Approved educator preparation programs (EPPs) annually provide the Texas Education Agency and State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) information about their programs as mandated in Texas Education Code Section 21.045 and 21.0452. This data is used to calculate the indicators in the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). For more about ASEP and the performance indicators, visit the TAC 229.4 or the Consumer Information about Educator Preparation Programs Page. To see where these EPPs are located throughout the state, visit our interactive map.
Version 1.7: The data provided on this page are current as of February 14, 2025. The visualizations are generated by the Power BI application and best practices have been made to follow WCAG 2.0 standards. Specific keyboard commands are needed to access and navigate through the data, which are not the standard keyboard commands some screen readers use. You can press Shift + ? to access keyboard shortcuts.
ASEP indicators are used to determine accreditation status of EPPs. ASEP is designed to determine EPP accreditation status annually based on program performance as reflected by the following accountability indicators:
Accountability Indicator 1A: Indicator 1A: Certification examination results for pedagogy tests
Accountability Indicator 1B: Indicator 1B: Certification examination results for content pedagogy tests
Accountability Indicator 2: Indicator 2: Principal appraisal of the preparation of first-year teachers
Accountability Indicator 4A: Indicator 4A: Frequency and duration of field observations
Accountability Indicator 4B: Indicator 4B: Quality of field supervision
Accountability Indicator 5: Indicator 5: Evaluation of EPPs by teachers
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