Laura B. Janusek Laura.Janusek@modernteacher.com
Money Concepts-The Ruiz Financial Group 1920A Corporate Drive
Suite 106A
San Marcos, TX  78666
512-396-2487 www.ruizfinancialgroup.com  Ruben Ruiz ruben@rubenruiz.net
Montessori Institute of North Texas 13612 Midway Road
Suite 292
Dallas, TX  75244
214-503-6802 www.montessori-mint.org Betsy Tanis info@montessori-mint.org
Moody Gardens One Hope Boulevard
Galveston, TX  77554
800-582-4673 www.moodygardens.org Jennifer Lamm jlamm@moodygardens.com
Mosaic Instructional Planning 23 Heather Lane
Miller Place, NY 11764
631-848-1554 https://mosaicip.com/ Izzy Galante izzy@mosaic-ip.com
Mother Daughter ISH 6717 Bluebottle Lane
Katy, TX 77449
832-885-2261 Dawn Fobbs dawndfobbs@gmail.com
Motion Media Arts Center DBA Austin School of Film 2200 Tillery St
Austin, TX  78723
512-236-8877 http://austinfilmschool.org/ Carrie Cates carrie@austinfilmschool.org
Motivated Proformance Inc 628 Canyon Rim Dr
Dripping Springs, TX  78620
866-465-7073 www.getumotivated.com
Bryan Fiese bryan@getumotivated.com
MRU 3434 Washington Blvd, 4th floor
Arlington, VA 22201
-- https://mru.org/ Matt Hill matt@mru.org
Ms. Jael Penn 8811 Sienna Springs #17212
Missouri City, TX  77546
713-472-9715 https://www.msjpenn.educatorpages.com Jael Penn jpenn64@icloud.com
MSB Consulting 1616 Scottsdale Bldg 2 Ste 200-C
Cedar Park, TX 78641
855-672-3473 https://www.msbconnect.com/ Shannon Johns sjohns@msbconnect.com
Museum of South Texas History 200 N. Closner Blvd.
Edinburg, TX  78541
956-383-6911 https://www.mosthistory.org/ Maria Rodriguez mrodriguez@mosthistory.org
Museum of the Southwest 1705 W. Missouri Ave
Midland, TX  79701
432-237-9109 http://museumsw.org/ Pete Neale pneale@museumsw.org
Musical Bridges Around the World 23705 IH-10 West, Ste. 101
San Antonio, TX 78257
210-464-1534 ext. 8 https://musicalbridges.org/ Jennifer Reed-Martinez jennifer@musicalbridges.org
My Campus Goal Board 86 Rosewood
Lake Jackson, TX 77566
979-549-7099 https//www.MyCampusGoalBoard.com/ Eddie Damian edamiansoccer@yahoo.com
Myers and Briggs Foundation 203 NE First Street
Gainesville, FL 32601
352-373-5670 https://www.peoplestripes.org/ Lisa Orr lisa@myersbriggs.org
MYS Initiatives, LLC 2379 Briarwest Blvd, Unit 63
Houston, TX  77077
281-703-6782 www.managingyourcrazy.com Randy Guttenberger randy@managingyourcrazy.com
N2 Learning, LC 2024 W. 15th Street, Ste.F #502
Plano, TX 75075
972-515-2268 http://www.n2learning.org Stephanie Edgar Stephanie.Edgar@n2learning.org
Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital 1201 N Mound
Nacogdoches, TX  75961
936-556-1510  http://nacmem.org/ Robert Ressler rressler@nacmem.org
NAMI Gulf Coast PO Box 4096
Alvin, TX 77511
281-585-3100 http://Namigulfcoast.org Raven Jacobs admin@namigulfcoast.org
NAMI TEXAS (National Alliance on Mental Illness) 4110 Guadalupe
Austin, TX  78751
512-693-2000 www.namitexas.org Greg Hansch executive.director@namitexas.org
Nasher Sculpture Center 2001 Flora Street
Dallas, TX  75201
214-242-5100 www.nashersculpturecenter.org Lynda Wilbur lwilbur@nashersculpturecenter.org
National Alliance on Mental Illness  2800 S 135 Suite 140
Austin, TX  78704 
512-693-2000 www.namitexas.org  Linda Stalters sherry.cusumano@hcahealthcare.com 
National Art Education Association (NAEA) 901 Prince Street
Alexandria, VA  22314
703-860-8000 www.arteducators.org
Christie Castillo ccastillo@arteducators.org
National Association of University-Model® Schools (NAUMS) 103 North 1st Street
Midlothian, TX  76065
972-525-7005 www.Naums.net Barbara Freeman bfreeman@naums.net
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 17187 North Laurel Park Dr.
Suite 125
Livonia, MI  48152 

734-462-6563 www.nbpts.org Cathy R. Owens cowens@nbpts.org
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) 1111 W. Kenyon Road
Urbana, IL  61801
217-278-3627 www.ncte.org Leslie Froeschl lfroeschl@ncte.org
National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) 8609 Second Ave
Suite 203B
Silver Spring, MD  20910
301-585-2888 www.ndeo.org Susan McGreevy-Nichols smcgreevy-nichols@ndeo.org
National Educators’ Law Institute, Inc 3660 Stoneridge Rd. D-101
Austin, TX  78746
512-732-2988 www.nelilaw.net Byron Faulkner edservices@nelilaw.net
National Geographic Society 1145 17th Street NW
Washington, DC  20036
202-807-3870 www.nationalgeographic.org/education/ Daniel Byerly dbyerly@ngs.org
National Humanities Center 7 T.W. Alexander Dr.
Washington, DC 20036
919-406-0123 nationalhumanitiescenter.org Michael Williams mwilliams@nationalhumanitiescenter.org
National Institute for Learning Development 1540 Breezeport Way
Suite 500
Suffolk, VA  23435
757-423-8646 www.NILD.org Stephanie Ashworth stephanieashworth@nild.org
National Institute for STEM Education (NISE) 5177 Richmond Ave. Ste. 800
Houston, TX 77056
800-531-0864 https://nise.institute/index.php Judy Zimny jzimny@nise.institute
National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) 8350 N. Central Expressway
Suite M-2200
Dallas, TX  75206
877-655-3090 http://www.nms.org/ Toni Schneider tschneider@nms.org
National Multilingual Services LLC 8411 Rocky Overlook
San Antonio, TX 78249
210-845-6929 https://www.natmulser.com/ Myrna Rosado Rasmussen dr.rasmussen@natmulser.com
National Museum of the Pacific War (Nimitz Foundation) 340 East Main Street
Fredericksburg, TX  78624
830-997-8600 x 222 www.pacificwarmuseum.org Kyna Stys kstys@nimitzfoundation.org
National Park Service: Chamizal National Memorial 800 S. San Marcial Street
El Paso, TX  79905
915-532-7273 www.nps.gov/cham Kathy Denton kathy_denton@nps.gov
National Science Teaching Association 1840 Wilson Blvd, #30
Arlington, VA 22201
703-312-9212 https://www.nsta.org/ Michelle Phillips mphillips@nsta.org
National Training Network PO Box 36
Summerfield, NC 27358
1-855-NTN-MATH https://ntnmath.com/ Ryan Davis r.davis@ntnmath.com
National Virtual Teacher Association (NTVA) 1800 E 4th Street, Unit 131
Austin, TX 78702
512-522-5270 https://certificate.virtualteacherassociation.org/p/NVTA-certification April Willis awillis@virtualteacherassociation.org
National Wildlife Federation 505 E Huntland Drive
Suite 530
Austin, TX  78752
512-610-7761 http://www.nwf.org/South-Central-Region.aspx Karen Bishop bishopk@nwf.org
Native Plant Society of Texas (NPSOT) P.O. Box 3017
Fredericksburg, TX 78624
830-997-9272 https://npsot.org/wp/nlcp/ Meg Inglis meg.inglis@npsot.org
Nature Discovery Center 7112 Newcastle
Bellaire, TX  77401
713-667-6550 www.naturediscoverycenter.org Anne Eisner aeisner@naturediscoverycenter.org 
Nature of Art® P.O. Box 443
Solana Beach, CA  92075
760-652-5194 www.Montessori-Art.com Spramani Elaun spramanielaun@gmail.com
Navigate 360 3900 Kinross Lakes Pkwy
Richfield, OH 44286
216-255-9511 https://navigate360.com/ Ann Whyle awhyle@navigate360.com
NBI, Inc.  1218 McCann Drive
Altoona, WI  54720
715-835-8525 http://www.nbi-sems.com/ Lynnda K. Peterson lynnda.peterson@nbi-sems.com
Nerdy Educators 2250 Double Creek Dr. #5368
Round Rock, TX 78664
512-761-7144 https://nerdyeducators.com/ Mary Lou Slania jessi@nerdycooks.org
Neuhaus Education Center 4433 Bissonnet
Bellaire, TX  77401
713-664-7676 http://neuhaus.org/ Hailey Hunt professionaldevelopment@neuhaus.org
New Elementary Teachers (NET) Alliance 550 Maxey Rd. Box 24291
Houston, TX 77013
800-331-7840 https://net-ally.org/ Aidee Batarse contact@net-ally.org
Next Gen Personal Finance 510 Waverley St
Palo Alto, CA  94301
628-243-1174 www.ngpf.org Laura Matchett laura@ngpf.org
Nicki A. Wall, OD 18333 Egret Bay Blvd.
Houston, TX  77058
281-954-6347 www.myVisionDocHouston.com Dr. Nicki Wall, Optometrist eyedocwall@att.net
Noodle Nook LLC PO Box 112
Oregon, WI 53575
713-364-2505 https://www.noodlenook.net/ Ayo Jones ajones@noodlenook.net
No RedInk Corp. 548 Market Street PMB 66084
San Francisco, CA 94104
844-667-3346, 3 https://www.noredink.com/ Taylor Brock taylor@noredink.com
North American Society for Bat Research Teacher Workshop The University of Tennessee, 676 Dabney Hall, 1416 Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
865-974-8080 https://sites.google.com/view/nasbrteachersworkshop Veronica Angelelli Brown NASBRTEACHERWORKSHOP@GMAIL.COM
North Plains Groundwater Conservation District PO Box 795
Dumas, TX  79029
806-930-6934 http://northplainsgcd.org/conservationprograms/classroom Julia Stanford jstanford@northplainsgcd.org
North Texas Technology Education Association 2553 FM 544
Lewisville, TX 75056
469-563-5700 http://nttea.org/ John Zercher zercherj@cfisd.edu
Northeast Houston AFT #6568 14705 Woodforest
Suite 105B
Houston, TX  77015
281-864-5491 http://nehouston.tx.aft.org/ Shonda Below sbelow@nehouaft.org
Northside American Federation of Teachers 6800 Park Ten Boulevard
Suite 123 N
San Antonio, TX  78213
210-733-9777 http://northside.tx.aft.org/ Catherine A. Zuniga azunicat@yahoo.com
North Texas Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association 1128 Greenwood Ct.
Hurst, TX  76053
817-296-5343 www.northtexasorff.org Tonya Mckenna tsm@miraval.us
Northwest Educational Development 2245 Stella Ln
Northlake, TX 76247
360-840-1698 https://www.pdpro.org/ James Mickel jamesfmickel@nwed.org
Numeracy Consultants 420 Eureka Ave #400
Wyandotte, MI  48192
734-785-4420 www.numeracyconsultants.com Dane Ziemba dziemba@numeracyconsultants.com
Nurtured Heart Kids, PLLC 16043 Eagle Drive, #545
Mont Belvieu, TX  77580
281-728-7181 http://nurturedheartkids.net/ Erin Whitney, MA, LPC NurturedHeartKids@yahoo.com
Nurturing Creative Minds! Educational Consulting 3601 Grapevine Mills Pkwy
Grapevine, TX  76051
214-335-2657 https://www.nurturingcreativeminds.org/ Javetta Jones Roberson support@nurturingcreativeminds.org
Nuvola Networks 13203 Broadmeade Ave.
Austin, TX  78729
512 698-8913 https://www.austintexas.org/listings/nuvola-networks/6513/ Rick Barkley rick_barkley@nuvola-networks.com
NWEA 121 NW Everett Street
Portland, OR 97209
503-624-1951 https://www.nwea.org/professional-learning-overview/ Kimm Rombardo kimm.rombardo@nwea.org
Oasis Focus Inc P.O. Box 2351
Keller, TX 76244
817-567-1648 www.oasisfocus.org Dr. Feyi Obamehinti info@oasisfocus.org
Ocean Exploration Trust P.O. Box 42
Old Lyme,CT  06371
401-874-6810 www.oceanexplorationtrust.org Sam Garson samuel@oceanexplorationtrust.org
OER Project 4110 Carillon Point
Kirkland, WA 98003
  https://www.oerproject.com/ Kathy Hays kathyh@oerproject.com
OfCourse 2106 San Jose St.
Georgetown, TX  78626
512-688-6572 https://ofcourse.thinkific.com/ Miguel Ferguson miguel@ofcourseworks.com
Office of Deaf and Hard Hearing Services 701 W. 51st St.
Austin, TX 78758
https://hhs.texas.gov/services/disability/deaf-hard-hearing/ Olivia Rains olivia.rains@hhs.texas.gov
On the Grow 12703 Fawnway Drive
Houston, TX 77048
713-581-3830 https://www.girlonthegrow.com/ Janice Brown girlonthegrow@yahoo.com
On the Road Garage 1500 N Loop 12
Irving, TX 75062
817-975-6943 https://ontheroadgarage.com/ Troy Mennis tmennis@ontheroadgarage.com
Ontic Technologies 1005 W 38th St #300
Austin, TX 78705
512-431-8356 https://ontictechnologies.com/ Pam Waggoner pwaggoner@ontic.ai
Onward Learning 3112 Windsor Rd
Unit A143
Austin, TX 78703
844-843-1596 https://www.onwardlearning.com/ Jeff Dominguez jeff@onwardlearning.com
OpenEd Inc 20 S Santa Cruz Ave
Suite 107
Los Gatos, CA  95030
559-824-5153 www.opened.com Brandon Dorman Brandon@opened.com
Opportunities for Williamson & Burnet Counties 604 High Tech Dr.
Georgetown, TX  78626
512-763-1411 http://www.opportunitiesforwbc.org/ Veronica Hunt vhunt@opportunitiesforwbc.org
Organized Adviser LLC 22922 Arcola Manor Ct
Katy, TX 77493
832-696-1192 https://organizedadviser.com/ Katie Moreno katie@organizedadviser.com
ORIGO Education 4333 Green Ash Dr.
Earth City, MO  63045
510-677-0001 http://www.origoeducation.com/workshops/ Amy Helmstetter a_helmstetter@origomath.com
Orton Gillingham Online Academy L.L.C. 5711 Sea Turtle Place
Apollo Beach, FL  33572
765-635-9820 www.ortongillinghamonlineacademy.com Marisa Bernard ogonlineacademy@gmail.com
Orthopaedic and Sports Therapy Center 1 West Medical Court
Wichita Falls, TX  76310
940-692-4688 http://ostcwf.com/ Steve Bailey steveb@ostcwf.com
Oso Bay Wetlands Preserve and Learning Center 2446 N. Oso Parkway
Corpus Christi, TX  78414
361-826-3947 www.osopreserve.com Caleb Harris cakebh@cctexas.com
Our Friends Place 6500 Greenville Ave., Ste 620
Dallas, TX 75206
972-249-6332 https://ourfriendsplace.org/ Marina Dewberry, LMSW marina.dewberry@ourfriendsplace.org
Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Park 1623 Central Blvd.
Room 213
Brownsville, TX  78520
956-541-2785 www.nps.gov/paal Karen Weaver karen_weaver@nps.gov
Panther City Artists, Sara Hiett 4425 Birchman Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76107
817-313-7027 https://panthercityartists.org/ Sara Hiett sara@panthercityartists.org
Parachute Consulting LLC 2436 Bissonnet #2
Houston, TX  77005
713-824-6671 www.parachuteconsulting.net Anna Welsch anna@parachuteconsulting.net
Paramount Consulting Firm LLC San Juan, TX 78589 956-534-6820 https://www.paramountconsultingfirm.org Dr. Ana Mendoza paramountconsultingfirm@gmail.com
Parent ProTech Inc. 2566 Palomino Drive
Cape Girardeau, MO 63701
573-579-8478 https://www.parentprotech.com/ Brock Murphy brock@parentprotech.com
Parents of Children with Autism 10909 Wurzbach Road
San Antonio, TX  78230
210-304-9272 www.facebook.com/POCAcommunity Victoria Castillo victoriadanielacastillo@gmail.com
Parker Educational Resources and Mentoring 7044 Crown Ridge Dr.
El Paso, TX 79912
915-630-5654 http://www.parkereducation.org/ Stacey Parker stacey@parkereducation.org
Parks Behavior Therapy LLC 3515-B Longmire Drive #256
College Station, TX  77845
713-494-4997 www.parksbehaviortherapy.com Margaret Parks info@parksbehaviortherapy.com
Passage Preparation™ 2805 Dodd Rd Ste 200
Eagan, MN 55121
413-530-5933 https://passagepreparation.com/ Nanthan Estel nathan.estel@passagepreparation.com
Patricia Cadigan - Artcobell Corporation 1307 Industrial Blvd
Temple, TX 76504
254-899-3626 https://www.artcobell.com/ Patricia Cadigan pcadigan@artcobell.com
Patricia Y. Raymond, M.Ed., LMSW-IPR, AWA PO Box 3397
Edinburg, TX 78504
956-693-9594 https://patriciaraymondconsultant.webs.com/ Patricia Raymond praymondconsultant@yahoo.com
PBS TeacherLine 2100 Crystal Drive
Arlington, VA 22202
703-739-5000 www.pbs.org/teacherline/ Jasmine Poskitt-Jones jeposkittjones@yahoo.com
Pearlized Mathematics Consulting, LLC PO Box 720229
Mc Allen, TX  78504
956-451-9202 http://pearlizedmath.com/ Pearl Cantu pearlizedmath@yahoo.com
Pedagogy.Cloud 120 Rt. 9W PMB 34
Haverstraw, NY 10927
817-913-9230 https://pedagog.ai/ Priten Shah team@pedagogy.cloud
Penny Rich Publications, LLC 5105 Bedford Ct
Arlington, TX  76017
817-913-9230 https://www.enyenation.com/ Dr. Ruth Martin info@pernnyrichpublications.com
Percontor, LLC Education Research and Training 6325 Falls of Neuse Rd
Suite 35
Raleigh, NC  27615
860-328-0154 http://www.percontor.org/administrator-training/ Dr. Stephen Porter/ Dr. Paul Umbach steve@percontor.org
Performance Scoring, LLC 1760 S Stemmons Fwy, Suite 285
Lewisville, TX 75067
214-431-5541 https://education.performancescoring.com/ Trevor Baker tbaker@performancescoring.com
Performing Arts Houston 615 Louisiana Street
Suite 100
Houston, TX  77002
713- 632-8112 https://performingartshouston.org/ Ashley Warner awarner@performingartshouston.org
Permian Basin Petroleum Museum 1500 West Interstate 20
Midland, TX 79701
432-683-4403 https://pbpetro.org/ Nikki McCurry nmccurry@petroleummuseum.org
Perot Museum of Nature and Science 2201 N. Field Street
Dallas, TX  75201
214-756-5824 www.perotmuseum.org Allison Burney allison.burney@hotmail.com
PESI, Inc. PO Box 1000
Eau Claire, WI  54702
800-844-8260 x8178 https://www.pesi.com/ Deana Cantley cepesi@pesi.com 
PetroEd Multimedia Inc. 2503 Robinhood St.
Suite 200
Houston, TX  77005
713-461-5200 http://www.petroed.com/ Gregory C. Bihn greg.bihn@petroed.com
Petroleum Extension (PETEX) - University of Texas at Austin 2613 Speedway, Mail Stop A2800
Austin, TX. 78712
512-471-5940 http://www.petroed.com/ Dr. Eric Roe infor@petex.utexas.edu
PHD Aligned, LLC 200 N. State St #632
Lancaster, TX 75746
860-538-2367 https://phdaligned.com/ Jim Rodriguez contact@phdaligned.com
Phoenix Center P.O. Box 732
Marble Falls, TX 78654
830-637-7848 http://www.phoenixtx.org/ Whitney Calhoun whitney@phoenixtx.org
Piney Woods Area Health Education Center 6123 SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX  75962
936-968-6901 https://txaheceast.org/Initiatives Rusti Gayle Allen allenrusti@sfasu.edu
Pip Consulting, LLC 1203 Sonora
Mission, TX 78572
956-599-1856 https://www.pippingzipping.com/ Dr. Sandra Ledesma dr.sledesma@gmail.com
Player Made Motivation - Behavior Coaching/Mentoring 3824 Cedar Springs
Dallas, TX 75219
903-946-7396 https://www.playermademotivation.com/ Basil Mitchell info@playermademotivation.com
Point of Care Training Solutions D.B.A. 4306 FM 482 #110
New Braunfels, TX  78132
210-998-9222 www.pointofcare-ts.com Leo Barahona cprinstruction@pointofcare-ts.com
Population Education 2120 L St. NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC  20037
800-767-1956 http://www.populationeducation.org/ Laura Short poped@populationconnection.org
PoserKids Yoga PO Box 100584
Fort Worth, TX  76185
214-236-2968 www.PoserKids.com Mateo Marquez mateo@poserkids.com
Powell, Youngblood & Taylor, LLP 115 Wild Basin Rd.
Suite 106
Austin, TX  78746
512-494-1177 www.pyt-law.com Blake Powell bpowell@pyt-law.com
Power Institute 3505 Fallbrook Dr
Missouri City, TX  77459
832-455-6331 http://www.erickpowers.com/ Erick Powers erick@erickpowers.com
Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly 2229 FM 1340
Hunt, TX 78024
800-460-4401 x242 https://www.moranch.org/attend-a-conference/intergenerational-conferences/art-at-mo-ranch/ B. Echo Truax etruax@moranch.com
Principal Impact Collaborative 7300 University Hills Blvd.
Dallas, TX 75241
214-695-1187 https://www.principalimpactcollaborative.org/ Dionna Matlock dionna.matlock@untdallas.edu
Private Schools Interscholastic Association, Inc. P. O. Box 2481
Grapevine, TX  76099
817-416-9504 www.psiaacademics.org Patricia Walters, EdD info@psiaacademics.org
Professional Learning Board 5115 Excelsior Blvd. # 460
Minneapolis, MN  55416
888-384-7057 https://https://renewateachinglicense.com/ Ellen Paxton service@renewateaching license.com
Professional Development Institute 30 Corporate Park #310
Irvine, CA  92606
949-263-4931 www.webteaching.com Caryn Chavez caryn@webteaching.com
Project Lead The Way 5939 Castleton Creek Parkway N DR
Indianapolis, IN 46250
877-335-7589 https://www.pltw.org/professional-development Terri Schulz tschulz@pltw.org
Project Protect Our Children 4582 Kingwood Drive, Suite E 174
Kingwood, TX 77345
346-386-7762 https://www.projectprotectourchildren.com Denise Mears educate@projectprotectourchildren.com
Psych Hub 12090 Broadway #2111
Nashville, TN 37203
866-779-2482 https://lms.psychhub.com/ Meghan Todd  mtodd@psychhub.com
Public Consulting Group, Inc. 148 State Street, 10th Floor
Boston, MA 02109
646-604-8395  www.educatored.com/tx Sophia Thwaites  sthwaites@pcgus.com
Pure Edge, Inc. P.O.Box 12407
Wilmington, NC 28407
910-679-8657 https://pureedgeinc.org/ Michelle Kelsey Mitchell  michelle@pureedgeinc.org
Pyramid Educational Consultants - PECS Texas 350 Churchmans Rd Suite B
New Castle, DE 19720
302-368-2515 www.pecsusa.com Dave Battista dbattista.com
Quality Learning 4302 Lakefront Ct.
Missouri City, TX  77459
281-757-3583 www.qualitylearning.net Chip Pike cpike@qualitylearning.net
Quantum Leap Systems, Inc. 14467 Tanglewood Drive
Dallas, TX  75234
972-488-1765 https://www.quantumleapuniversity.org/ Dr. Sherry Buffington sdb@quantumleapsystems.com
Quarantine Racism Educational Services PO Box4707
Cherry Hill, NJ 08034
856-566-3267 https://quarantineracism.com/ Dr. Derrick Campbell moreinfo@quarantineracism.com 
Quikitech 501 S Bentley Ave
Los Angeles, CA  90049
310-486-3169 https://education4equity.com/ Donald Wise donny@quikitech.com 
Raise Your Hand Texas 1005 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX  78701
512-617-2553 https://www.raiseyourhandtexas.org/ Bob Popinski bpopinski@ryht.org
Read Tech Write 3319 Springrock Lane
Houston, TX 77080
214-727-9130 www.readtechwrite.com Lois Barker readtechwrite@gmail.com
Reading Horizons 1194 Flint Meadow Road
Kaysville, UT 84037
801-335-7072 https://readinghorizons.com/ Connie Portman https://readinghorizons.com/
Ready to Educate, LLC 177 County Road 154
Smoot, WY 83126
406-249-7274 https://www.ceusforteachers.com/ Dr. Lori Schieffer lori@ceusforteachers.com
ReadyToWork 1133 S Madison Avenue
Dallas, TX 75208
214-941-4885 https://www.rtwpeople.com/RTW/ David Pruitt dpruitt@rtwpeople.com
Regino F Garcia 15492 Dahlia Road
Lyford, TX  78569
956-341-5404   Regino Garcia rfgarcia_2010@yahoo.com
Rehab Seminars PO Box 2450
Vashon, WA  98070
206-749-9995 https://rehabseminars.org/ Amy Cole CEAdmin@rehabseminars.org
Renewed Consulting Firm 1433 Darlington Ln. 469-469-7622 https://www.renewedconsultingfirm.com/ Danielle Bertrand admin@renewedconsultingfirm.com
Resilience Impact 327 Bench Street SW
Chatfield, MN  55923
601-507-8399 www.resilienceimpact.com Leslie Gunn leslie@resilienceimpact.com
Resources for Learning. LLC 7035 Bee Cave Rd.
Suite 101
Ausitn, TX  78746
512-327-8576 www.resourcesforlearning.net Linda Wurzbach lindaw@resourcesforlearning.net
Responsive Education  Solutions (ResponsiveEd) 1301 Waters Ridge
Lewisville, TX  75057
972-316-3663 https://responsiveed.com/ Tiffany Bracken tbracken@responsiveed.com
Responsive Learning 2118 Grant Avenue
El Paso, TX 79330
915-532-9964 https://responsivelearning.com/ Vicki Barbosa vicki@responsivelearning.com
Resycal 42114 Mill Creek Avenue
Alpharetta, GA 30022
678-292-3998 https://resycal.com/ Natea Wallace natea.wallace@resycal.com
RGV LEAD Suite 123, Service Support Center / TSTC Harlingen
1902 North Loop 499
Harlingen, TX  78550
956-364-4509   Norma L. Salaiz, Ph.D.,  rgvlead@gmail.com
RHN Strategic Group 3701 Altamesa Blvd.#30024
Fort Worth, TX  76133
817-677-8672 https://www.rhnsg.com/professional-development Nedra Robinson consulting@nedrarobinson.com
Rhythm Works Integrative Dance 615 S. Catalina Ave Ste 314
Redondo Beach, CA  90277
310-755-4973 https://rhythmworksid.com/instructor-certification/ Tricia Gomez Lucio tricia@rhymworksid.com
Rio Grande Valley Council of Teachers of Mathematics P.O. Box 682
San Juan, TX 78589
956-358-2287 https://www.rgvctm.com Adriana Dominguez adriana.rgvctm@gmail.com
Rio Grande Valley Science Association P.O. Box 693
Donna, TX  78537
956-223-3831 https://sites.google.com/site/rgvsatx/home Susana Ramirez rgusa.tx@gmail.com
Riveting Results 25 Outlook Drive
Lexington, MA 02421
617-631-3062 https://www.rr.tools/ Arthur Unobskey arthur@rr.tools
Rogers, Morris and Grover, L.L.P. 5718 Westheimer, Ste. 1200
Houston, TX  77057
713-960-6000 http://www.rmgllp.com/ Jennifer Cronkhite jcronkhite@rmgllp.com
ROI Talent Develoopment 708 N 2nd
Wolfforth, TX  79382 
806-786-9302 https://www.roitalentdev.com/education Joy O'Steen joy@roitalentdev.com
Rooted Linguistics 7826 Longhorn Trail
Richmond, TX 77406
281-381-3659 https://www.valentinaesl.com/ Valentina Gonzalez RootedLinguistics@ValentinaESL.com
Route 22 Educational Resources 2000 East Lamar Blvd.
Suite 600
Arlington, TX  76006
682-220-9673 http://www.route22group.com/educational-workshops.html Nikki McGee nikki@route22education.com
SAE International 400 Commonwealth Drive
Warrendale, PA 15086
724-759-5235 https://www.sae.org/learn/education Emily Grus emily.grus@sae.org
Safe Schools Training by Scenario Learning 2135 Dana Ave, Suite 300
Cincinnati, OH  45207
800-434-0154 http://scenariolearning.com/ Andrew Deitschel adeitschel@scenariolearning.com
Salesmanship Club Youth & Family Centers Inc. 106 E. 10th Street
Dallas, TX  75203
214-915-4700 http://momentousinstitute.org/events Claudia Schramm cschramm@momentousinstitute.org
Salle De Long Fencing School 2900 Lake Spier Dr
El Paso, TX  79936
915-346-4338 http://www.salledelong.com/ Margaret Readi De Long salledelong@gmail.com
Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeast Texas 7980 Anchor Drive, Bldg. 500
Port Arthur, TX  77642
409-727-6400 www.sccset.org Robin McCutcheon robinm@sccset.org
Sampson Educational Resources 4575 Westgrove Dr.
Suite 505
Addison, TX  75001
800-371-5248; 214-773-7309 http://www.sampsoned.com/ Dan J. Sampson info@sampsoned.com
Samuel R. Brown 219 Argyle Road
Cheshire, CT 06410
203-597-7181 https://cheshbrownsr.wixsite.com/mexico Samuel R. Brown cheshbrownsr@gmail.com
San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Personnel    120 Adams St.
San Antonio, TX  78210
210-225-7174 www.sanantonioalliance.org Shelly Potter shelleyp@aol.com
San Antonio Botanical Gardens 555 Funston Place
San Antonio, TX  78209
210-536-1410 www.sabot.org Katie Erickson kerickson@sabot.org
San Antonio Conservation Society Foundation 107 King William
San Antonio, TX 78204
210-224-6163 https://www.saconservation.org/ Vincent L. Michael, PhD vmichael@saconservation.org
San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind dba Vibrant Works 2305 Roosevelt
San Antonio, TX 78210
210-533-5195 https://vibrantworks.org/ Beverly Broom bbroom@vibrantworks.org"
San Antonio Museum of Art 200 West Jones Ave
San Antonio, TX  78215
210-978-8173 www.samuseum.org Noel Bella Merriam bella.merriam@samuseum.org
San Antonio River Authority 100 E. Guenther
San Antonio, TX  78204
210-302-3282 https://www.sariverauthority.org/ Janine Garcia jvgarcia@sariverauthority.org
San Antonio Zoo 3903 N St. Mary's St.
San Antonio, TX 78212
210-734-7184 ext. 1504 https://www.sazoo.org Michael Gates michael.gates@sazoo.org
Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge 3325 Green Jay
Alamo, TX  78316
956-784-7500 www.fws.gov/refuge/Santa_Ana/visit/School_gardents_and Monarch_Conservation_workshop.html Christine Donald christine_donald@fws.gov
Sapling Learning 211 E. 7th Street, 4th Floor
Austin, TX  78701
512-201-4461   Melissa Cogswell Melissa.cogswell@saplinglearning.com
SavingandBorrowing.org 1004 Oakwood Blvd
Round Rock, TX 78681
512-775-7061 http://savingandborrowing.org/ Dean Harris dean.harris01@outlook.com
Schlechty Center P.O.Box 6929
Louisville, KY 40206
502-895-1942 https://www.schlechtycenter.org/ Shanna Rucker srucher@schlechtycenter.org
Scholar Ready LLC PO Box 9944
Houston, TX  77213
713-553-6557 http://scholaready.com/mod/page/view.php?id=53 Jennifer Ledwith jdledwith@scholaready.com
School Empowerment Network 315 Flatbush Ave #506
Brooklyn, NY 11217
512-992-7828 https://schoolempowermentnetwork.org/ Ana Sikorsky Wiersema anah.wiersema@schoolempowermentnetwork.org
School Improvement Network 32 West Center Street
Midvale, UT  84047
801-758-9762 www.schoolimprovement.com Ben Goodro Ben.goodro@schoolimprovement.com
Science Mill 101 S. Lady Bird Ln.
Johnson City, TX 78636
844-263-6405 x1003 www.sciencemill.org/professionaldevelopment Amber Middlebrook amber.middlebrook@sciencemill.org
Science Teachers Association of Texas 3305 Steck Ave. Ste. 200
Austin, TX  78757
512-505-8001 http://www.statweb.org/ JJ Colburn, CAE stat@statweb.org
Science Time Consulting 16643 Seawolf Drive
Houston, TX  77062
281-235-8706 http://sciencetimeconsult.wix.com/home Donald Becker sciencetimeconsulting@gmail.com
Sci-Tech Discovery Center 8004 Dallas Parkway
Suite 100
Frisco, TX 75034
469-896-2188 ext 7 https://mindstretchingfun.org/ Kendra Coleman kendra.coleman@scitechdiscovery.org
Scott & White Worth the Wait 2401 S 31st St
Temple, TX  76508
254-724-5858 www.worththewait.org Blair Murphy bmurphy@sw.org
Scottish Rite Learning Center of South Texas (SRLC) 308 Avenue E
San Antonio, TX  78205
210-222-1645 www.srlearningcenter.org Janet Flory janetflory@srleaningcenter.org
Sea Star Base Galveston P.O. Box 3810
Galveston, TX  77552
409-572-2560  https://www.ssbgalveston.org/ David Dellapenna ddellapenna@ssbgalveston.org
Second Language Literacy Learning Connection LLC 107 Newman Court
Pennington, NJ  08534
732-642-5118   Deborah Jill Chitester bilingualspeechpath@gmail.com
Secondary & Elementary Administrator’s for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 4237 Canyon Trails Drive
Wichita Falls, TX  76309
904-235-1021 www.seasummit.org Julie Henderson Jhenderson@wfisd.net
Senator Judith Zaffirini P.O. Box 12068
Austin, TX 78711
512-463-0121 https://www.facebook.com/judithzaffirini.senator Iris Guerrero iris.guerrero@senate.texas.gov
Sentito Arts Foundation 8922 Aspen Trace Ln
Humble, TX  77338
832-224-6213 https://www.sentitoarts.org Raymiah Jackson info@sentitoarts.org
SELAH, Bamberger Ranch Preserve 2341 Blue Ridge Dr.
Johnson City, TX  78636
830-868-2630 www.bambergerranch.org Colleen Gardner selah@bambergerranch.org
Sexual Abuse Awareness Training Programs PO Box 291
Palacios, TX  77465
361-972-3355 www.saatp.com Barbara Marek barbara@saatp.com
Shadowing Success 105 W. Ebano Court
Harlingen, TX  78550
956-536-8950 www.shadowingsuccess.com 105 W. Ebano Court cindysadler@hotmail.com
Shametria Banks - The Routty Math Teacher 429 Farm Creek Drive
Hutto, TX 78634
512-470-1908 https://www.therouttymathteacher.com/ Shametria Banks shametria@theroutymathteacher.com
Shane Miller, MD 2222 Wellborn St.
Dallas, TX  75219
469-515-7132 http://www.tsrhc.org/sports-medicine Tomasina Betoncur shane.miller@tsrh.org
Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center 2111 W. Park Avenue
Orange, TX  77630
409-670-0803 http://starkculturalvenues.org/ Katrina Krantz kkrantz@shangrilagardens.org
Shannon Sports Medicine - Shannon Clinic 2237 South Jackson
San Angelo, TX  76904
325-481-2257 http://www.shannonhealth.com/ Kevin Saverance Kevinsaverance@shannonhealth.org
SHAPE America 1900 Association Drive
Reston, VA  20191
703-476-3412 http://www.shapeamerica.org Keith Zobel kzobel@shapeamerica.org
Sharon Wells Mathematics Curriculum, Inc. P.O. Box 689
Edinburg, TX  78540
956-688-6284 http://www.sharonwells.com/ Vanessa Hamel info@sharonwells.com
Shearer Vogt and Associates 1826 Kipling
Houston, TX  77098
713-528-3809 http://www.svaeducation.com/ Deborah A. Shearer shearerdeborah@att.net
Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center 15315 Beaumont Hwy
Houston, TX  77049
281-456-2800 http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/ Laura Babcock laura.babcock@tpwd.texas.gov
ShiftED, Inc 5570 FM 423 Ste 250 #4063
Frisco, TX 75036
470-723-6171 https://shiftedinc.org/ Andrea Pickens andrea@shiftedinc.org
Showmakers of America 2110 W. Slaughter Ln., Ste.107-595
Austin, TX  78748
361-522-4388 www.smadance.com Suan Sarah Visel sarah@showmakerscamps.com
Sights On Success P. O. Box 11665
Spring, TX  77391
281-370-7045 http://www.sightsonsuccess.com/ Lisa A. Burrell, Ed.D. Doc@SightsOnSuccess.com
Sibley Nature Center 1307 East Wadley Avenue
Midland, TX 79705
432-684-6827 https://www.sibleynaturecenter.org/ Misty Thomason misty@sibleynaturecenter.org
Sibme 4201 Main Street
Houston, TX  77002
713-478-7339 http://www.sibme.com/sibme-virtual-coaching/
Allyson Burnett allysonb@sibme.com
SMART Family Literacy 2728 Ave Q. Suite IA
Galveston, TX 77550
409-996-5399 http://www.smartfamilyliteracy.com Amy Musick musick@smartfamilyliteracy.org
Smarty Bunch TM 11123 Ancient Lore Dr
Tomball, TX  77375
832-286-8219 http://smartybunch.com/ Denise Carter smartybunch@yahoo.com
Smekens Education Solutions, Inc. 123 E. First Street, P.O. Box 332
Warren, IN 46792
888-376-0448  https://www.smekenseducation.com/ Brady Smekens brady@smekenseducation.com
Snowflake Technologies dba LivingTree 4611 Bee Cave Road #109
Austin, TX  78746
844-548-8733  https://www.livingtree.com/ Lori Genzer lori@livingtree.com
Social Thinking 404 Saratoga Ave. #200
Santa Clara, CA  95050
408-557-8595 https://www.socialthinking.com/ Elena Samsonova esamsonova@socialthinking.com
Solar Car Challenge Foundation 3505 Cassidy Drive
Plano, TX 75023
https://www.solarcarchallenge.org/challenge/ Dr. Lehnman Marks lehmanm743@aol.com
Solution Tree 555 North Morton Street
Bloomington, IN  47404
812-336-7700 www.solution-tree.com Alex Brownstein alex.brownstein@solution-tree.com
SOLVED Consultancy, LLC 20 Grand Street, PO Box 843
Goshen, NY 10924
301-377-6917 https://www.solvedconsulting.com/cpe Matias Brocato matias.brocato@solvedconsulting.com
Soneakqua J. White 3695 Green Rd. #22409
Beachwood, OH 44122
214-684-5867 https://www.soneakquajwhite.com/ Soneakqua J. White sjw@soneakquajwhite.com
Soundcheck Solutions, LLC 13425 Mount Castle Drive
Dallas, TX 755234
903-280-4164 https://www.soundcheckclinic.com/ Alexandra Schoeffel soundchecksolutionsllc@gmail.com
Sound Thinking LLP 130 Preston Trail
San Marcos, TX 78666
512-210-8201 https://soundthinkinginteractive.com/ Kristopher Brown KristopherBrown@kodalyviking.com
South Central Regional Microscale Chemistry Center PO Box 9020
Tyler, TX  75711
903-510-2900 https://www.acronymattic.com/South-Central-Regional-Microscale-Chemistry-Center-(SCRMCC).html Dr. Byron Howell bhow@tjc.edu
South Texas Institute of Christian Education (S.T.I.C.E.) 501 Schertz Pkwy.
Schertz, TX 78154
205-509-9079 https://www.sticeupnow.org/ Destiny Benson sticeupnow@gmail.com
Southeast Texas Cooperative for Special Services 1600 Grand
Liberty, TX  77575
936-336-8701 http://coo.libertyisd.net/ Susan Hewett sshewett@libertyisd.net
Southwest Athletic Trainers' Association 2625 Triangle Leaf Dr
Fort Worth, TX  76244
817-301-5230 http://www.swata.org/ David Traylor davidtraylor@texashealth.org
Southwest School of Art  300 Augusta
San Antonio, TX  78205
210-224-1848 www.swschool.org Barbara Hill bhill@swschool.org
Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools 1420 4th Ave Suite 29
Canyon, TX  79015
806-655-2400 www.swaes.org Pat Blevins pblevins@swaes.org
Space Center Houston 1601 Nasa Parkway
Houston, TX  77058
281-283-4728 https://spacecenter.org/ Phyllis Friello pfriello@spacecenter.org
Spalding Nichols Lamp Langlois, LLP 315 N. Church St.
Nacogdoches, TX  75961
936-564-0010 https://www.lmcgilvray@snll-law.com Laura McGilvray lmcgilvray@snll-law.com
Special Education Training Center https://www.spedtraining.com Dr. Jeanne M. Hines PhD setcbusiness@gmail.com
Special Olympics Texas 1804 Rutherford Lane
Austin, TX  78754
572-835-9873 www.sotx.org Molly Kuchar mkuchar@sotx.org
Spell to Write and Read spelling phonics reading cursive curriculum 6918 Norvara Trail
Klein, TX  77379
281-382-6746 https://www.wisespellingswr.com/ Rhonda Bedee wisespelling.swr@att.net
Squads Abroad 1099 E Champlain Dr. Ste A-176
Fresno, CA 93720
559-761-0351 https://squads.org/ Erik L. Werner erik@squads.org
Staff Development for Educators 10 Sharon Road
PO Box 577
Peterborough, NH  03458
800-462-1478 http://sde.com/ Toni Deschenes adeschenes@sde.com
Stark Museum of Art 712 Green Avenue
Orange, TX  77630
409-221-6685 http://starkculturalvenues.org/ Jennifer Restauri Dickinson jrestauri@starkmuseum.org
Starr Commonwealth, dba Starr Global Learning Network 13725 Starr Commonwealth Road
Albion, MI  49224
517-630-2330 https://starr.org/programs/certifications/ Renee Miller, LMSW millerr@starr.org
State Bar of Texas Law - Related Education 1414 Colorado St.
Suite 407
Austin, TX  78701
512-427-1821 http://www.texaslre.org/ Jan L. Miller jmiller@texasbar.com
State Fair of Texas P.O. Box 150009
Dallas, TX  75315
214-565-2924 https://bigtex.com/ Froswa’ Booker-Drew Fbooker-drew@bigtex.com

Statecraft Simulations, Inc.

13809 Research Blvd. Ste 500 PMB928
Austin, TX 78750
512-657-1141 https://highschool.statecraftsims.com/cpe/ Joe Jaeger joe.jaeger@statecraftsims.com
STCH Ministries 1905 Salem Road
Victoria, TX 77904
361-575-5151 https://www.stchm.org/ Lorraine Turner lturner@stchm.org
STEM Development Worldwide Foundation 5133 S. FM 549, Ste. 100
Rockwall, TX  75032
469-402-0071 http://www.stemdevelopment.org/ Dawn Ross dawn.ross@speroacademics.com
Stephanie Boyce - The FRESH Classroom P.O.Box 541253
Grand Prairie, TX 75054
713-425-9450 www.thefreshclassroom.com Stephanie Boyce Freshclassroom100@gmail.com
Stetson & Associates Inc. 14343-G Torrey Chase Blvd
Houston, TX  77014
281-440-4220 http://stetsonassociates.com/ Patricia Williams pwilliams@stetsonassociates.com
Stillwater Refuge P.O. Box 549
Grapeland, TX 78544
936-687-9766 https://www.stillwaterrefuge.com/events-and-retreats Amy Easley amy@stillwaterrefuge.com
Stone Oak Solutions, LLC 10910 Dry Stack Rd
New Braunfels, TX  78132
830-965-6860 http://stoneoaksolutionsllc.com/ Leslie J. (Chip) Pierce chip.pierce@stoneoaksolutions.com
StoneOak Media LLC 5900 Balcones Drive #16093
Austin, TX 78731
512-887-1692 https://www.stoneoakmedia.com/ Deborah McKee d.mckee@stoneoakmedia.com
Strasburger and Price, LLP 901 Main Street Suite 4400
Dallas, TX  75202
214-651-4685 www.strasburger.com Katie Anderson Katie.anderson@strasburger.com
Stride Professional Development 11720 Plaza America Drive, Suite 900
Reston, VA 20190
571-581-9143 https://stridepdcenter.com/ Darren Reed dreed@k12.com
Strong Education 3420 Eldorado Pkwy Ste 4
McKinney, TX 75070
214-843-8135 www.strasburger.com/ Daniel Stein daniel@certifystrong.com
Study.com 100 View Street Ste. 202
Mountain View, CA  94041
855-200-1822 http://study.com/ Jocelyn Gompers support@study.com
SuccessEd, LLC 2100 McKinney Ave
Dallas, TX  75201
214-613-1546 www.successed.net MacMichael Henson macmichael.henson@successed.net
Summit Professional Education PO Box 682067
Franklin, TN  37065
615-376-8828 x311 www.summit-education.com Caroline Jones ceinfo@summit-education.com
Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children 603 E. Hildebrand Avenue
San Antonio, TX  78212
210-824-0579 www.sunshinecottage.org Leslie Walter lwalter@sunshinecottage.org
Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted - SENG, Inc. PO Box 972
Clifton Park, NY 12065
844-488-7364 www.sengifted.org/ce-courses Brian Shea office@sengifted.org
Susie Wolbe 32 Victoria Drive
Rowlett, TX  75088
972-345-0744 http://drsusiewolbe.com/ Susie Wolbe Susie@drsusiewolbe.com
SustainED Leaders 10533 Verna Trail W
Fort Worth, TX 76108
303-916-9661 https://www.sustainedleaders.org/ Jacob Stainbrook jacob.stainbrook@sustainedleaders.org
Synergy Solutions, Inc. 5837 Winding Ridge Drive
San Antonio, TX  78239
210-748-2481 www.greatnesscoach.org Dema K. Stout dema@sbcglobal.net
SystemsGo PO Box 650311, M/S 3919
Dallas, TX 75265
830-997-3567 www.systemsgo.org Rebekah Hyatt rhyatt@systemsgo.org
Teach Each, Inc. 1405 Cliffwood Road
Euless, TX  76040
817-677-8516 http://www.teacheach.org/ Elaine Plybon eplybon@gmail.com
Teach For America 701 Tillery St. #12
Austin, TX 78702
512-417-1784 https://tfaaustin.org/2023slll/ Nicole Seltman nicole.seltman@teachforamerica.org
Teach Me Professional Development 811 El Capitan Way
Suite 110
San Luis Obispo, CA  93401
805-260-6545 http://www.teachmeceus.com/ Patrica Hocking-Walker patrish@teachmeceus.com
Teach n’ Kids Learn, Inc.  14 NE First Ave, 2nd Floor
Miami, FL  33132
855-498-4400 www.teachnkidslearn.com Jodi Slonaker PD@TeachnKidsLearn.com
Teach Us Texas 1201 Fannin Street
Suite 262
Houston, TX 77002
866-349-0888 https://www.teachus.com/ Dr. Brandon Jouganatos; Dr. Pam Wetherington info@teachus.com
Teach Woke, LLC 1550 Leona Street Suite 363
Houston, TX 77009
832-910-7720 https://teachwoke.com/ Alicia Williams alicia@teachwoke.com
Teach Your Heart Out PO Box 632
Doughlasville, GA 30133
404-444-1265 https://teachyourheartout.com/ Lisa Dunnigan lisa@teachyourheartout.com
Teacher Enrichment Initiatives 7703 Floyd Curl Drive
M/C 7780
San Antonio, TX  78229
210-567-4477 http://teachhealthk-12.uthscsa.edu/ Rosemary Riggs riggsr@uthscsa.edu
Teacher Learning Center P.O. Box 20481
Rochester, NY  14602
800-772-5227 www.tlc-sems.com Jon Crabbe jon.crabbe@tlc-sems.com
Teacher Study PO Box 3131
Vancouver, WA 98661
360-907-5145 https://www.teacherstudy.org/ Lorie Homnick Lorie@teacherstudy.org
Teachers Learning Center TLC
Colorado State University Pueblo
11768 Camphor Way
Seminole, FL 33772
727-252-8068 https://teacherslearningcenter.com/ Joseph Cdebaca teacherslearningcenter@gmail.com
Teacher Study Hall 710 W 23rd St.
Houston, TX 77008
832-707-5256 https://teacherstudyhall.com/ Dorian Wesley teacherstudyhall@gmail.com
Teacher's Teacher, LLC 10020 S. Campbell Ave.
Chicago, IL 60655
773-831-5300 https://www.teachersteacher.net/ Patricia Reed patreed@teachersteacher.net
Teaching2gether LLC 5003 Shoal Creek Blvd.
Austin, TX  78756
917-716-9482   Rachel Zindler info@teaching2gethertexas.com
Teaching and Learning Connections Educational Consulting Group 2530 Kensington Lane
Trophy Club, TX 76262
214-293-4249 https://www.teachingandlearningconnections.com/ Cristina Rodriguez Chen Ph.D. cristina_chen@teachingandlearningconnections.com
Teaching Trust 1349 Empire Central Drive
Suite 400
Dallas, TX  75247
214-206-3849 http://www.teachingtrust.org/school-teams Matthew Neal mneal@teachingtrust.org
Teachovate LLC 9230 Ridge Wilde
San Antonio, TX 78250
https://www.teachovate.net/ Abigail K. Rayburn abby.rayburn@gmail.com
TEACH--Training via E-learning: An Alternative Certification Hybrid P.O. Box 141473
Austin, TX  78714
512-928-8423 http://www.checkteachercert.com/ Delia G. Quintanilla dquinta@worldnet.att.net
Teachstone, Inc 675 Peter Jefferson Pkwy Ste 350
Charlottesville, VA 22911
  https://teachstone.com/ Taleda Prater taleda.prater@teachstone.com
Teachworthy 1199 Haywood Dr
College Station, TX 77845
210-877-1975 https://www.teachworthy.org/ Rae Queen, Ph.D. Rae.Queen@teachworthy.org
TEALearn 1501 S. Cherry Lane
Fort Worth, TX 76108
https://register.tealearn.com Emily Tipps tealearnhelp@tea.texas.gov
TEAMability, Inc. 1711 North Trinity
San Antonio, TX 78201
210-733-9050 https://teamability.org Barbara Goldman bgoldman@teamability.org
Techno Tinkers LLC P.O. Box 971
Round Rock, TX 78680
512-522-1574 https://www.technotinkers.org Abdigani Hussein abdigani@technotinkers.org
Techs4Tex Foundation 5 Crested Tern Ct.
The Woodlands, TX  77380
281-686-6437 http://www.techs4tex.org/ Kellie Lahey admin@techs4tex
TechSmart 200 Carteret Street
Beaufort, SC 29902
206-747-0786 https://support.techsmart.codes/hc/en-us/articles/7416784034835-Register-for-PLC-Meetings Chelsea Byers chelsea.byers@techsmart.codes
Teen Truth, LLC 7924 Wheel Rim Cir
Austin, TX  78749
818-237-5082 https://teentruth.net/ JC Pohl jc@teentruth.net
Tejas Storytelling Association P.O. Box 2806
Denton, TX  76202
940-380-9320 www.tejasstorytelling.com Beverly Benbow tsa@tejasstorytelling.com
Tenet Leadership 700 Bulian Lane
Austin, TX 78746
512-799-9240 http://www.tenetleadership.com/ Kara Belew kara@tenetleadership.com
Teq, Inc. 7 Norden Lane
Huntington Station, NY  11746
877-455-9369 x3029 http://onlinepd.teq.com/courses/library Matthew Thaxter matthewthaxter@teq.com
Texana Children's Center for Autism 4910 Airport Ave. Bldg F
Rosenberg, TX  77471
281-238-6751 https://www.texanacenter.com/ Samantha Cordova samantha.cordova@texanacenter.com
Texarkana Children's Advocacy Center 1203 Main Street
Texarkana, TX 75501
903-792-2215 https://www.texarkanacac.org/ Breanne Bradshaw breannebradshaw@cactexarkana.org
Texas AFT 3000 S. IH 35, Ste 175
Austin, TX  78704
512-448-0130 http://www.texasaft.org/ Jamie Womack-Williams jwomack@texasaft.org
Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) 5806 Mesa Drive
Austin, TX  78731
512-206-3293 www.tabc.texas.gov Mindy Carroll mindy.carroll@tabc.texas.gov
Texas Alliance of Black School Educators 3100 Richmond Avenue
Suite 306
Houston, TX  77098
214-669-6192 www.tabse.net Phyllis Williams executivedirector@tabse.net
Texas Art Education Association 14070 Proton Road
Dallas, TX  75244
972-233-9107 http://www.taea.org/TAEA/default.asp Sara Chapman/Jody Henry  info@taea.org
Texas Art Supply 2001 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX  77006
713-526-5221 https://www.texasart.com/ EepiChaad eepi@texasart.com
Texas ASL Educators 2524 Preston Road #1405
Plano, TX  75093
469-642-4344 http://www.texasasleducators.com/ Kashandra Ball kassandraball@gmail.com
Texas Association Family, Career and Community Leaders of America 1107 W. 45th St.
Austin, TX  78756
512-306-0099 www.texasfccla.org Alex Everett aeverett@texasfccla.org
Texas Association for Ed. & Rehab of the Blind & Visually Impaired 7415 Shady Mill
Houston, TX  77040
713-542-0638 www.txaer.org Christy Shepard cshepard7@comcast.net
Texas Association for Improvements of Rdg (TAIR) PO Box 10034
Beaumont, TX  77710 
409-880-8703   Andrea Karlin karlinar@lamar.edu
Texas Association for Bilingual Education (TABE) P.O.Box 37130
San Antonio, TX  78237
210-979-6390 http://www.tabe.org/ Karina Chapa tabe@tabe.org
Texas Association for College Admission Counseling (TACAC) PO Box 5300
Frisco, TX 75035
469-730-3664 https://www.tacac.org/ Megan Greene tacac@tacac.org
Texas Association for Environmental Education (TAEE) 1206 West FM 1382
Cedar Hill, TX  75104
972-235-7820 http://taee.org/ Linda Bartley info@taee.org
Texas Association for Health, Phys Ed, Recreation & Dance (TAHPERD) 1000 Heritage Center Circle
Round Rock, TX 78664
512-459-1299 http://www.tahperd.org/ Rachel Naylor rachel@tahperd.org
Texas Association for Literacy Education (TALE) PO Box 451761
Houston, TX  77245
832-377-0780 www.texasreaders.org Kamshia Childs TALE@texasreaders.org
Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (TASCD) 1601 Rio Grande St.
Suite 451
Austin, TX  78701
512-477-8200 http://www.txascd.org/ Yolanda M. Rey, Ph.D. texasascd@txascd.org
Texas Association for the Education of Young Children P.O. Box 4997
Austin, TX 78765
800-341-2392 http://www.texasaeyc.org/ Jackie Taylor taeyc@texasaeyc.org
Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (TAGT) 5920 W William Cannon Dr.
Bldg. 7, Ste.102
Austin, TX  78749
512-717-6076 www.txgifted.org Paulina van Eeden Hill paulina@txgifted.org
Texas Association of Biology Teachers (TABT) 2006 Creekview Drive
Commerce, TX  75428
903-886-2240 http://www.tabt.us Alton L. Biggs altonb@ix.netcom.com
Texas Association of Community Schools (TACS) 1011 San Jacinto Blvd.
Suite 204
Austin, TX  78701
512-440-8227 www.tacsnet.org Dr. Crystal Dockery cdockery@tacsnet.org
Texas Association of Hostage Negotiators PO Box 1020
Rowlett, TX 75030
844-367-8246 https://tahn.org/ Melissa Fatheree; Dr. Wayman Mullins president@tahn.org
Texas Association of Journalism Educators (TAJE) PO Box 176
Buda, TX  78610
512-796-0397 www.taje.org Cindy Todd director@taje.org
Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA) 406 E. 11th Street
Austin, TX  78701
512- 477-6361 www.TASAnet.org Kevin Brown kbrown@tasanet.org
Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) PO Box 400
Austin, TX  78701
512-505-2453 https://www.tasb.org/Home.aspx Marla Gilliland  marla.gilliland@tasb.org
Texas Association of School Business Officials (TASBO) P. O. Box 91929
Austin, TX  78749
512-628-1286 www.tasbo.org Becky Bunte bbunte@tasbo.org
Texas Association of Secondary School Principals (TASSP) 1833 S. IH-35
Austin, TX  78741
512-443-2100 http://www.tassp.org/ Cindy Kirby cindy@tassp.org
Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (TASFAA) 8709 NCR 3300
Idalou, TX 79329
214-930-4111 https://tasfaa.memberclicks.net/ Taryn Anderson president@tasfaa.org
Texas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (TASFAA) TCU Box 297012
Fort Worth, TX  76129
 817-257-7858 financialaid@tcu.edu Elizabeth C. Meschalske e.c.mechalske@tcu.edu
Texas Association of Supervisors of Mathematics 10300 Jones Rd
Houston, TX  77065
512-732-9020 http://www.tasmonline.net/index.html Jerri LaMirand jlamirand@eanesisd.net
Texas Association of Vocational Adjustment Coordinators (TAVAC) 3300 Stonecrest Drive
Grapevine, TX  76051
972-348-1754 www.tavac.org Sandye Cox sandye.cox@region10.org
Texas Bandmasters Association (TBA) 1002 Central Parkway South
San Antonio, TX  78232
210-492-8878 www.texasbandmasters.org Michael Brashear mbrashear@texasbandmasters.org
Texas Center for the Judiciary 1210 San Antonio Suite 800
Austin, TX  78701
512-482-8986 www.yourhonor.com Heidi Penix heidip@yourhonor.com
Texas Charter School Academic & Athletic League 6633 Hwy 290 East Ste 104
Austin, TX  78723
512-992-7876 http://www.texascharter.org/ Zach Dooley zachdooley@gmail.com
Texas Children in Nature Network PO Box 492
Manchaca, TX 78652
512-434-0815 https://www.texaschildreninnature.org/ Sarah Coles scoles@texaschildreninnature.org
Texas Children's Hospital - The Woodlands 17580 Interstate 45 South
The Woodlands, TX  77384
936-267-7251 http://www.texaschildrens.org/ Dr. Kristin Ernest kristin.ernest@bcm.edu
Texas Children's Hospital - West Campus 18200 Katy Frwy Ste 520
Houston, TX 77094
832-825-9335 http://www.texaschildrens.org/ Kemesheia Stovall ksstoval@texaschildrens.org
Texas Choral Directors Association 7900 Centre Park Drive
Suite A
Austin, TX  78754
512-474-2801 www.tcda.net Sharon Lutz sharon@tcda.net
Texas Classroom Teachers Association (TCTA) PO Box 1489
Austin, TX  78767
512-477-9415 https://tcta.org/ Holly Eaton heaton@tcta.org
Texas Community College Teachers Association 5113 Southwest Pkwy; Suite 185
Austin, TX 78731
512-328-2004 https://www.tccta.org/ Connor Payne cpayne@tccta.org
Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) P.O. Box 18507
Austin, TX  78760
512-450-5396 http://www.tcea.org/ Dr. Bruce Ellis bellis@tcea.org
Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE) 5920 W William Cannon Dr.
Building 7, Suite 103
Austin, TX  78749
512-474-4492 http://www.tcase.org/ Vicki Yancy vicki@tcase.org
Texas Council of Teachers of English 919 Congress Avenue #1400
Austin, TX  78701
512-617-3200 www.tctela.org Jennifer Christmas info@tctela.org
Texas Council for the Social Studies 518 Post Oak Lane
Allen, TX 75002
214-729-6509 https://www.txcss,net/ Chad Taylor executivesecretary@txcss.net
Texas Counseling Association (TCA) 1204 San Antonio St, #201
Austin, TX  78701
512-472-3403 www.txca.org Bobbie Lawrence bobbie@txca.org
Texas Dance Educators Association (TDEA) P.O. Box 420637
Houston, TX  77242
832-223-6259 http://www.tdea.org/ Erica Sury esury@lcisd.org
Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services 4900 N. Lamar Blvd
MC 1411
Austin, TX  78756
512-377-0580 https://twc.texas.gov/news/department-assistive-rehabilitative-services-program-transition Mike Bright mike.bright@dars.state.tx.us
Texas Discovery Gardens P. O. Box 152537
Dallas, TX  75315
214-428-7476 www.texasdiscoverygardens.org Erin Shields eshields@texasdiscoverygardens.org
Texas Double Bass Academy 5117 Glen Meadow Dr.
Arlington, TX 76001
972-567-9364 https://txbassonline.com/director-workshops/ Andrew Goins txbassonline@gmail.com
Texas Earth Science Teachers Association (TESTA) 10535 Long River Dr
Sugarland, TX  77498
281-460-2026 http://www.lpi.usra.edu/education/TESTA/ Kathryn Barclay Kathrynbarclay65@aol.com
Texas Educational Diagnosticians Association (TEDA)     http://www.txeda.org/   tedapresidentelect@gmail.com
Texas Educational Diagnosticians' Association (TEDA) Caprock Chapter 8107 Topeka Ave.
Lubbock, TX  79424
806-789-0727 www.txeda.org Diane Broome dianebroome@hotmail.com
Texas Educational Theatre Association (TETA) 650 W. Bough Ln.
Suite 150-199
Houston, TX  77024
979-240-4531 http://www.tetatx.com/ Darve Smith communications@tetatx.com
Texas Elementary Principals & Supervisors Association (TEPSA) 501 E. 10th Street
Austin, TX  78701
512-478-5268 www.tepsa.org Harley Eckhart harley@tepsa.org
Texas Engineering Executive Education 2613 Speedway, Stop A2800
Austin, TX 78712
512-471-3506 https://executive.engr.utexas.edu/ Dr. Eric Roe eric.roe@utexas.edu
Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) PO Box 40006
College Station, TX  77842
979-458-6029 https://teex.org Tony Tasillo tony.tasillo@teex.tamu.edu
Texas Engineering Foundation/MATHCOUNTS P.O. Box 2145
Austin, TX  78768
512-472-9286 www.tspe.org Trish B. Smith trish@tspe.org
Texas Environmental Education Advisory Committee (TEEAC) 1701 North Congress Ave.
Austin, TX  78701
512-463-9566 https://tea.texas.gov/Academics/Subject_Areas/Science/Texas_Environmental_Education_Advisory_Committee/ Irene Pickhardt Irene.pickhardt@tea.texas.gov
Texas Experiential Resources Association (TERA)   817-253-9826   Russell Payne radventure@hotmail.com
Texas Farm Bureau P.O. Box 2869
Waco, TX  76702
254-751-2569 https://texasfarmbureau.org/youth/ag-in-the-classroom/ Jordan Bartels jbartels@txfb.org
Texas Folklife Resources, Inc. 1708 Houston St.
Austin, TX 78756
512-441-9255 http://texasfolklife.org/ Gabriela Kane operations@texasfolklife.org
Texas Foreign Language Association (TFLA) 1315 Cherokee Drive
Richardson, TX 75080
214-534-7528 http://www.tfla.info/ Kim Malcolm pd_director@tfla.org
Texas Forestry Association PO Box 1488
Lufkin, TX  75902
936-632-8733 www.texasforestry.org Misty Bowie educationintexas@texasforestry.org
Texas Future Business Leaders of America 706 Oak Ln
Grapevine, TX 76051
210-452-6677 https://fblatx.org/ D'Ann Matlock stateadviser@fblatx.org
Texas Gateway for Online Resources by TEA 1701 N. Congress. Avenue
Austin, TX  78701
512-463-9734 www.texasgateway.org Texas Gateway Help Center
Texas General Land Office 1700 N. Congress
Austin, TX  78701
512-463-5277 https://www.glo.texas.gov/archives-heritage/education-resources Lila Rakoczy archives@glo.texas.gov
Texas Girls Coaches Association PO Box 2137
Austin, TX  78701
512-708-1333 http://www.austintgca.com/ Lee Grisham lee@austintgca.com
Texas Guaranteed (TG) PO Box 83100
Round Rock, TX  78683
800-252-9743 http://www.tgslc.org/ Judith Cunningham Judith.cunningham@tgslc.org
Texas Guitar Directors Association PO Box 151263
Austin, TX  78745
956-371-1861 http://tgda.wildapricot.org Michael Quantz michael.quantz58@gmail.com
Texas Hands and Voices 14089 Nacogdoches Road #241
San Antonio, TX 78247
936-462-8948 https://txhv.org/astra Sarah Milem smilem@txhv.org
Texas Health Sports Medicine 800 5th Avenue  #150
Fort Worth, TX  76104
817-301-5230 https://www.texashealth.org/sports-medicine/ Jonathan Hancock jonathanhancock@texashealth.org
Texas Health Occupations Association Inc. (THOA, Inc.) PO Box 161532
Austin, TX  78716
512-825-6680 www.thoainc.org Jackie Uselton jackusel@gmail.com
Texas High School Athletic Directors Association (THSADA) 4113 Quaker Drive
Texas City, TX 77590
832-328-6123 http://thsada.com/ Rusty Dowling Rusty.Dowling@thsada.com
Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) PO Drawer 1138
San Marcos, TX  78667
512-392-3741 http://www.thsca.com/ D. W. Rutledge dwrutlege@thsca.com  
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board 1200 East Anderson Lane
Austin, TX  78752
512-427-6227 www.thecb.state.tx.us Natalie Coffey natalie.coffey@thecb.state.tx.us
Texas Historical Commission PO Box 12276
Austin, TX  78711
512-463-6084 http://www.thc.texas.gov/ Emily Hermans emily.hermans@thc.texas.gov
Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC)  P.O. Box 12276
Austin, TX  78701
512-936-2547 http://thgc.texas.gov/ J.E. Wolfson, PhD j.e.wolfson@thgc.texas.gov
Texas Industrial Vocational Association (TIVA) PO Box 142212
Austin, TX  78714
512-478-0761 www.tiva.org Diana Ferguson diana@tiva.org
Texas Instruments Inc. Education Technology PO Box 142212
Austin, TX  78714
888-282-8233 https://education.ti.com/ Eric Butterbaugh t3-pdsales@list.ti.com
Texas International Education Consortium 611 W. 14th Street
Austin, TX 78701
512-600-6078 www.tiec.org Heather Farmakis, PhD heather@tiec.org
Texas Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association (TISCA) 1815 Laurel Oaks Drive
Richmond, TX 77469
817-797-4086 https://tisca.memberclicks.net/ Daniel Jau daniel.jau@gcisd.net
Texas Jazz Educators Association (TJEA) 250 Ranch Crest Road
Lorena, TX  76655
210-412-1935 http://www.tjea.org/ Matthew Seifert Matthew.seifert@nisd.net
Texas Jazz Educators Association (TJEA) 7837 Hardwick Ct.
Plano, TX  75025
214-620-7736 http://www.tjea.org/ Preston Pierce preston.pierce@pisd.edu
Texas Juvenile Justice Department 11209 Metric Blvd, Bldg. H
Austin, TX  78758
512-490-7125 www.tjjd.texas.gov Kristy Almager kristy.almager@tjjd.texas.gov
Texas K-12 CTO Council P.O. Box 140681
Irving, TX 75014
972-672-3254 www.texask12ctocouncil.org Alice E. Owen, PhD txctocouncil@gmail.com
Texas Library Association 3355 Bee Cave Road
Suite 401
Austin, TX  78746
512-328-1518 www.txla.org Ted Wanner tedw@txla.org
Texas Marine Education Association 4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX  78744
512-389-8737 www.tmeaonline.org   Kris Shipman kris.shipman@tpwd.texas.gov
Texas Middle School Association (TMSA) PO Box 152499
Austin, TX  78745
512-517-0144 http://www.tmsanet.org/ Missy Floyd-Seward tmsa2@austin.rr.com
Texas Mining and Reclamation Association 2802 Flintrock Trace
Suite 230
Austin, TX  78738
903-707-4320 www.tmra.com Charitie Wright education@tmra.com
Texas Music Administrators Conference, Inc.(TMAC) 1732 Falmouth Dr.
Plano, TX 75025
972-978-6709 www.texasmusicadmin.com Jeff Turner jeffrey.turner@allenisd.org
Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) 7900 Centre Park Drive
Austin, TX  78754
512-452-0710 https://www.tmea.org/ Frank Coachman fcoachman@tmea.org
Texas Municipal Police Association 6200 La Calma Dr. Ste.200
Austin, TX  78752
512-279-7150 www.leadershipacademytx.org Shannon Lowry shannon.lowry@tmpa.org
Texas Music Teachers Association (TMEA) PO Box 831730
Richardson, TX  75083
512-927-7356 https://www.tmta.org/ Christiana Clark Office.tmta@gmail.com
Texas National Association of Multicultural Educators (TXNAME) PO Box 831730
Richardson, TX 75083
512-927-7356 http://www.txname.org/ Sarah Straub straubsm@sfasu.edu
Texas Network of Youth Services PO Box 26855
Austin, TX  78755
512-815-3299 www.tnoys.org Lara O'Toole LOToole@tnoys.org
Texas Nursery & Landscape Association 7730 S IH-35
Austin, TX  78745
512-579-3860 www.tnlaonline.org James Theiss  james@tnlaonline.org 
Texas OnCourse 405 W. 25th Street F0900
Austin, TX  78705
512-232-6873 https://texasoncourse.org Jaslyn Greene jaslyn.greene@austin.utexas.edu
Texas Orchestra Directors Association (TODA) 7900 Centre Park Dr.
Suite A
Austin, TX 78754
512-474-2801 www.todaweb.org Sharon Lutz sharon.lutz@todaweb.org
Texas Outdoor Education Association P.O. Box 293418
Kerrville, TX  78029
979-571-7578 www.toea.org Christopher Richardson Christopher@toea.org
Texas Parent to Parent 3710 Cedar St. Box 12
Austin, TX  78705
512-458-8600 http://www.txp2p.org/index.html Susan Prior Susan.prior@txp2p.org
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road
Austin, TX  78744
512-389-8060 http://www.tpwd.texas.gov\education Melissa Alderson melissa.alderson@TPWD.Texas.gov
Texas Partnership for Out of School Time (TXPOST) 8509 FM 969, Bldg. 509
Austin, TX 78724
512-265-6484 https://www.txpost.org/ Jenna Courtney jenna@txpost.org
Texas Private School Music Education Association P.O. Box 34655
Fort Worth, TX 76162
512-476-6769 https://www.tpsmea.org/library/tpsmea-cpe-classes-and-descriptions/ Lindsay Medina l.medina@frassaticatholic.org
Texas PTA 408 W 11th Street, Ste.300
Austin, TX. 78701
512-476-6769 https://www.txpta.org/connect-programs Carrie Mays programs@txpta.org
Texas Public Policy Foundation 901 Congress Avenue
Austin, TX  78701
512-472-2700 www.texaspolicy.com Dr. Thomas Lindsay tlindsay@texaspolicy.com
Texas Public Safety Teacher Association 3807 Heather Nest
Selma, TX  78154
956-560-1219  http://www.txpsta.com/ Marco A. Pizaña Jr.  TXPSTAPresident@gmail.com
Texas Public Charter School Association 3005 S Lamar Blvd, Suite D-447
Austin, TX  78704
512-584-8272 https://txcharterschools.org/ Laurel Garcia admin@txcharterschools.org
Texas Rural Education Association 7415 Southwest Parkway, Bldg 6 ste 500, #243
Austin, TX 78735
254-602-2056 https://www.txrea.com/ Bill Tarleton btarleton@txrea.com
Texas School Leader Network 505 Drexel Drive
Lewisville, TX 75067
469-647-0911 https://www.txschoolleaders.com/ Dr. Buddy Bonner texasschoolleader@gmail.com
Texas School Public Relations Association 406 East 11th Street
Austin, TX 78701
512-474-9107 https://tspra.org/ Janet Crock janet@tspra.org
Texas Science and Natural History Museum 2400 Trinity Street D1500
Austin, TX  78712
512-232-5511 https://sciencemuseum.utexas.edu/ Pamela R. Owen p.owen@austin.utexas.edu
Texas Science Education Leadership Association (TSELA) 152 Oak Hills Dr.
Mabank, TX 75156
817-480-1180 https://tsela.info/ Ann C. Mulvihill admin@tsela.info
Texas Section American Association of Physics Teachers 7 Dragon Hill Place
Spring, TX  77381
512-228-0838 https://tsaapt.net/ Thomas L O'Kuma tokuma@lee.edu
Texas Space Grant Consortium  3925 W. Braker Lane
Suite 200
Austin, TX  78759
512-471-6922 www.tsgc.utexas.edu Margaret Baguio or Dr. Wallace Fowler baguio@tsgc.utexas.edu
Texas Speech Communication Association 3921 Westlawn
Amarillo, TX 79102
806-640-8988 http://www.etsca.com/ Ryan Lovell vp-elect@etsca.com
Texas Sprouts 103 W 24th St, Rm 3.24
Austin, TX  78712
512-471-2809 http://www.txsprouts.com/ Michele Hockett Cooper mhcooper@utexas.edu
Texas State Aquarium 2710 North Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, TX  78402
361-653-2628 www.texasstateaquarium.org/ Sarah Bethel sbethel@txstateaq.org
Texas State Historical Association 3001 Lake Austin Blvd., Ste.3.226
Austin, TX  78703
512-471-4102 www.tshaonline.org Lisa Berg lisa.berg@tshaonline.org
Texas State Library and Archives Commission P O  Box 12927
Austin, TX  78711
512-463-5465 https://www.tsl.texas.gov/ Naomi DiTullio ld@tsl.texas.gov
Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures and Education Center PO Box 464
Corpus Christi, TX 78403
361-881-8827 https://www.texasasianculturesmuseum.org/education/ Richard Hafemeister info@texasasianculturesmuseum.org
Texas State Organization of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International P.O. Box 797787
Dallas, TX  75379
972-930-9945 www.dkgtexas.org Leesa Cole tsosecretary29@gmail.com
Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board PO Box 658
Temple, TX  76503
254-773-2250 www.tsswcb.texas.gov Clyde J. Gottschalk cgottschalk@tsswcb.texas.gov
Texas State Teachers Association (TSTA) 8716 N Mopac Expy
Austin, TX  78759
512-476-5355 http://www.tsta.org/ Portia Bosse portiab@tsta.org
Texas Suicide Prevention Collaborative  3700 Serene Hills Drive
Austin, TX  78738
512-589-2909 Texassuicideprevention.org Lisa Sullivan  admin@texassuicideprevention.org
Texas Teaching Fanatic 2719 Windcliff Dr.
New Braunfels, TX  78132
979-574-7274 www.texasteachingfanatic.com Kayla Shook texasteachingfanatic@gmail.com
Texas Technology Student Association 189 Candelara
Carthage, TX 75633
915-731-4244 https://www.texastsa.org/ Pamela Cook Executive.director@texastsa.org
Texas Technology and Engineering Educators (TTEE) P. O. Box 967
Hawkins, TX  75765
903-769-3701 www.texastee.org Bob Behnke bob.behnke@hawkinsisd.org
Texas Thespians – A Chapter of the Educational Theatre Association 15 Circle Drive
Denison, TX  75021
903-818-0432 www.texasthespians.org Amy Jordan amy.jordan@texasthespians.org
Texas Track and Field Coaches Association 1012 West Foxwood Lane
Wylie, TX  75098
214-732-8073 www.ttfca.org Stuart Kantor ttfca@hotmail.com
Texas Tutor Professionals 2611 F.M. 1960 West
Suite F-125
Houston, TX  77068
832-286-2669  www.facebook.com/pages/category/Tutor-Teacher/TEXAS-Tutor-Professionals Zandra Draper Ztutors@yahoo.com
Texas Veterinary Medical Association 8104 Exchange Dr.
Austin, TX 78754
512-610-6652 https://www.tvma.org/Education-Opportunities/CVA Larisa Respondek Lrespondek@tvma.org
Texas Water Development Board 1700 North Congress Ave.
Austin, TX  78711
512-463-5836 http://www.twdb.texas.gov/ Sally Alderman Sally.alderman@twdb.texas.gov
Texas Wildlife Association 3660 Thousand Oaks Drive
Suite 126
San Antonio, TX  78247
210-826-2904 www.texas-wildlife.org Kassi Scheffer kscheffer@texas-wildlife.org
TexTESOL II (TexTESOL Region II) PO Box 781368
San Antonio, TX 78278
915-317-0326 https://www.textesol2sa.org/ June Pugh meloni@texoassociation.org
TEXO The Construction Association 11101 N. Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX  75229
972-647-0697 www.texoassociation.org Meloni Raney june.pugh1@gmail.com
TexTESOL3 PO Box 40026
Austin, TX 78704
512-736-7436 https://www.textesol3.org/ Harishini Ernest, Ph.D. textesol3@gmail.com
TexTESOL IV PO Box 842193
Houston, TX  77284
281-451-6663 http://textesoliv.org/ Dr. Irma Rohatgi irmarohatgi@gmail.com
TexTSOL V PO Box 1173
Fort Worth, TX 761010
858-625-1452 http://textesolv.org/ MaryLynn Patton textesol5@gmail.com
The Alamo 300 Alamo Plaza
P.O. Box 2599
San Antonio, TX  78205
210-225-1391 https://www.thealamo.org/ Kathryn Dillard; Ernesto Rodriguez III; Sherri Driscoll; A. Rivard kdillard@thealamo.org
sdriscoll@the alamo.org
The Academy at Morgan's Wonderland 5235 David Edwards Dr.
San Antonio, TX  78233
210-479-3311 http://morganswonderland.academy/ Dr. Susan Bineham sbineham@morganwonderland.academy
The Amoxie Educational Consulting Group, LLC 900 N Walnut Creek Dr Suite 100-PMB 394
Mansfield, TX 76063
817-706-4652 https://www.amoxiegroup.com/ Dr. Akweta Hickman akwetahickman@amoxiegroup.com
The Arc of DFW Area PO Box 14455
Haltom City, TX 76117
817-372-3914 https://thearcofdfw.org/ James Lunday; treasurer@thearcofdfw.org
The Arc of Texas, Inc. 8001 Centre Park Dr. #100
Austin, TX  78754
512-485-9755 https://www.thearcoftexas.org/ Wendolyn Ward wward@thearcoftexas.org
The Art Institute of Dallas 8080 Park Lane
Dallas, TX  75231
214-692-8080 www.aid.edu David N. Lipe, Ed.D dlipe@aii.edu
The Artist Boat Inc 13330 Settegast Road
Galveston, TX 77554
409-632-0388 https://www.artistboat.org Karla Klay kklay@artistboat.org
The Art of Education 518 Main Street, Suite A
Osage, IA  50461
515-650-3198 https://www.theartofed.com/ Jessica Balsley jessica@theartofed.com
The Assisted Director Coaching, LLC 11928 Coyote Call Way
Austin, TX 78725
210-887-2290 https://www.theassisteddirector.com/ Chrisitina Ortega theassisteddirectorcoaching@gmail.com
The ASSISTments Foundation 482 Southbridge St. #398
Auburn, MA 01501
757-620-8960 www.assistments.org Brian Story brian.story@assistments.org
The Awareness & Compassion Project 1803 Elmira Road
Austin, TX 78721
512-699-2783 https://www.awarenessandcompassion.org/ Bob Peck hello@awarenessandcompassion.org
The Bridge Children's Advocacy Center 804 Quail Creek Dr.
Amarillo, TX 79124
806-372-2873 www.bridgecac.org Jackie Mikeska jackie@bridgecac.org
The Bryan Museum 1315 21st Street
Galveston, TX  77550
409-220-3316 www.thebryannmuseum.org Susannah Brown susannah@thebryanmuseum.org
The C.G. Jung Education Center of Houston, TX 5200 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX  77006
713-524-8253 www.junghouston.org Allegra Fradkin afradkin@junghouston.org
The Care Courses School, Inc. P.O. Box 10526
McLean, VA  22102
800-685-7610 http://www.carecourses.com/PublicPages/Home.aspx Emanuel Pires statereg@carecourses.com
The Championship Debate Group 102 Lost Trails
La Vernia, TX  78121
  www.thechampionshipdebategroup.com Noah Recker noah.recker@lvisd.org
The Chemical Educational Foundation 1560 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA  20190
571-482-3064 www.chemed.org  Hope Schissler hschissler@chemed.org
The Children's Assessment Center (CAC) 2500 Bolsover
Houston, TX  77005
713-986-3530 http://www.cachouston.org/ Karen Kennard karen.kennard@cac.hctx.net
The Childrens' Honor Choir PO Box 1083
Keller, TX 76244
  https://www.childrensconsortiumforthearts.org/ Becky Compton info@childrensconsortiumforthearts.org
The Children's Shelter 2939 W. Woodlawn Ave.
San Antonio, TX  78228
210-212-2500 www.childrenshelter.org Diana Ochoa-Johnson dochoa-johnson@chshel.org
The College Board 250 Vesey Street
New York, NY  10281
212-713-8222 https://apcentral.collegeboard.org Alyssa Aloyo aaloyo@collegeboard.org
The Connecting Link 23 W 3rd Ave #100
Spokane, WA 99201
888-550-5465 x115 http://www.connectinglink.com/ Melissa Ramirez ike.melissa.ramirez@connectlinglink.com
The Contemporary Austin 700 Congress Ave
Austin, TX  78701
512-453-5312 X104 https://www.thecontemporaryaustin.org/explore/for-teachers/ Sarah Chestnut schestnut@thecontemporaryaustin.org
The Cooper Institute 12330 Preston Road
Dallas, TX  75230
972-341-3200 http://www.cooperinstitute.org/ Shelby Thiele sthiele@cooperinst.org
The Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture’s Cowan Center for Education 2719 Routh Street
Dallas, TX  75201
214-981-8813  http://dallasinstitute.org/ Claudia MacMillan cmacmillan@dallasinstitute.org
The David Rice Method 7806 Swindon Lane
Austin, TX 78545
512-626-5637 https://davidricemethod.com/ David Rice davidrice64@gmail.com
The Dispute Resolution Center of Montgomery County, Inc. 301 N Thompson, Suite 106
Conroe, TX 77301
936-760-6914 https://resolution-center.org/mediation-classes/ Elaine Roberts elaine.roberts@mctx.org
The Docentus Group, LLC 5807 Pecanwood Lane
Austin, TX  78749
512-632-9908 www.Docentus.com Ronald Gene Morriso, Jr. Ron@Docentus.com
The DoSeum, San Antonio’s Museum for Kids 2800 Broadway Street
San Antonio, TX  78209
210- 212-4453 www.thedoseum.org Chris Navarro cnavarro@thedoseum.org
The Ecumenical Center 8310 Ewing Halsell Dr.
San Antonio, TX  78229
210-616-0885  http://www.ecrh.org/ Sandra Preininger spreininger@ecrh.org
The Educator Collaborative, LLC P.O. Box 5807
Astoria, NY 11105
929-500-2096 https://theeducatorcollaborative.com/ Christopher Lehman Chris@TheEducatorCollaborative.com
The Educator Collective 10233 E. Northwest Hwy.
Ste. 333 #38441
Dallas, TX 75238
832-766-0503 https://www.educatorcollective.org/events Ruthie Umberger ruthie@educatorcollective.org
The Education Partners 70 West 40th Street, 6th Fl.
New York, NY  10018
917-855-3038 https://tepconnect.com Dr. Mary Elizabeth Wilson mwilson@theeducationpartners.com
The Educator Summit, LLC 5830 E. 2nd St. Suite 7000 #12646
Casper, WY 82609
310-780-5107 https://www.theeducatorsummit.com/ Kayla Englert kayla@theeducatorsummit.com
The Empathy Paradigm, LLC 1528 California Trail
Plano, TX 75023
214-856-0603 https://www.facebook.com/EmpathyParadigm.com Anna Miller; Josh Miller theempathyparadignm@gmail.com
The Family Place P.O. Box 7999
Dallas, TX 75209
214-443-7728 http://familyplacebeproject.org/who_we_are/our_services Brenna Wriston brwriston@familyplace.org
The Flippen Group dba Capturing Kids Hearts 1199 Haywood Drive
College Station, TX 77845
979-575-7884 https://www.capturingkidshearts.org/ Dr. Michael Holt michael.holt@capturingkidshearts.org
The Foundry  914 Terrace Mountain Dr.
Austin, TX  78746
512 203-6249 http://www.newworldkids.org  Dr. Cynthia Herbert  drherbert88@gmail.com 
The Friends of the San Jacinto Battleground P. O. Box 940536
Houston, TX  77094
713-237-8997 http://www.friendsofsanjacinto.com/ Jan DeVault sjbafriends@earthlink.net    
The Genocide Educaton Project 51 Commonwealth Ave
San Frncisco, CA 94118
314-420-8294 https://genocideeducation.org// Kerri Flynn kerri@genocideeducation.org
The Gg Box, LLC- DBA Grace and Grit 5128 Birchman Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76107
817-269-5163 https://graceandgritbox.com/ Heather Stark heather@grraceandgritbox.com
The Gladney Center for Adoption  6300 John Ryan Blvd
Fort Worth, TX  76132
817-922-6020 www.gladney.org Anna Moody anna.moody@gladney.org
The Greater San Antonio Chapter 1016 of Phi Delta Kappa International 15351 Daystar Pass
San Antonio, TX  78253
210-287-5653 https://pdkassociation.org/blogs/pdkchapters/1016-4/ Laura Petersen lmetzger127@gmail.com
The Haberman Educational Foundation, Inc. 4018 Martinshire Drive
Houston, TX  77025
713-667-6185 www.habermanfoundation.org Delia Stafford d.staff@ix.netcom.com
The Harris Foundation 1330 Post Oak Blvd
Suite 2550
Houston, TX  77056
713-877-9276 http://www.theharrisfoundation.org/ Pamela Jones Pamela@theharrisfoundation.org
The Heritage Society 1100 Bagby Street
Houston, TX  77002
713-655-1912 http://www.heritagesociety.org/ Kirsten Hilson-Shafman educationoutreach@heritagesociety.org
The Highest Standard 5206 Bayou Drive
Dickingson, TX 77539
281-813-2575 https://thehigheststandard.org/ Valerie Dominy valeriedominy@gmail.com
The Hobby Center Houston 800 Bagby, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77002
713-315-2412 https://www.thehobbycenter.org/education/ Christine Phares, Ed.D/ phares.christine@gmail.com
The Holdsworth Center 4907 Ranch Road 2022
Austin, TX 78731
737-946-7001 http://www.holdsworthcenter.org/ Dr. Lindsay Whorton lwhorton@holdsworthcenter.org
The Institute for Real-World Teaching and Learning 700 Lavaca Street, Ste. 1401
Austin, TX 78701
409-351-0049 https://feedconsulting.org/ Anthea Lavergne anthea@feedconsulting.org
The Institute For Restorative Justice and Restorative Dialogue 20705 Windmill Ridge St.
Pflugerville, TX 78660
512-300-9662 https://irjrd.org/ Erica Mason rjmallori@outlook.com
They Joy2Learn 1617 Third Avenue, #286403
New York City, NY 10128
203-687-6366 https://joy2learn.org/ Jackie Chasen jackie@joy2learn.org
The June Shelton School & Evaluation Center 15720 Hillcrest Rd
Dallas, TX  75248
972-774-1772  https://www.shelton.org/ Junny Duncan jduncan@shelton.org
The Knowledge Center 5601 19th Street
Lubbock, TX 79407
806-928-0008 http://www.theknowledgecenter.org/ Samuel J. Ayers, Ed. D. sam.ayers@sbcglobal.net
The Laboratory Safety Institute 192 Worcester St
Natick, MA 01760
508-647-1900 https://www.labsafety.org/ Elizabeth Braun elizabeth@labsafetyinstitute.org
The Leaders Readers Network 327 Lake Ridge Road
Canyon, TX 79015
  https://theleadersreadersnetwork.org/ Chris McGilvery chris@leadersreadersnetwork.org
The Learning Agency Lab 2307 S. Rural Road
Tempe, AZ 85282
202-713-5854 https://learning-agency-lab.teachable.com/p/science-of-learning-for-teachers1 Ulrich Boser ulrich@the-learning-agency.com
The Learning Bug 2719 Timberline Trail
Palestine, TX  75803
903-723-1402   Kitty McComas Learningbugforteachers@gmail.com
The Learning Garden for Teachers (TLG4Teachers) 3919 Acorn Ridge
Missouri City, TX  77459
281-236-2785 TLG4Teachers.com Andrea Miller amiller@tlg4teachers.com
The Literacy Architects, LLC P.O.Box 226432
Dallas, TX. 75222
301-793-7027 www.theliteracyarchitects.com/ Seema Ramji info@theliteracyarchitects.com
The MacMillan Institute 518 E Wheatland Rd
Duncanville, TX 75116
945-235-2235 https://www.macmillaninstitute.org/ Claudia MacMillan cmacmillan@dallasinstitute.org
The Master Teacher 2500 Leadership Lane
Manhattan, KS  66502
800-669-9633 www.masterteacher.com Nikki Warnick, CEO nwarnick@masterteacher.com
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 1001 Bissonnet
Houston, TX  77096
713-639-7300 www.mfah.org/earn/teacher-workshops Elizabeth Roath Garcia ergarcia@mfah.org
The McAllen School 3304 Santa Laura
Mission, TX 78572
361-215-8090 https://themcallenschool.com/teaching-for-retention-course Bill Morris contact@themcallenschool.com
The McNay Art Museum P.O. Box 6069
San Antonio, TX  78209
210-805-1766 www.mcnayart.org Rosemary Hickman rosemary.hickman@mcnayart.org
The National Energy Education Development (NEED Project) 8408 Kao Circle
Manassas, VA  20110
703-257-1117 www.NEED.org Wendy Moss wmoss@need.org
The National Literacy Institute 8325 Broadway, Ste. 202
Pearland, TX 77851
866-921-5849 https://www.thenationalliteracyinstitute.com Ingrid Haynes PhD ingridhaynesphd@gmail.com
The National Sorority of Phi Delta Kappa Sorority, Incorporated P.O. Box 765065
Dallas, TX 75376
https://www.nspdk.org/ Patricia Tatum alpharho1950@gmail.com
The Number Lab (a Long-View Learning Project) 1201 West 24th Street, Suite 200
Austin, TX 78705
512-988-9887 https://www.long-view.com/ Kevin Moore kmoore@long-view.com
The Outdoor Education Center at Camp Olympia 723 Olympia Drive
Trinity, TX  75862
936-594-7074 https://outdooreducation.campolympia.com/ Brian McDaniel bmcdaniel@campolympia.com
The Rensselaerville Institute DBA School Turnaround 750 Delaware Ave Stuite #3
Delmar, NY 12054
518-797-3783 www.schoolturnaround.org Felecia Pittman fpittman@rinstitute.org
The Rise School of Houston 5618 H. Mark Crosswell Jr. St
Houston, TX 77021
713-532-7473 https://www.riseschool.org/ Dorothy Asim dsasim@riseschool.org
The Scholastic Network PO Box 26481
Austin, TX 78755
615-495-4909 https://thescholasticnetwork.thinkific.com/ LeAnn Stewart Lstewart@thescholasticnetwork.com
The Shape of Behavior_The M.o.C.h.A Tribe Diaries 2407 Haine Dr.
Harlingen, TX  78550
956-451-5472 www.shapeofbehavior.com Dr. Lisa Pena mochatribediaries@gmail.com
The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza 411 Elm Street, Suite 120
Dallas, TX  75202
214-389-3076 http://www.jfk.org/ Genevieve Kaplan Education@jfk.org
The Social and Emotional Learning Alliance for Texas (SEL4TX) 12397 Bethel Dr.
Frisco, TX 75033
832-969-7787 https://sel4tx.org/events/state/ Donna Black dblack@sel4tx.org
The Source for Learning 12020Sunrise Valley Drive, Ste 300
Reston, VA 20191
703-860-9200 http://teachersfirst.com/ok2ask/ Ruth Okoye OK2Ask@sflinc.org
The Teacher’s Academy PO Box 440
Furlong, PA   18925
267-614-7868 http://www.theteachersacademy.com/ Margaret Haflett mhaflett@theteachersacademy.com
The Teaching Channel  2 Embarcadero Center
8th Floor
San Francisco, CA  94111
415-553-0038 http://www.teachingchannel.org/ George Lichter glichter@teachingchannel.org
The Telemachos Group / Michael E. Degen, Ph.D. 900 West Ave F
Garland, TX 75040
214-326-7415 https://telemachospublishing.com/workshops/ Michael Degen gargeryjoseph@gmail.com
The Tobin Center for the Performing Arts 115 Auditorium Circle
San Antonio, TX  78205
210-224-0980 www.tobincenter.org/education/arts-integration Dr. Kimberly Stephenson kimberly@tobincenter.org
The Travis Institute of Educational Policy PO Box 211271 817-233-5051 https://thetravisinstitute.org/constitutional-deep-dive/ Tera Collum teracollum@thetravisinstitute.org
The Vision Board, LLC dba EducationCloset 742 Charingworth Road
Westminster, MD  21158
443-821-1088 http://artsintegrationconference.com/ Susan Riley susan@educationcloset.com  
The Welman Project 3950 W Vickery Blvd
Fort Worth, TX 76107
817-707-7654 https://thewelmanproject.org/garage/educators/ Taylor Willis talor@thewelmanproject.org
The Wheatcraft Project 13702 Chittim Oak
San Antonio, TX 78232
210-771-9697 https://jeffwheatcraft.com/professional-development/ Jeff Wheatraft jeffwheaties@gmail.com
The Writer's Garret PO Box 180326
Dallas, TX  75218
214-828-1715 www.writersgarret.org Tamitha Curiel program@writersgarret.org
The Writing Academy 3502 Columbia Memorial Parkway
Kemah, TX  77565
281-549-4466 http://www.twa.net/ Erin Mackay Erin@teachbig.com
Think Big Learning 2616 24th St.
Lubbock TX 79410
806-441-6712 https://thinkbiglearning.net/think-big-staar-blitz/ Tobi McMillan thinkbiglearningtm@gmail.com
Thinkery (Austin Children's Museum) 1830 Simond Avenue
Austin, TX  78723
512-469-6229 x229 http://www.thinkeryaustin.org/professional-development/ Brooke Turner bturner@thinkeryaustin.org
Third Coast Clay 8519 N Main Street
Houston, TX 77022
832-907-2560 https://3rdcoastclay.com/ Lotus Bermudez the3rdcoastclay@yahoo.com
Thompson Education Consulting Group 18330 Edwards Oaks
San Antonio, TX 78259
210-289-7552 www.edlawethics.com David P. Thompson david@edlawethics.com
Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts and Sciences Company P. O. Box  79
Crowell, TX  79227
940-684-1670 www.3rf.org Townly Thomas info@3rf.org
Thurmiere Love Grand Harbor Drive
Katy, TX 77494
225-278-5316 https://elementaryassessments.com/smart-goals-pd/ Thurmiere Love info@elementaryassessments.com
Timothy L. O'Connell, LAT, MS - Medical Center Health System  3304 Trails End
Odessa, TX  79762
432-640-6411 mchodessa.com  Timothy O'Connell  toconnell@echd.org 
To Be Like Me P.O. Box 600101
Dallas, TX 75360
855-825-6674 https://tobelikeme.org/ Toya Harris toya@toblikeme.org
Toni Sturdivant, Ph.D. 232 Arcadia St.
Hurst, TX 76053
903-926-6941 https://www.toniphd.com/services  Toni Sturdivant tonidsturdi@gmail.com 
TrainEze, LLC 3331 Rainbow Drive
Suite E, PMB 183
Rainbow City, AL  35906
256-390-9566 https://www.trainezellc.com/ Michelle Teague michelleteague@trainezellc.com
Transform II Perform Literacy Education 5110 Pebble Springs Dr.
Houston, TX  77066
713-876-1734 www.TransformiiPerformLiteracy.com Tina Hill-Edgecombe tinahillt@aol.com
Tri-Lin Integrated Services, Inc. 15310 Huebner Rd.
San Antonio, TX  78250
210-348-6212 http://tri-lin.com/ Gabriela Guerrero gguerrero@tri-lin.com
Trybal Performance LLC 300 San Gabriel Village Blvd. #221
Georgetown, TX  78626
832-397-9506 https://www.trybalperformance.com/ Alexsys Thompson alexsys@trybalperformance.com
TSDC inc dba Learning Forward Texas 516 E. Byron Nelson Blvd
Roanoke, TX  76262
512-266-3086 http://www.learningforwardtexas.org/ Lisa Ham lftx@learningforwardtexas.org
TT Innovative Solutions LLC 3050 Post Oak Blvd., Ste.510
Houston, TX. 77056
713-568-0196 https://www.ttinnovate.com/ezer-foundation Tamara Gipson info@ttinnovate.com
TTM Analytics, LLC PO Box 6012
Austin, TX  78762
512-576-9238 www.ttm-analytics.com Toni Templeton, PhD toni@ttm-analytics.com
Tx AHEC East Northeast Region (Area Health Education Center) 11937 US Hwy 271
Tyler, TX  75708
903-877-5220 https://txaheceast.org/AHEC-Centers/Northeast-Region Kristi C. Roberts Kristi.roberts@uthct.edu
Turn Center 1250 Wallace Blvd
Amarillo, TX 79106
806-681-3573 https://www.turncenter.org/education-services Treva McKinney Treva@TurnCenter.org
TwistED Teaching Educational Consulting Company 4844 Monarch Drive
Mesquite, TX  75181
310-945-7692 http://www.twistedteaching.com/ Alexes M. Terry twistedteaching@gmail.com
TxDLA - Texas Digital Learning Association 3616 Far West Blvd. Suite#117-PMB 365
Austin,TX 78731
512-402-7797 https://www.txdla.org/ Lisa Tomsio lisa@txdla.org
Tyler Museum of Art 1300 S. Mahon Ave.
Tyler, TX  75701
903-595-1001 Tylermuseum.org  Derek Frazier dfrazier@tylermuseum.org
U.N.I.T.E. Youth Solutions 1881 Duskwood Dr.
Lancaster, TX 75146
469-337-1057 https://uniteyouth.org/ Roderick Hawkins hello@uniteyouth.org
UNAM USA 600 Hemisfair Plaza Way
San Antonio, TX 78205
210-222-8626 https://unamsa.edu/ Fred Stormer ahuereca@unam.mx
Unbound Global - Keeping Students Safe 1923 Fort Avenue
Waco, TX 76707
254-757-2333 https://www.unboundnow.org/ Daniela Todd waco.prevention@unboundnow.org
Underwood Law Firm PO Box 8158
Amarillo, TX 79102
806-376-5613 x1306 www.uwla.com  Fred Stormer fred.stormer@uwlaw.com
United Against Human Trafficking 6671 Southwest Fwy Ste 220
Houston, TX 77074
832-324-2391 https://uaht.org/education/ Sarah Breuer sbreur@uaht.org
United Educators Association 4900 S.E. Loop 820
Suite 200
Fort Worth, TX  76140
817-572-1082 www.ueatexas.com Steven Poole spoole@ueatexas.com
United Regional Sports Medicine 1518 Ninth St.
Wichita Falls, TX  76301
940-781-8812 http://urphysiciangroup.org Jeremy Woodward jwoodward@unitedregional.org
United States Board on Books for Young People USBBY Secretariat
Center for Teaching through Children's Books
National Louis University
5292 Old Orchard Road, Suite 300
Skokie, IL  60077
  https://www.usbby.org/regional-conference.html V. Ellis Vance Executive.Director@usbby.org
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 100 Raoul Wallenbert PI SW
Washington, DC 20024
202-499-0400 https://www.ushmm.org/ Dr. Matthew Wynne mwynne@ushmm.org
University Interscholastic League 1701 Manor Road
P. O. Box 8028
Austin, TX  78713
512-232-0882 www.uil.utexas.edu Traci Neely tneely@uiltexas.org
UpBrainery Technologies 1334 Brittmoore RD #1327
Houston, TX 77043
281-783-8519 https://www.upbrainery.com/ Ghazal Qureshi ghazal@upbrainery.com
Uplevel U: Music, by Music Room 444 Borden Road Ste. 2
Buffalo, NY 14224
716-668-5441 https://www.musicroombuffalo.com/uplevel-u-music Karen Janiszewski Karen@ musicroombuffalo.com
Uplift Education 1825 Market Center Blvd.
Suite 500
Dallas, TX  75207
469-621-8500 www.uplifteducation.org Teresa Herrera therrera@uplifteducation.org
UpTIC Consulting & Counseling, PLLC 7601 S Western
Amarillo, TX 79110
806-738-4828 https://upticc.org/ Kendra McLaughlin kendra@upticc.org
Urban Educators Professional Development 1428 Hidden Valley Dr.
Dallas, TX  75241
214-923-6846 http://www.masonmessages.com/ Shareefah Mason shareefahmason12@yahoo.com 
Urban Harvest, Inc 2311 Canal Street
Suite 200
Houston, TX  77003
713-880-5540 http://urbanharvest.org/ Carol Burton carol@urbanharvest.org
US District Court, Northern District of Texas 1100 Commerce Street
Room 1452
Dallas, TX  75242
214-753-2651 www.txnd.uscourts.gov Kim Schaefer kim_schaefer@txnd.uscourts.gov
Vector Solutions 2135 Dana Ave, Suite 300
Cincinnati, OH  45207
800-434-0154 https://vectorsolutions.com/ Kelly Wolfe accedu@vectorsolutions.com
Virginia's House, A Family Resource Center Inc. (Children's Advocacy Center) 729 Elm Street
Graham, TX 76540
940-549-9829 www.virginiashousetx.org Melanie Magby melaniem@virginiashousetx.org
Virtual Education Software, inc. (VESi) 16201 E Indiana Ave
Suite 1450
Spokane, WA  99216
509-891-7219 www.virtualeduc.com Mick Jackson mick@virtualeduc.com
VisorCraft, LLC P.O. Box 1243
Allen, TX  75013
469-826-8879 www.visorcraft.com Thomas Whitecotton thomas@visorcraft.com
Vivify LLC PO Box 191
Wellborn, TX 77881
210-997-3780 www.vivifystem.com/teacher-training Natasha Wilkerson nwilkerson@vivifystem.com
Vocational Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas 614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX  78701
512-472-3128 www.vatat.org Ray Pieniazek ray@vatat.org
VSA Arts of Texas 3710 Cedar Street #7
Austin, TX  78705
512-454-9912 www.vsatx.org Celia Hughes celia@vsatx.org
Walsh Gallegos Kyle Robinson and Roalson P.C. 505 E. Huntland Drive
Suite 600
Austin, TX  78752
512-454-6864 https://walshgallegos.com/ Diana Stangl dstangl@wabsa.com
Warren Instructional Network 5414 Burkett Drive
Frisco, TX 75034
817-723-7413 https://warreninpd.com/ Kyle Warren kyle@warrenin.com
We Are Caring Hearts, CDC PO Box 6667
Katy, TX  77491
281-858-9699 www.WACHCDC.org Dawn D. Fobbs WACHCDC@mail.com
We O.W.N. Inc 1725 Shady Glen Ln. 214-875-1528 https://www.marcowalder.com/ Dr. Marco Walder mwmarcowalder@gmail.com
WE Schools 6500 Main Street STE 5
Williamsville, NY 14221
609-464-8140 https://www.we.org/en-US/our-work/we-schools/ Jane Swindell jane.swindell@we.org
Web-Centric/Nancy Brackett P.O. Box 1138
Cypress, TX  77410
832-220-3451 http://www.etools4education.net/cpe/ Nancy Brackett nbrackett@etools4education.com
Welch Education 2844 FM 549
Rockwall, TX 75032
972-863-2796 https://www.welcheducation.com/ Katie Welch katie@welcheducation.com
Welcoming Schools (Human Rights Campaign Foundation) 1640 Rhode Island Ave., NW
Washington D.C. 20036
612-998-5737 http://www.welcomingschools.org Cheryl Greene cheryl.greene@hrc.org
Welder Wildlife Foundation PO Box 1400
Sinton, TX  78387
361-364-2643 www.welderwildlife.org Angie Arredondo aarredondo@welderwildlife.org
Wendy Perry Consulting LLC 6028 Sundown Drive
Watauga, TX  76148
817-374-0063 www.wendyjperry.com Wendy Perry wendyperryconsulting@gmail.com
WELS South Central District 9807 Church Road
Dallas, TX  75238
214-343-7457 www.wels.net James Henrickson jhenrickson@caltex.org
Westat 94442 Capital of Texas Highway, Plaza One, Suite 775
Austin, TX 78660
520-241-6112 https://www.westat.com Jocelyn Franke jocelynfranke@westat.com
West Texas Speech Association 3901 Westlawn
Amarillo, TX  79102
806-418-3451 http://www.wtspeech.org Ryan Lovell Ryan.lovell@amaisd.org
WhyMaker 405 Lexington Ave
New York, NY 10174 
347-915-3067 https://whymaker.com/pages/career-technical-education-cte Liz Gallo lizgallo@whymaker.com
Williamson County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4 211 W. 6th ST.
Taylor, TX 76574
512-352-4155 Rhonda Redden UP4@wilco.org
Willing 2 Mediate LLC (Resolution Stream) 6600 Chase Oaks Blvd., Suite 150
Plano, TX 75023
972-526-0142 https://www.resolutionstream.com/work-with-dave-hilton/workshops-for-educators/ Dave Hilton dave@resolutionstream.com
Wind Rose Academy 1717 W Plano Pkwy.
Plano, TX 75075
972-599-1400 http://www.windroseacademytx.org Katie Goodson kgoodson@wratx.org
Witte Museum 3809 Broadway
San Antonio, TX 78209
210-278-9806 https://wittemuseum.org/ Colleen Ferguson colleenferguson@wittemuseum.org
With Understanding Comes Calm, LLC 11913 Whistler Court
Potomac, MD. 20854
202-302-2469 https//www.withunderstandingcomescalm.com/lets-talk-23-2/ Julie Skolnick, M.A., J.D. julie@withunderstandingcomes calm
Women's Center of East Texas 1011 Wal St.
Longview, TX 75606
760-885-0284 https://www.wc-et.org/ Nell Spencer nell@wc-et.org
World Affairs Council of Austin 200 E. 6th Street,
Suite 310
Austin, TX  78701
512-516-5505 https://wacaustin.org/ Michael Cunningham geographyofagencoide@gmail.com
World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth 325 N. St. Paul Street
Dallas, TX  75201
214-965-8415 http://www.dfwworld.org/ Jennifer Bowden jbowden@dfwworld.org
World Affairs Council of Greater Houston 1234 North Loop West
Suite 1025
Houston, TX  77008
713-522-7811 https://www.wachouston.org/ Shane Brewer sbrewer@wachouston.org
World Autism Organization 13 Chatsworth Street
Sunderland, England
    Paul Shattock PaulShattock@aol.com
World Music Pedagogy (WMP) 233 Gruene Haven
New Braunfels, TX 78132
206-852-2822 http://www.worldmusicpedagogy.com/ Amanda C. Soto amandasoto1@gmail.com
WorldStrides, Inc. 218 W Water Street
Suite 200
Charlottesville, VA  22902
434-284-9236 https://worldstrides.com/ Randi K. Chapman education@worldstrides.com
Writers in the Schools (WITS) 1523 West Main
Houston, TX  77006
713-523-3877 www.witshouston.org  Tina Angelo  tangelo@witshouston.org 
WTAMU Center for Learning Disabilities 600 S Tyler , Suite 711
Amarillo, TX  79109
806-651-8240 http://wtamu.edu/academics/learning-disabilities.aspx Tammye Jackson tjackson@wtamu.edu
Xochi Guerra 1022 Samantha Lane
Heartland, TX 75126
682-407-6700 https://sites.google.com/view/btchange?usp=sharing Xochi Guerra xqcguerra@gmail.com
XR Terra, LLC 361 Newbury St
Boston, MA 02115
703-587-6679 https://www.xrterra.com/programs/educators2/ Hakan Satiroglu hakan@xterra.com
YMCA of El Paso 810 Wyoming
El Paso, TX 79912
915-532-9622 http://www.elpasoymca.org Annette Torres annette.torres@elpasoymca.org
Yoga Day Nonprofit 203 E. Sunset
San Antonio, TX  78209
210-355-5277 www.yogadayus.org Kristen McKenney Baggett kristen@yogadayus
Yoga Ed. 3454 Waialae Unit 1
Honolulu, HI 96816
310-471-1742 https://yogaed.com/for-educators/ Megan McWilliams megan@yogaed.com
Yogees Yoga 4 Kids, LLC 18484 Preston Rd. #102-342
Dallas, TX 75252
214-533-3856 https://www.yogeesyoga4kids.com/teacher-training Heather Hopper heather@yoeesyoga4kids.com
Young Audiences of Houston 675 Bering Drive, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77057
713-520-9264 https://www.yahouston.org/professional-development Mary Mettenbrink yahou@yahouston.org
Young Women's Preparatory Network 1722 Routh St. #720
Dallas, TX 75201
817-881-5125 https://youngwomensprep.org/ Janna Burns jburns@ywprep.org
Youth Code Jam San Antonio 7254 Blanco Road, Ste. 202
Ste. 202
San Antonio, TX  78216
726-444-0925 https://www.youthcodejam.org/ Brooke Haley brooke@youthcodejam.org
Zahourek Systems Inc. (ANATOMY IN CLAY® Learning System)  2198 W. 15th Street
Loveland, CO  80538
970-667-9047 http://anatomyinclay.com Stephanie Wadja Stephanie@anatomyinclay.com
ZEducation, LLC 2614 Ashmont Way
Mansfield, TX 76084
817-313-0909 http://www.zandrawebb.com/ Zandra Webb ZandraWebbEducates@gmail.com